Batting and Fielding in Women's Cricket Southern League Premier Division 2016 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
SJ Le Marchand (Bath)772495129  99.00  3114
BL Morgan (FG)761402152*80.40  213 
HEM Phelps (Hor)881363141  51.85  205 
DA Ransley (HP)882315107  52.50  120 
ND Dattani (FG)660297143  49.50  123 
CA Gurrey (Hayes)77029095  41.42  022 
E Thompson (StL)77225781*51.40  031 
CM Taylor (HP)880238152  29.75  105 
K White (FG)88222043  36.66  0061
KM Leng (Hayes)88221268  35.33  013 
EL Windsor (HP)88221053  35.00  021 
SIR Dunkley (FG)330210142  70.00  100 
IM Imlach (Bath)66018756  31.16  021 
AN Davidson-Richards (Hayes)44018598  46.25  011 
NT Miles (FG)330185115  61.66  111 
BM Devchand (HP)550172118  34.40  103 
AM Healey (StL)1010016769  16.70  014 
SM Betts (HP)98015147  18.87  000 
CM Green (Hor)44014659  36.50  020 
REL Squires (StL)77114345*23.83  0061
CO Bryan (Hayes)99113480*16.75  012 
IBP Noakes (Hor)88012844  16.00  001 
S Edwards (HP)87012655  18.00  011 
EK Hubbard (StL)88111977  17.00  012 
CD Walder (Hor)77211635  23.20  0051
MW Davis (StL)88011060  13.75  013 
AC Richards (StL)33111082*55.00  011 
PA Franklin (Hayes)88010825  13.50  000 
KT Long (Hayes)2209889  49.00  010 
HR Huddleston (FG)7609242  15.33  003 
G White (StL)8819142  13.00  002 
TG Norris (Hor)6608022  13.33  002 
H Batchelor (HP)9817322  10.42  001 
MT Pope (FG)4306737  22.33  001 
EMA Godman (Bath)7616625*13.20  002 
PJC Skelton-Hook (StL)9726323  12.60  000 
ESC Ingram (HP)6616226*12.40  0041
A Shrubsole (Bath)2106060  60.00 240.00010 
L Shrubsole (Bath)7405427  13.50  001 
R Ellerby (StL)9615317  10.60  000 
AL Nicholls (FG)4405225  13.00  0012
FC Bertwistle (Hor)5514916*12.25  001 
SN Luff (Bath)3324929*49.00 39.83004 
MJ Comfort (Bath)6414528  15.00  003 
NAA Beesley (HP)8524315*14.33  000 
EJ Marsh (StL)5504128  8.20  002 
MK Beadle (Hor)8803915  4.87  002 
LP Griffiths (Hayes)4403821  9.50  002 
SS Kennett (Hayes)5413518  11.66  003 
REA Tyson (FG)2113535*  000 
JL Hawker (Bath)5313313*16.50  004 
JS Jackson (Hayes)4413219  10.66  002 
G Tulip (Bath)5213030  30.00  002 
E Musson (HP)7402911  7.25  000 
CVE Pape (StL)4402511  6.25  001 
MS Belt (StL)8702412  3.42  004 
I Steet (Hayes)540247  6.00  001 
DL Warren (FG)8412216  7.33  001 
FC Wilson (Bath)2212213*22.00 157.14000 
EF Jones (FG)2212119  21.00  000 
GRM Franklin (Hayes)2202121  10.50  000 
A Tomlinson (StL)4422011  10.00  000 
IRC Whitty (FG)4422010*10.00  002 
B Forge (Bath)3202019  10.00  001 
SM Bartlett (FG)1102020  20.00  001 
IV Collis (Hor)1102020  20.00  000 
HKL Wakeman (FG)751197  4.75  002 
EA Howe (Bath)2201914  9.50  002 
PA Chatterji (FG)3311813  9.00  000 
E Bartlett (HP)641177  5.66  0022
E Bayliss (Bath)1101717  17.00  001 
S Gradwell (StL)8711612  2.66  001 
JH Rippin (Hor)652158  5.00  001 
BJ Beadle (Hor)650156  3.00  002 
EL Clifton (Hayes)652138*4.33  000 
E Tatnell (Hayes)430137  4.33  001 
SM Rawle (Bath)1101212  12.00  001 
K Randall (Bath)5101212  12.00  001 
SR Gorham (Hayes)551115  2.75  000 
JL Godman (Bath)1101010  10.00  000 
K Greenwood (StL)1101010  10.00 71.42000 
J Withers (Bath)42195  9.00  002 
S Mindel (FG)11199*  000 
S Bambridge (StL)63185*4.00  002 
F Gush (StL)11188*  000 
RJ Raval (FG)63075  2.33  003 
C Deacock (FG)22077  3.50  000 
IMG Westbury (Bath)32274* 35.00001 
E Robinson (Hor)32066  3.00  000 
Z Hainsworth (Hayes)31166*  001 
C Philips (Bath)11166* 40.00000 
HR Jelfs (Hayes)11166* 42.85000 
AK Mistry (HP)32054  2.50  001 
R Evans (FG)21044  4.00  000 
RJ Carrick (Bath)41044  4.00  000 
S Donovan (Hor)11044  4.00 30.76000 
V Bagge (Hayes)22132  3.00  000 
RL MacDonald-Gay (Hayes)11033  3.00  001 
B Beadle (Hor)21033  3.00  000 
J Rippen (Hor)21133*  000 
HE Timmins (HP)95321*1.00  005 
LRF Askew (Hayes)11022  2.00  002 
C Limbrey (Hayes)11022  2.00 66.66000 
E Todd (StL)21122* 40.00000 
L Porter (FG)21022  2.00  001 
M Matthews (Bath)11022  2.00  000 
E Sheehan (Hor)22111*1.00  001 
ST Attrill (HP)21011  1.00 5.55000 
E Egerton (Hor)11011  1.00  000 
E Oliver (Hor)11011  1.00  000 
K Moore (Hayes)11000  0.00  000 
U Smith (Hayes)21000  0.00 0.00000 
B Aspeling (Bath)21000  0.00 0.00000 
AK Dissanayake (FG)21000  0.00  000 
J Pritchett (HP)11100*  000 
R Piper (Hor)21000  0.00 0.00001 
LS Greenway (Hayes)11000  0.00  000 
Y Daswani (FG)11100*  000 
GKS Gole (FG)11000  0.00  000 
F Gush (StL)11000  0.00  000 
T Walder (Hor)51100*  000 
A Piper (Hor)11000  0.00 0.00000 
J Edwards (Bath)11100*  000 
J Bailey (Bath)10       0 
CR Phillips (Bath)10       0 
S Moore (HP)10       1 
K Barrett (Hor)10       1 
M Piper (Hor)10       0