
Bowling in Minor Counties Championship 1921 (Ordered by Average)

Runs conceded are not known for all matches
For each bowler, the average is computed taking into account only the runs and wickets in matches where his runs conceded are known
Click on column heading to see the averages sorted by that column

TJ Lloyd (Mon)11292242-105.50 00
TCG Sandford (Wilt)2411222-126.00 00
FA Harrison (Ches)6823143-277.75 00
GC Collins (Kent)12626384-257.87 00
AA Bickerton (Staff)3622733-189.00 00
CS Humphrys (Corn)180911-99.00 00
BH Surry (Nthum)3548182206-519.10 20
EA Rothband (La)150124853-399.60 00
CJ Capes (Kent)3255160165-1210.00 20
PWJ Fryer (Norf)4823033-3010.00 00
F Whiting (Corn)1945927356710-2610.97 93
A Lockett (Staff)53720207185-3111.50 20
WA Williams (Mon)84132326387-?11.64 32
A Kempton (Sy)8434843-2712.00 00
CP Jinkin (Dev)174510995-6212.11 10
CB Sharpe (Dor)62130353296-5312.17 31
E Tate (Dev)15076353-3312.60 00
JS Heath (Staff)72412417335-4212.63 10
AC Wright (Kent)146452582467-3712.65 30
WA Beadsmoore (Norf)158286594465-2012.91 41
LJ Reid (Hert)3002621-413.00 00
GW Bayes (Yor)164050793607-4913.21 83
GH Escott (Corn)39813187145-1713.35 20
W Hetherton (Nthum)188779770579-9013.50 61
JH Vincett (Sy)118340582436-4213.53 51
HC Burt (Dor)8454132-813.66 00
J Coulthurst (La)7224133-4113.66 00
FA Burton (Hert)2248791132829-6713.80 104
M Falcon (Norf)140040740536-4213.96 51
BF Morgan (Staff)115424602438-1014.00 41
JH Joyce (Bed)2402822-2814.00 00
JM Fraser (Sy)8054333-4314.33 00
GM Hawksworth (Berk)2495169747526-4314.36 20
H Brooks (Dur)20028863-2914.66 00
HL Aubrey-Fletcher (Buck)73218323235-2614.68 10
JW Cook (Ches)2682149900617-3914.75 42
HA Sedgwick (Staff)134938659447-3314.97 20
RC Sargent (Yor)134149600406-2115.00 31
EF Holdsworth (Yor)67827285195-6215.00 10
GHK Ryland (Berk)71420367247-6015.29 10
W Spiller (Dur)91932464307-4115.46 30
TE Abel (Sy)54410310206-3415.50 10
HW Hodgson (Ches)7823121-815.50 00
V Hope (Ches)116439505325-5115.78 10
HL Hever (Kent)105837540346-5815.88 20
EA Butler (Cam)84314542348-6315.94 42
H Watson (Norf)147153706445-4916.04 10
F Edwards (Buck)119236773488-6116.10 41
WJ Abel (Sy)227314595-7616.11 10
LN Jones (Ches)61218323205-4916.15 10
HF Darell (Wilt)42013210136-7316.15 10
GT Milne (Nthum)179194601377-4316.24 31
HL Hollis (Kent)70216473298-6016.31 20
A Charlesworth (Staff)12654933-3716.33 00
FG Phillips (Mon)90924468328-9716.71 11
AW Newman (Wilt)143965535326-2716.71 20
S Ellis (La)10216744-6716.75 00
WCH Sadler (Sy)93623490296-3216.89 21
WF Sturt (Dev)126542593357-1716.94 31
AJ Freeman (Sy)216710263-1417.00 00
EH Ryle (Dor)5413421-717.00 00
LH Weight (Dur)129458567336-5017.18 31
JE Nichols (Norf)85737346205-4617.30 10
BW Atkins (Hert)6605232-4417.33 00
JT Marshall (Dur)15085233-2317.33 00
EC Walby (Dor)116238578335-3617.51 20
APF Chapman (Berk)69126333197-5317.52 20
