Fielding in Sheffield Shield 1897/98 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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AE Johns (Vic)4279
J McKenzie (SAus)47310
JJ Kelly (NSW)3617
W Bruce (Vic)41 1
H Carter (NSW)12 2
J Darling (SAus)44 4
TM Drew (SAus)21 1
AE Evans (SAus)47 7
HA Evers (NSW)11 1
JJ Ferris (NSW)21 1
TW Garrett (NSW)34 4
G Giffen (SAus)21 1
WF Giffen (SAus)41 1
JF Giller (Vic)46 6
H Graham (Vic)45 5
SE Gregory (NSW)33 3
J Harry (Vic)12 2
C Hill (SAus)43 3
WP Howell (NSW)11 1
FA Iredale (NSW)32 2
A Jarvis (SAus)43 3
E Jones (SAus)44 4
JJ Lyons (SAus)43 3
ACK Mackenzie (NSW)42 2
TR McKibbin (NSW)41 1
CE McLeod (Vic)33 3
SA McMichael (Vic)45 5
AW Murray (Vic)11 1
AL Newell (NSW)22 2
MA Noble (NSW)44 4
LW Pye (NSW)42 2
JC Reedman (SAus)42 2
W Roche (Vic)42 2
JH Stuckey (Vic)21 1
GHS Trott (Vic)42 2
H Trumble (Vic)38 8
VT Trumper (NSW)34 4
J Worrall (Vic)45 5