Batting and Fielding in Sheffield Shield 1897/98 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
C Hill (SAus)470367170  52.42 203 
J Worrall (Vic)480313103  39.12 115 
A Jarvis (SAus)470313154  44.71 113 
MA Noble (NSW)48128080  40.00 024 
SA McMichael (Vic)48227397  45.50 025 
J Darling (SAus)47025675  36.57 024 
GHS Trott (Vic)48023692  29.50 022 
H Donnan (NSW)48022381  27.87 020 
SE Gregory (NSW)36022083  36.66 023 
JJ Lyons (SAus)48119965  28.42 023 
JC Reedman (SAus)48019367  24.12 012 
ACK Mackenzie (NSW)48018188  22.62 022 
JF Giller (Vic)48117981  25.57 016 
VT Trumper (NSW)36016068  26.66 014 
LW Pye (NSW)48013580  16.87 012 
WF Giffen (SAus)47013263  18.85 011 
W Bruce (Vic)48013137  16.37 001 
JH Stuckey (Vic)24212552*62.50 011 
CE McLeod (Vic)36012144  20.16 003 
E Jones (SAus)47010366  14.71 014 
H Trumble (Vic)36010243  17.00 008 
H Graham (Vic)4819553  13.57 015 
FA Iredale (NSW)3609351  15.50 012 
AE Evans (SAus)4707932  11.28 007 
A Green (SAus)2437935*79.00 000 
A Coningham (NSW)1207551  37.50 010 
JJ Ferris (NSW)2406251  15.50 011 
G Giffen (SAus)2306149  20.33 001 
TM Drew (SAus)2415333*17.66 001 
TR McKibbin (NSW)4815125  7.28 001 
TW Garrett (NSW)3603710  6.16 004 
AW Murray (Vic)1203719  18.50 001 
AE Johns (Vic)4713511  5.83 0027
JJ Kelly (NSW)3423312  16.50 0061
J Harry (Vic)1203016  15.00 002 
W Roche (Vic)471299  4.83 002 
AL Newell (NSW)2412419  8.00 002 
WP Howell (NSW)1212421*24.00 001 
H Carter (NSW)1212115  21.00 002 
J McKenzie (SAus)474207*6.66 0073
V Hugo (SAus)2402010  5.00 000 
HA Evers (NSW)1201410  7.00 001 
TS Warne (Vic)121116  11.00 000 
FJ Laver (Vic)120109  5.00 000 
PC Charlton (NSW)12165*6.00 000