Fielding in Vitality Women's County T20 2024 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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MAB Adams (Sx)821012
MK Pittman (Dy)106814
E Ingram (Ox)83710
S Bennett (Le)5268
N Smitten (Wk)8459
GA Cant (Gs)6347
CJ Oastler (Suff)7044
PN Sproul (Ham)9347
L Bell (Hert)9336
STA Hughes (Es)4235
MJ McColl (Sco)3134
GEF Macey (Wo)2033
EM Nightingale (Yor)3134
GL Parfitt (Wales)5134
E Phillipson (Sm)8235
D Badge (Nt)5022
A Clarke (La)7325
R King (Ham)10527
AC Munday (Dev)6426
MEW Rogers (Berk)5022
ML Sturge (Ham,Kent)5022
EJ Thompson (Kent)6123
A Williams (Nt)5224
S Beech (Staff)4011
ME Blinkhorn-Jones (Sy)6011
R Bp (Buck)3314
T Fellows (Buck)3011
I Grant-French (Corn)4112
J Hazell (Sm)4112
CAE Hill (Wo)4415
D Hunt (Wilt)6213
G Irving (Mx)6011
N Jerman (Cam)5011
A Johnson (Lin)3011
TN Kesteven (Cum)5314
RN Odgers (Corn)4415
E Smith (Norf)5213
HL Snape (La)4112
L Thomas (Wales)5213
A Thompson (Sy)2112
MG Ward (Nt)5314
Aamna Khan (Wk)42 2
G Abensour (Cam)21 1
L Adams (Wilt)61 1
N Allen (Dy)102 2
M Andrews (Dy)101 1
BM Ascott (Nr)41 1
H Austin (Nr)21 1
M Austin (Staff)31 1
A Avery (Berk)51 1
C Aylmore (Nr)31 1
A Banks (Hunt)23 3
E Banks (Hunt)21 1
OJ Barnes (Kent)31 1
EG Barnfather (Hert)95 5
M Barnwell (Ox)81 1
E Bartram (Ox)61 1
J Baylis (Dev)41 1
JD Beach (Wo)62 2
C Belcher (Shrop)21 1
MS Belt (Kent)62 2
R Bentley (Sy)63 3
FC Bertwistle (Wo)64 4
Z Bilal (Kent)11 1
E Bishop (Dev)61 1
MS Bishop (Dor)64 4
J Board (Suff)75 5
E Bogg (Wilt)41 1
T Bond (Sm)81 1
E Booker (Norf)31 1
J Botha (Hert)51 1
LY Bowlby (Berk)72 2
CK Boycott (Wo)41 1
P Brett (Wo)42 2
O Brinsden (Cum)53 3
M Briscoe (Berk)62 2
R Brooker (Le)52 2
H Brown (La)21 1
HM Brown (Nr)41 1
M Browne (Norf)51 1
HJ Buck (Yor)21 1
EEL Burke (Sy)21 1
CS Burnett (Corn)41 1
HIW Burridge (Sy)41 1
R Burton-Pye (Buck)21 1
K Butler (Dor)63 3
M Callaghan (Es)74 4
R Campbell-Barnard (Dor)21 1
P Camplin (Berk)42 2
LM Cantrill (Staff)41 1
E Carpenter (Hunt)21 1
DEM Carter (Kent)22 2
KS Castle (Es)52 2
H Chambers (Hunt)21 1
SF Chapman (Es)51 1
E Charnell (Wk)52 2
PA Chatterji (Sco,Sy)43 3
CA Chissell (Ham)104 4
M Churchill (Dor)51 1
A Clarke (Suff)72 2
D Clarke (Ham)104 4
L Clements (Wales)51 1
KE Cobb (Wilt)51 1
Z Collinson (Shrop)24 4
CAR Cooper (Sy)42 2
EG Cottam (La)41 1
ZL Craig (Dy)21 1
LJ Crofts (Wk)73 3
E Crosby (Dy)83 3
E Cullen (Hert)74 4
OR Cunliffe (La)72 2
I Daldorph (Dev)61 1
A Darlow (Dy)84 4
F Davies (Le)41 1
GM Davies (Wk)51 1
HR Davis (Es)72 2
C Deacon (Cam)21 1
G Demetriou (Norf)33 3
I Dhaliwal (Sy)11 1
AR Diab (Ox)61 1
AK Dissanayake (Mx)63 3
E Dixon (Sm)71 1
KM Docherty (Berk)73 3
H Dodd (Corn)41 1
K Dolman (Gs)61 1
KE Donovan (Dev)61 1
A Dowse (Berk)42 2
H Dring-Richardson (Es)21 1
KL Dymond (Ox)41 1
M Dytham (Staff)31 1
C Eayrs (Hert)91 1
E Edgecombe (Sm)84 4
T Eldridge (Corn)41 1
B Ellis (Gs)64 4
A Eltringham (NEW)53 3
RM Evans (Wales)31 1
RA Fackrell (Wk)34 4
DC Feast (Sy)41 1
E Field (Corn)21 1
K Field (Cum)51 1
E Fox (Cum)21 1
A Free (Norf)51 1
B Gajipra (Mx)21 1
ER Geach (Gs)64 4
E Gibbs (Nr)41 1
AA Glen (Yor)41 1
GKS Gole (Mx)61 1
AG Gordon (Sy)65 5
O Gough (Wo)62 2
TM Graves (Nt)31 1
M Gray (Dy)101 1
M Greasby (Nt)21 1
CM Green (Sx)82 2
E Halliwell (Sco)21 1
