Fielding in Drakes Huddersfield Cricket League Premiership Division 2014 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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L Webster (Skel)2022931
P Ackroyd (Bark)2121829
J Clarkson (Shep)1827835
S Clegg (Melt)2115823
A Mynett (Hoy)1711819
R Holmes (SchH)2021526
G Jones (DD)2226531
G Finn (Ell)2126329
M Wilson (Gol)2019322
J McNamara (Holm)199211
E Wilson (Hon)218210
I Holt (Slai)22617
M Lees (Shel)2019120
SA Marsh (Hoy)3718
M Payne (Slai)1414115
Abbas Ahmed (Holm)215 5
Abdul Wahid (Slai)215 5
J Ahmad (DD)225 5
Akhlaq Ahmed (Shel)196 6
S Alderson (Skel)21 1
MN Ali (Gol)71 1
D Allan (Shep)1915 15
A Alsop (Gol)172 2
I Amjad (Skel)143 3
J Andrew (Hon)31 1
J Ardron (Shep)206 6
D Arms (Ell)217 7
T Arshad (Skel)204 4
H Aston (SchH)51 1
D Bain (Slai)11 1
M Battye-Wood (Kirk)52 2
DJ Bebb (Melt)31 1
Benn Thornton (Holm)143 3
D Berry (Slai)202 2
M Berry (SchH)172 2
A Bessell (Holm)32 2
Bilal Khilji (Shel)206 6
A Blakey (Ell)172 2
M Boorman (SchH)164 4
HW Booth (Hon)74 4
R Booth (Shep)11 1
T Booth (SchH)156 6
JP Bradley (Slai)62 2
L Bradley (Slai)145 5
L Bridges (Bark)1310 10
L Brook (SchH)112 2
T Brook (SchH)204 4
L Brown (Bark)2111 11
J Bryson (Slai)186 6
G Buckley (DD)2010 10
T Burkinshaw (Kirk)192 2
J Butterfield (Kirk)216 6
A Cadd (DD)203 3
J Carrington (Kirk)82 2
T Chadwick (SchH)205 5
A Clegg (Melt)219 9
C Cocking (Bark)21 1
R Copley (Hoy)23 3
C Cowell (Holm)51 1
O Cox (Shep)11 1
TR Craddock (Hon)31 1
MRC Cranmer (Hoy)126 6
M Crookes (Kirk)1712 12
J Crossland (Skel)218 8
G Crowther (Slai)21 1
PR Cummins (Skel)1910 10
N Cyrus (Gol)21 1
O Davidson (Shep)206 6
J Dearnley (Shep)31 1
S Denton (Holm)217 7
T Denton (Shep)103 3
RPO Drysdale (SchH)177 7
H Ellis (Shep)122 2
J Evans (Ell)21 1
C Field (Melt)21 1
J Finch (Bark)102 2
A Finn (Ell)214 4
C Fletcher (DD)224 4
J Forrester (DD)133 3
WAR Fraine (Hon)31 1
A France (SchH)207 7
R France (Kirk)32 2
NB Freitag (Slai)227 7
J Gamble (Holm)183 3
WH Gardner (Ell)132 2
F Garside (Slai)133 3
A George Scott (Slai)21 1
AI Gleave (DD)224 4
C Glover (Shep)82 2
D Glover (Shep)207 7
I Glover (Shep)42 2
T Graham (Slai)71 1
J Greaves (Skel)71 1
M Green (Hon)182 2
J Greene (Skel)61 1
ME Gummerson (Holm)61 1
MJ Gummerson (Holm)174 4
R Haider (Gol)154 4
A Hamid (Melt)145 5
Hardeep Singh (Holm)197 7
J Hargreaves (Gol)194 4
L Hargreaves (DD)216 6
H Haye (Hon)41 1
T Healey (Slai)186 6
JG Hendy (Ell)215 5
D Hinchliffe (Melt)199 9