WE Jones (Ches)370815893-717.55 00
M Leyland (Yor)3965251145-2417.92 10
JL Towler (Nthum)3281216293-2718.00 00
N Brymer (La)4851811-1818.00 00
J Heathcoat-Amory (Dev)59725307176-4018.05 21
C Emsley (Yor)10545533-4118.33 00
SCA Jennings (Wilt)228614784-6618.37 00
AS Sellick (Wilt)206413176-2518.71 10
A Goodrick (Dur)85944358195-4218.84 10
CC Clifton (Ches)135426666357-8119.02 31
EW Hazelton (Buck)72724363195-2119.10 10
SV Graham (Bed)84630480256-5319.20 11
EH Leek (Cam)285717494-4319.33 00
HFM Morres (Berk)198411866-3019.66 10
RCR Kirkpatrick (Wilt)3518256136-3019.69 20
J Threlfall (La)5109336175-6619.76 10
HM Hinde (Berk)76918439225-3319.95 20
W Harrison (Dor)104533561287-8720.03 10
W Brown (La)74420403205-5920.15 20
WY Woodburn (Berk)123636687346-4920.20 21
CR Milam (Dur)78531407207-8520.35 10
NCS Down (Dor)3529208106-6920.80 10
KF Harris (Mon)103523625308-15420.83 21
CK Douglas (Kent)48610252124-4321.00 00
FR Heath (Staff)7206332-2521.00 00
F Webster (La)2601112864-5721.33 00
CP Barrowcliff (Dur)137210853-4221.60 00
WF Light (Dev)156854693326-8221.65 10
FB Watson (La)79619456215-13321.71 10
AB Burns (Dor)9014421-422.00 00
WE King (Bed)114631603276-5422.33 20
RA Sinfield (Hert)4636313145-3322.35 10
CF Powell (Buck)2340204103-5622.66 00
LP Sweet (Dev)12619142-1422.75 00
FMI Watts (Dev)6342311-323.00 00
W Overton (Wilt)2102701022445-5323.22 50
ALD Skinner (Nthum)177411754-8623.40 00
SG Hearn (Kent)77429398175-3223.41 10
F Taylor (La)53013260114-1123.63 00
BD Reed (Wilt)19289543-3623.75 00
B Williams (Corn)92337411175-3724.17 20
FW Bryan (Cam)49810273113-4924.81 00
GA Jennings (Dev)90518582236-3725.30 10
F Redman (Bed)12117633-4325.33 00
E Chester-Master (Dor)10807632-2225.33 00
KC Raikes (Mon)5279333135-9125.61 10
H Grierson (Bed)102327539213-2625.66 00
WB Haworth (La)325323195-10125.66 10
TB Raikes (Norf)245912952-925.80 00
R Childs (Cam)82317492195-11725.89 10
SL Trevor (Buck)2347158126-?26.33 10
JH Buckley (Bed)363424195-12226.77 10
GC Phillips (Mon)3612721-?27.00 00
W Massey (La)2461010943-7827.25 00
FS Walthew (Hert)90019468174-4627.52 00
JW Knight (Wilt)6558471176-4727.70 20
A Cole (Sy)12618532-2728.33 00
A Chester (Hert)10235822-4629.00 00
MS Spalding (Dev)2412911-1029.00 00
JS Mills (Dev)51614325115-7829.54 10
BD Hylton Stewart (Hert)62513414144-5829.57 00
CJ Taylor (Staff)269512042-3330.00 00
WH Marsh (Hert)125427765254-7530.60 00
TS Jennings (Sy)72419401134-10230.84 00
EG Butcher (Dev)57013371123-1630.91 00
H Thorpe (Buck)6616221-1531.00 00
FAS Sewell (Bed)322228093-4131.11 00
H Tresawna (Corn)12609633-5632.00 00
D Hendren (Dur)9626722-4833.50 00
D Roberts (Sy)456730493-5933.77 00
RD Busk (Dor)4381120362-3633.83 00
GN Scott-Chad (Norf)9033411-1534.00 00
AS Ling (Cam)338320863-8334.66 00
HG Baldwin (Sy)294618552-2037.00 00
WHM Robinson (Dev)324815044-4637.50 00
ELW Henslow (Wilt)66911415114-8037.72 00