A Hannan (Lin)61 1
E Hannan (Lin)41 1
S Hanson (Ox)21 1
HJ Hardwick (Wo)61 1
P Hardwick (Dy)102 2
NH Harman (Sx)64 4
B Harmer (Dy)22 2
G Harrison (Staff)51 1
B Harvey (Sx)81 1
N Harvey (Sm)81 1
K Hassall (Hert)94 4
L Hawkins (Sm)41 1
K Haynes (Cam)51 1
LM Heap (Dor)61 1
J Heppell (Wilt)64 4
AA Herathge (Le)23 3
E Hicklin (Nt)51 1
AV Hill (Gs)61 1
E Hill (Lin)41 1
I Hill (Wo)61 1
MT Hill (Mx)41 1
JA Hobson (Kent)42 2
L Hollis (Suff)33 3
SM Horley (Mx)41 1
F Houlden (Cam)31 1
B Howarth (Es)53 3
A Hughes (Dor)62 2
E Hughes (Nt)71 1
S Hughes (Suff)51 1
S Hutchins (Dev)41 1
I James (Cam)51 1
D Jeanes (Sm)85 5
B Johnson (Es)72 2
GM Johnson (La)72 2
T Johnson (NEW)51 1
T Joseph (Sx)41 1
M Joyce (Dor)21 1
LE Judge (Mx)61 1
AD Kemp (Hert)95 5
L Kenvyn (Shrop)11 1
RSI Khan (Sx)41 1
ML Kirk (Nt)34 4
RA Knowling-Davies (Nt)51 1
MK Kothiyal (Dor)32 2
CM Lambert (Sy)31 1
GL Lane (Ham)83 3
S Lawrence (Le)51 1
AG Lee (Berk)21 1
A Lewis (Sy)42 2
RSM Lili'i (Dev)64 4
I Lowry (Sco)21 1
S McCollum (Dy)85 5
C Mailey (Buck)51 1
S Mannix (Cam)21 1
AM Maqsood (Sco)41 1
GC Marriott (Hert)92 2
L Marshall (Cum)31 1
B Mason (Buck)41 1
S Matthews (Dor)65 5
NT Miles (Mx)41 1
R Millington (Staff)12 2
A Mills (Ham)103 3
E Mitchell (Corn)41 1
L Moledina (Sm)82 2
S Morris (La)52 2
F Mullins (Sx)61 1
A Muttitt (Berk)62 2
R Neal (Nt)41 1
CL Nicholas (Wales)22 2
AEM Norgrove (Ox)81 1
AC Oliver (Yor)43 3
E O'Neill (Ham)102 2
CA Oxton (Ox)83 3
LA Parfitt (Wales)41 1
H Parkin (Dy)92 2
AA Patel (Wk)81 1
I Patel (Gs)41 1
S Patel (Mx)21 1
L Perry (Staff)61 1
CE Phillips (Gs)44 4
CN Phillips (Hert)71 1
CR Phillips (Gs)61 1
R Pindoria (Mx)41 1
E Porter (Nt)62 2
GA Porter (Ox)82 2
GMG Porter (Wk)63 3
LC Poulter (Mx)42 2
E Pritchard (Corn)22 2
S Randall (Dor)11 1
LK Randle-Bissell (Yor)21 1
BMF Ray (Le)21 1
MR Reid (Hert)93 3
N Reid (Wales)51 1
M Rimmer (La)61 1
MJ Robbins (Gs)63 3
J Roberts (Sm)85 5
HF Robson (NEW)51 1
G Rose (Cum)51 1
KAM Rose (Sm)51 1
IFK Routledge (Mx)64 4
EA Russell (Wk)52 2
S Samarakoon (Wk)41 1
CK Scarborough (Wales)21 1
A Shaw (Lin)51 1
L Shaw (Dy)103 3
NM Sheikh (Sco)11 1
LA Shenton (Staff)62 2
IK Sidhu (Suff)63 3
IK Sidhu (Suff)71 1
IEJ Sims (Staff)41 1
LM Sims (Staff)11 1
CN Skelton (Gs)43 3
E Smith (Wilt)66 6
O Smith (Shrop)22 2
L Smitten (Wk)71 1
TI Stanley (Ham)42 2
E Stewart (Sm)81 1
IFF Storrar (Berk)71 1
CF Stubbs (Sy)43 3
A Surenkumar (Es)41 1
F Sweet (Berk)52 2
B Talbot (Nr)31 1
MSL Taylor (Sx)82 2
H Taylor-Yeates (Mx)41 1
FRMS Teekasingh (Hunt,Le)31 1
PV Thanawala (Le)41 1
E Thatcher (Dy)101 1
GJ Thompson (NEW)51 1
J Thompson (Yor)32 2
IS Thomson (Wilt)41 1
EK Tiffin (NEW)41 1
L Tipton (NEW)53 3
A Townsend (Buck)61 1
A Travers (Sy)21 1
L Trotter (NEW)52 2
FM Trussler (Ham)103 3
L Tuffrey (Lin)41 1
PE Turner (Yor)22 2
REA Tyson (Hert)94 4
H Vaughan (Lin)41 1
J Vereker (Dev)62 2
EP Vukusic (Dev)41 1
L Warren (Buck)21 1
K Waugh (Ox)81 1
VV Weerappuli (La)42 2
C Westbury (Ox)81 1
LB Western (Sx)61 1
LA Weston (Le)21 1
AB Wheeler (Staff)41 1
C Whitaker (Cum)51 1
KE White (Sy)31 1
H Whitfield (Wk)71 1
E Whiting (NEW)53 3
CE Whyle (Staff)22 2
P Wilkinson (Sx)21 1
E Wilson (Wales)22 2
E Wilson (Ham)21 1
HR Wilson (Buck)21 1
M Wood (Cum)53 3
JA Woolston (Yor)31 1
FE Wynne (Wales)22 2