J Hinchliffe (Melt)132 2
W Hinchliffe (Gol)208 8
J Hough (Ell)31 1
D Howard (Hon)185 5
R Howarth (Hon)191 1
J Howson (Gol)1810 10
B Hoyle (Hoy)32 2
N Hoyle (Shep)21 1
GF Hussain (Melt)133 3
I Hussain (Melt)216 6
Y Imtiaz (Skel)83 3
J Ingham (Skel)188 8
B Iqbal Khan (Kirk)178 8
R Jagger (Skel)83 3
A Jakeman (Hon)132 2
R Jakeman (Hon)195 5
T James (Shep)11 1
M Joice (Hon)2015 15
N Jones (DD)154 4
J Jowett (Hon)153 3
J Jowett (Hon)31 1
M Kashif (Melt)217 7
A Kaye (Bark)204 4
A Kelly (Hon)11 1
S Kelly (Hon)2110 10
L Kenworthy (Hon)31 1
S Kenworthy (Melt)167 7
R Kettlewell (Kirk)51 1
U Khalil Muhammad (Skel)61 1
C Kilner (Slai)113 3
J Langfield (Slai)61 1
I Latif (Kirk)2111 11
L Leonard (SchH)167 7
AM Lilley (DD)1614 14
NR Lockley (Gol)185 5
J Lockwood (Hoy)188 8
J Lockwood (Gol)209 9
J McNamara (Gol)21 1
UR Malvi (Kirk)211 1
K Maroof (Holm)205 5
JI Mellor (Kirk)206 6
T Michael Beaton (Skel)126 6
V Minhas (Melt)217 7
C Mitchell (Shel)208 8
Mohammad Khan (Kirk)62 2
AC Morris (Hoy)193 3
J Moulson (Melt)31 1
D Mulhall (Hoy)152 2
G Nawaz (Hoy)212 2
J Noble (SchH)2011 11
S Oddy (Bark)212 2
A Pamment (SchH)154 4
ZR Patel (Hoy)123 3
BJ Potter (Hoy)215 5
H Quarmby (Slai)41 1
M Rammell (Skel)73 3
A Rashid (Shep)93 3
S Rashid (Holm)185 5
P Redgwick (Skel)31 1
F Rehman (Ell)2013 13
L Richardson (Kirk)122 2
D Robinson (Bark)218 8
R Robinson (Hoy)214 4
A Rowles (Ell)131 1
C Ruscoe (Gol)172 2
Sami ur-Rehman (Holm)219 9
AJ Scholefield (Bark)213 3
G Simpson (DD)2114 14
SP Singh (Hoy)215 5
Siraj Sajid (DD)132 2
A Smith (Kirk)213 3
GJ Smith (Kirk)11 1
B Speak (Ell)184 4
M Steers (Bark)192 2
D Storey (Skel)32 2
Suhaib Khan (Ell)142 2
J Summerscales (Bark)206 6
W Swift (Ell)115 5
D Sykes (Bark)72 2
J Sykes (Shel)204 4
L Sykes (Shel)199 9
M Sykes (Shel)193 3
MD Sykes (Hon)51 1
T Sykes (Skel)195 5
G Sykes-Kenworthy (Melt)72 2
A Sylvester (Slai)73 3
U Tariq (Gol)32 2
B Taylor (Skel)2112 12
T Taylor (Hon)186 6
A Thomas (Gol)11 1
C Thompson (Bark)124 4
G Wadsworth (Shel)1912 12
A Walker (Slai)183 3
C Walker (Ell)61 1
Wasim Qasim (Ell)213 3
B Westbrook (Bark)11 1
S Whitwam (Gol)198 8
L Wiles (Shep)208 8
R Wilkinson (Hoy)205 5
C Williams (Bark)217 7
T Willitts (Hon)32 2
R Wimpenny (Skel)11 1
PR Winrow (Shel)145 5
D Wood (Shep)203 3
D Wood (Shep)208 8
G Wood (Shep)11 1
S Woodhams (Kirk)2031 31
D Woodhead (Gol)186 6
T Woodhead (Hon)83 3
Yasir Abbas (Hoy)213 3
I Younas (Shel)1913 13
H Yousaf (Shel)205 5
AQ Zafar (Kirk)61 1