EB Lilley (Cam)11427621-1138.00 00
TE Halsey (Hert)5403811-3838.00 00
JS Carter (Bed)162015642-2639.00 00
FB Clark (Staff)198411832-4039.33 00
EL Squance (Dur)4814011-1840.00 00
W Lovell-Hewitt (Wilt)149412432-9441.33 00
R Ritchings (Buck)6014211-2442.00 00
F Dutnall (Kent)5041234382-2942.87 00
CR Benstead (Cam)66010516125-11543.00 10
JV Bentley (Corn)9318621-1343.00 00
L Bookman (Bed)9004411-4444.00 00
S Bruce (Bed)4204411-4444.00 00
JP Veall (Corn)15659122-6845.50 00
AM Whiteley (Berk)6634611-2846.00 00
JWE Gilhespy (Corn)497632574-8146.42 00
HM Greenhill (Dor)14449422-3347.00 00
W Edwards (Mon)5404911-1749.00 00
EJ Fulcher (Norf)5821920041-1550.00 00
FG Banks (La)2281010522-7052.50 00
EF Hawken (Corn)10835311-4653.00 00
AE Pacey (Bed)8425311-5353.00 00
HF Ford (Dev)7215311-2353.00 00
RH King (Bed)354626751-2053.40 00
S Woolston (Cam)7215511-4155.00 00
WFE Newberry (Berk)6315611-3456.00 00
WA Shutt (La)10856411-4764.00 00
GS Butler (Wilt)9626511-2365.00 00
DAD Sewell (Buck)196219852-4666.00 00
TG Mayhew (Kent)228316721-4283.50 00
HC Tebbutt (Cam)7818411-4284.00 00
H Tyldesley (La)108011511-76115.00 00
G Rowlands (Mon)00033-?? 00
GA Pinney (Dor)7245322-?? 00
P Clarkson (Hert)12020    
GSL Gregson-Ellis (Berk)12030    
PE Cooper (Kent)9040    
T Shaw (Ches)6040    
B Meakin (Staff)6050    
NC Tufnell (Sy)6050    
FH Knott (Kent)12060    
SG Etheridge (Hert)6060    
TH Heavisides (Dur)18180    
H Birch (Staff)12080    
ACT Geary (Sy)18180    
EM Trounson (Corn)120100    
TE Bennett (Corn)60100    
JR Tylden (Kent)60100    
RG Pilch (Norf)120110    
HJ Rose (Cam)120110    
TH Heald (Ches)180120    
JH Falcon (Norf)240120    
RO Edwards (Cam)120130    
RFW Scholefield (Corn)120130    
T Watts (Sy)120130    
FW Archer (Ches)300140    
CP Goodden (Dor)240150    
JC Hogg (Cam)241180    
AE Phillips (Mon)240180    
LM Jones (Mon)361190    
BA Field (Bed)180190    
HG Robinson (Corn)120190    
CH Knott (Kent)180190    
HS Carter (Dev)240210    
WD Cory (Corn)180210    
A Smith (Staff)60220    
WM Nichol (Nthum)241230    
AA Brown (Dor)240230    
GA Rose (Cam)360240    
WT Cook (Sy)420240    
RJO Adams (Corn)300240    
KG Reid (Cam)240250    
HB Goddard (Bed)180260    
FR Bell (Dur)360310    
HA White (Hert)480310    
H Barnes (La)360320    
GF Pilling (Cam)420320    
SJH Taunton (Wilt)360330    
A Cuthbertson (Hert)240340    
B Arthur (Mon)421340    
JP Middleton (Nthum)421350    
T Didlock (Yor)300350    
EM Smeeth (Yor)845390    
WG O'Donoghue (Dev)661390    
AF Durrant (Bed)600440    
H Pitchford (Buck)420460    
TPW Norris (Berk)843460    
FJ Cummins (Dor)1084470    
PW Cook (Kent)722560    
F Hargrave-Carroll (Dev)480570    
WH Ashdown (Kent)901630    
EG Albon (Bed)782730    
AE Veitch (Nthum)1443830    
FG Lilley (Cam)1385890    
RW Awdry (Wilt)13231050    





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