Fielding in County Championship 1928 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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LEG Ames (Kent)305347100
G Duckworth (La)29622991
WL Cornford (Sx)31572178
B Lilley (Nt)31601272
H Smith (Gs)27441559
WR Hammond (Gs)2558 58
WH Livsey (Ham)28362258
WFF Price (Mx)24421658
BW Bellamy (Nr)28471057
H Elliott (Dy)24371754
A Wood (Yor)25341751
TE Sidwell (Le)2743750
WT Luckes (Sm)23341246
EWJ Brooks (Sy)2233538
PGH Fender (Sy)2635 35
WW Whysall (Nt)3233 33
GE Hunt (Sm)2431 31
AJW Croom (Wk)2829 29
J Iddon (La)2729 29
GB Legge (Kent)2929 29
TF Shepherd (Sy)2829 29
AH Bakewell (Nr)1728 28
WE Bates (Gm)2627 27
CP Mead (Ham)2627 27
SJ Staples (Nt)2627 27
FE Woolley (Kent)2927 27
FT Summers (Wo)2620626
E Robinson (Yor)2725 25
GS Boyes (Ham)2724 24
JA Newman (Ham)2824 24
EJ Smith (Wk)2218624
JJ Hills (Gm)2423 23
HA Smith (Le)2623 23
WH Ashdown (Kent)3022 22
AS Kennedy (Ham)2822 22
A Ducat (Sy)2321 21
CF Root (Wo)3021 21
AG Slater (Dy)2621 21
HC Snary (Le)2721 21
AW Carr (Nt)2920 20
EH Hendren (Mx)2320 20
AB Hipkin (Es)2520 20
FR Santall (Wk)2820 20
JA Smart (Wk)1216420
LF Townsend (Dy)2620 20
ADG Matthews (Nr)2419 19
JH Parks (Sx)2919 19
JH Parsons (Wk)2719 19
WE Astill (Le)2818 18
HA Peach (Sy)2818 18
W Rhodes (Yor)2818 18
FB Watson (La)2918 18
AF Wensley (Sx)3117118
JC White (Sm)2218 18
WA Worsley (Yor)2818 18
TS Worthington (Dy)2518 18
JJ Bowles (Wo)2417 17
EH Bowley (Sx)3017 17
A Mitchell (Yor)2517 17
H Storer (Dy)2317 17
F Barratt (Nt)3216 16
APF Chapman (Kent)1316 16
FJ Durston (Mx)2416 16
AP Freeman (Kent)2616 16
P Holmes (Yor)2716 16
MW Tate (Sx)2616 16
JA Cutmore (Es)2915 15
AE Dipper (Gs)2815 15
FW Gilligan (Es)710515
AL Hosie (Ham)2415 15
CAG Russell (Es)2415 15
A Staples (Nt)2915 15
D Sullivan (Gm)1451015
CV Tarbox (Wo)3015 15
T Arnott (Gm)2414 14
WT Greswell (Sm)2214 14
RA Hollingdale (Sx)1914 14
J Langridge (Sx)3014 14
H Larwood (Nt)2514 14
HW Lee (Mx)2414 14
RES Wyatt (Wk)2614 14
NF Armstrong (Le)2813 13
TER Cook (Sx)2613 13
GF Eastman (Es)124913
WV Fox (Wo)2713 13
JM Hutchinson (Dy)2612113
JM Jones (Gm)68513
M Leyland (Yor)2413 13
GG Macaulay (Yor)2713 13
WH Rowlands (Gs)2513 13
FP Ryan (Gm)2213 13
JE Timms (Nr)2813 13
W Voce (Nt)1913 13
CJ Barnett (Gs)2812 12
D Davies (Gm)2612 12
HM Garland-Wells (Sy)1012 12
AER Gilligan (Sx)2312 12
NE Haig (Mx)2412 12
BH Lyon (Gs)1212 12
WL Neale (Gs)2812 12
FJ Seabrook (Gs)1012 12
RA Sinfield (Gs)2712 12
RK Tyldesley (La)2712 12
A Young (Sm)2112 12
LTA Bates (Wk)2811 11
GF Earle (Sm)1311 11
HHIH Gibbons (Wo)3011 11
JL Hopwood (La)2011 11
AG Liddell (Nr)1411 11
JWH Makepeace (La)3011 11
JS Nicholson (Nr)1311 11
GL Berry (Le)2810 10
WC Brown (Nr)2510 10
EW Clark (Nr)2010 10
C Hallows (La)2810 10
DR Jardine (Sy)610 10
JW Lee (Sm)1710 10
EA McDonald (La)3010 10
CWL Parker (Gs)2610 10
A Sandham (Sy)2610 10
ML Taylor (La)1410 10
AC Wright (Kent)2510 10
HT Barling (Sy)249 9
JT Bell (Gm)269 9
RHB Bettington (Mx)159 9
JC Bradshaw (Le)249 9
G Brown (Ham)169 9
CJ Capes (Kent)89 9
KS Duleepsinhji (Sx)119 9
S Fenley (Sy)169 9
G Geary (Le)139 9
HTW Hardinge (Kent)279 9
JB Higgins (Wo)209 9
RA Ingle (Sm)209 9
MS Nichols (Es)239 9
J O'Connor (Es)289 9
HRJ Sprinks (Ham)139 9
H Sutcliffe (Yor)239 9
GE Tyldesley (La)259 9
L Wright (Wo)309 9
GP Beslee (Kent)118 8
HD Burrough (Sm)128 8
FSG Calthorpe (Wk)198 8
CAR Coleman (Le)168 8
JWHT Douglas (Es)288 8
HJ Enthoven (Mx)178 8
AJ Evans (Kent)88 8
AHH Gilligan (Sx)198 8
G Gunn (Nt)318 8
L Harfield (Ham)258 8
GE Hart (Mx)208 8
DV Hill (Wo)188 8
VWC Jupp (Nr)238 8
RS Machin (Sy)4718
PT Mills (Gs)288 8
HW Parks (Sx)278 8
LH Tennyson (Ham)238 8
EC Thompson (Es)208 8
W Walker (Nt)328 8
DE Davies (Gm)207 7
JA Deed (Kent)167 7
F Dennis (Yor)147 7
RJ Gregory (Sy)277 7
JB Hobbs (Sy)197 7
GR Jackson (Dy)237 7
FT Mann (Mx)197 7
JH Mayer (Wk)187 7
E Oldroyd (Yor)247 7
GA Palmer (Wk)97 7
FM Sibbles (La)147 7
EJ Stephens (Gs)197 7
RPH Utley (Ham)177 7
JW Barnato (Sy)2516
J Bowden (Dy)226 6
C Bray (Es)96 6
EW Dawson (Le)276 6
LC Eastman (Es)206 6
L Green (La)256 6
RCG Joy (Es)86 6
WN McBride (Ham)66 6
KA Sellar (Sx)66 6
FI Walden (Nr)156 6
PA Wright (Nr)96 6
F Bale (Le)55 5
JL Bryan (Kent)85 5
AH Dyson (Gm)225 5
W Farrimond (La)1415
EVL Hill (Sm)65 5
N Kilner (Wk)275 5
AF Lane (Wo)75 5
GM Lee (Dy)265 5
J Mercer (Gm)205 5
JT Morgan (Gm)5415
FWH Nicholas (Es)3325
AE Thomas (Nr)275 5
LJ Todd (Kent)85 5
MJL Turnbull (Gm)105 5
GHC Beet (Dy)1314
FS Booth (La)84 4
FBR Browne (Sx)94 4
CE Daily (Sy)124 4
NM Ford (Dy)74 4
GC Gifford (Nr)64 4
G Hodgson (La)84 4
FE Hugonin (Es)4314
CS Marriott (Kent)104 4
HJ Palmer (Es)94 4
BW Quaife (Wo)214 4
LW Recordon (Kent)64 4
H Riley (Le)94 4
RWV Robins (Mx)114 4
W Sanders (Wk)124 4
AW Shipman (Le)274 4
RN Shorter (Es)104 4
EF Towell (Nr)134 4
CJM Watts (Es)7224
G Wedel (Gs)44 4
RH Williams (Wo)44 4
MJC Allom (Sy)33 3
W Barber (Yor)133 3
JR Barnes (La)53 3
GM Bennett (Sm)33 3
EA Broughton (Le)43 3
CCC Case (Sm)213 3
VJ Eaton (Sx)1213
PS Evans (Wo)53 3
CAF Fiddian-Green (Wk)73 3
HA Gilbert (Wo)53 3
HE Hammond (Sx)43 3
JW Hearne (Mx)83 3
TA Jacques (Yor)83 3
TO Jameson (Ham)43 3
JW King (Wo)223 3
G Lavis (Gm)63 3
JCP Madden (Sm)63 3
CTW Mayo (Sm)63 3
JP Parker (Ham)53 3
JA Powell (Mx)73 3
M Raison (Es)63 3
AW Richardson (Dy)203 3
RC Robertson-Glasgow (Sm)73 3
WW Timms (Nr)83 3
HP Waugh (Es)23 3
JB Wheatley (Mx)73 3
CN Woolley (Nr)283 3
CT Ashton (Es)42 2
JGWT Bessant (Gs)32 2
JJ Bridges (Sm)42 2
RHR Buckston (Dy)1112
E Cawston (Sx)12 2
GR Cox (Sx)12 2
AM Crawley (Kent)22 2
GEV Crutchley (Mx)42 2
TW Durnell (Wk)62 2
WA Flint (Nt)52 2
DG Foster (Wk)32 2
HWF Franklin (Es)92 2
HS Garratt (Wo)32 2
AR Gover (Sy)132 2
LC Hawkins (Sm)42 2
CKH Hill-Wood (Dy)72 2
DJCH Hill-Wood (Dy)32 2
B Howlett (Kent)182 2
A Jeacocke (Sy)52 2
AK Judd (Ham)92 2
WW Keeton (Nt)52 2
EL Kidd (Mx)22 2
ET Killick (Mx)112 2
C Leach (Sm)52 2
KA Lister-Kaye (Yor)12 2
TC Longfield (Kent)92 2
EF Longrigg (Sm)62 2
MD Lyon (Sm)32 2
TB Mitchell (Dy)122 2
NE Partridge (Wk)22 2
WRD Payton (Nt)232 2
PA Perrin (Es)22 2
AE Pothecary (Ham)32 2
DS Richards (Sx)32 2
WE Richardson (Wo)22 2
AES Rippon (Sm)72 2
D Smith (Dy)62 2
HS Squires (Sy)22 2
RT Stanyforth (Yor)32 2
CJH Treglown (Es)32 2
CF Walters (Gm)62 2
GEB Abell (Wo)2011
GCA Adams (Ham)11 1
WE Adshead (Wo)11 1
R Aird (Ham)21 1
HJH Alpass (Gs)51 1
H Austin (Wo)21 1
J Bailey (Ham)61 1
HG Baldwin (Sy)21 1
HL Benjamin (Nr)11 1
BS Bloodworth (Gs)21 1
CP Brutton (Ham)31 1
KRM Carlisle (Sx)21 1
JC Clay (Gm)71 1
DL Clugston (Wk)31 1
GAK Collins (Sx)11 1
AL Cox (Nr)31 1
LG Crawley (Es)61 1
WCL Creese (Ham)31 1
HSR Critchley-Salmonson (Sm)11 1
H Fisher (Yor)21 1
ACT Geary (Sy)41 1
HGC Gibbons (Ham)21 1
FH Gillingham (Es)11 1
MA Green (Gs)41 1
TM Halliday (La)51 1
CB Harris (Nt)21 1
P Higson (La)11 1
GW Hockey (Es)111 1
AR Howard (Gm)21 1
H Howell (Wk)71 1
KG Kent (Wk)51 1
EH King (Wk)31 1
L Kirk (Nt)21 1
JG Langridge (Sx)11 1
PE Lawrie (Ham)51 1
RB Marsh (Sm)21 1
EG Martin (Es)21 1
HR Miller (Wk)11 1
WG Morgan (Gm)31 1
HM Morris (Es)31 1
IAR Peebles (Mx)21 1
CB Ponsonby (Wo)11 1
J Price (Wo)31 1
NVH Riches (Gm)61 1
TL Richmond (Nt)201 1
HO Rogers (Wo)11 1
F Rushton (La)31 1
SH Saville (Mx)11 1
WA Shackleton (Yor)11 1
WHN Shakespeare (Wo)11 1
FW Shipston (Nt)51 1
A Skelding (Le)131 1
AW Speed (Wk)51 1
S Stretton (Nr)11 1
B Tyler (Le)11 1
BH Valentine (Kent)61 1
MDC Ward (Ham)31 1
GS Watson (Kent)11 1
AB Wheat (Nt)11 1
NG Wykes (Es)31 1