Fielding in County Championship 1927 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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H Smith (Gs)29332659
B Lilley (Nt)29471158
G Duckworth (La)28391352
BW Bellamy (Nr)25391049
EJ Smith (Wk)2741748
H Elliott (Dy)24331447
A Dolphin (Yor)30311546
WFF Price (Mx)21252045
TE Sidwell (Le)2840545
LEG Ames (Kent)26241842
WL Cornford (Sx)29241438
WR Hammond (Gs)2538 38
WH Livsey (Ham)23261238
FE Woolley (Kent)2637 37
H Strudwick (Sy)2333336
PGH Fender (Sy)2635 35
CB Ponsonby (Wo)2630434
D Sullivan (Gm)2325934
GS Boyes (Ham)2633 33
AB Hipkin (Es)3033 33
SJ Staples (Nt)2931 31
WT Luckes (Sm)24201030
GB Legge (Kent)2328 28
GG Macaulay (Yor)3128 28
AF Wensley (Sx)2828 28
AJW Croom (Wk)2827 27
AJ Evans (Kent)2127 27
G Brown (Ham)2721526
E Robinson (Yor)3126 26
JC White (Sm)2526 26
EH Bowley (Sx)2425 25
AS Kennedy (Ham)2725 25
AW Carr (Nt)2724 24
CP Mead (Ham)2724 24
JH Parks (Sx)2824 24
P Holmes (Yor)2623 23
JC Hubble (Kent)817623
MS Nichols (Es)2923 23
GF Eastman (Es)2215722
G Geary (Le)2322 22
CF Root (Wo)2922 22
RK Tyldesley (La)3122 22
H Storer (Dy)2320 20
WH Ashdown (Kent)2719 19
FSG Calthorpe (Wk)2319 19
EH Hendren (Mx)2319 19
J Langridge (Sx)2419 19
FR Santall (Wk)2819 19
H Sutcliffe (Yor)2519 19
FB Watson (La)3119 19
AC Wright (Kent)2719 19
WE Astill (Le)2818 18
AER Gilligan (Sx)1818 18
WW Whysall (Nt)2918 18
TS Worthington (Dy)2218 18
NF Armstrong (Le)2817 17
GM Lee (Dy)2417 17
JH Parsons (Wk)2817 17
HA Peach (Sy)2517 17
WH Rowlands (Gs)2817 17
CAG Russell (Es)3017 17
CV Tarbox (Wo)2917 17
LF Townsend (Dy)2317 17
W Voce (Nt)1917 17
LC Eastman (Es)2616 16
MW Tate (Sx)2616 16
T Arnott (Gm)2315 15
F Barratt (Nt)2515 15
AE Dipper (Gs)2915 15
H Larwood (Nt)1715 15
WL Neale (Gs)2315 15
JE Timms (Nr)2415 15
A Waddington (Yor)2515 15
WE Bates (Gm)2414 14
PT Eckersley (La)2314 14
WT Greswell (Sm)2314 14
GE Hunt (Sm)2114 14
JS Nicholson (Nr)1714 14
E Oldroyd (Yor)2914 14
TF Shepherd (Sy)2414 14
FM Sibbles (La)2714 14
A Young (Sm)2414 14
JWHT Douglas (Es)2713 13
WV Fox (Wo)2613 13
ML Taylor (La)2613 13
DE Davies (Gm)2112 12
JM Hutchinson (Dy)2312 12
EA McDonald (La)3012 12
A Staples (Nt)1612 12
GE Tyldesley (La)2812 12
W Walker (Nt)2912 12
L Wright (Wo)2412 12
GR Cox (Sx)2011 11
JA Cutmore (Es)2711 11
A Ducat (Sy)2611 11
FJ Durston (Mx)2311 11
GF Earle (Sm)2411 11
G Gunn (Nt)2911 11
C Hallows (La)2611 11
J Iddon (La)3011 11
A Jeacocke (Sy)1011 11
EF Loney (Dy)1311 11
EF Longrigg (Sm)1011 11
CT Ashton (Es)810 10
JT Bell (Gm)2310 10
FW Gilligan (Es)88210
TWJ Goddard (Gs)1610 10
FP Ryan (Gm)2010 10
W Shardlow (Dy)2110 10
RA Sinfield (Gs)2210 10
AG Slater (Dy)2410 10
AJ Wilkes (Wo)810 10
H Ashton (Es)89 9
JGWT Bessant (Gs)199 9
WA Flint (Nt)299 9
HHIH Gibbons (Wo)149 9
VWC Jupp (Nr)199 9
R Kilner (Yor)289 9
AF Lane (Wo)189 9
HW Lee (Mx)249 9
PT Mills (Gs)219 9
A Mitchell (Yor)139 9
JA Newman (Ham)279 9
J O'Connor (Es)299 9
WRD Payton (Nt)309 9
A Sandham (Sy)239 9
HC Snary (Le)199 9
FI Walden (Nr)239 9
J Bowden (Dy)248 8
JC Bradshaw (Le)248 8
JL Bryan (Kent)78 8
TER Cook (Sx)288 8
D Davies (Gm)248 8
HJ Enthoven (Mx)168 8
GHS Fowke (Le)278 8
JJ Hills (Gm)138 8
GR Jackson (Dy)218 8
AG Marshall (Sm)98 8
AH Meston (Es)98 8
HW Parks (Sx)168 8
WG Quaife (Wk)288 8
FJ Seabrook (Gs)108 8
AW Shipman (Le)288 8
LH Tennyson (Ham)228 8
GP Beslee (Kent)157 7
JJ Bowles (Wo)117 7
CCC Case (Sm)267 7
EW Clark (Nr)237 7
W Farrimond (La)1617
JM Fitzroy (Nr)57 7
AHH Gilligan (Sx)267 7
L Green (La)297 7
FA Gross (Ham)127 7
NE Haig (Mx)247 7
RA Ingle (Sm)197 7
M Leyland (Yor)297 7
BH Lyon (Gs)117 7
J Mercer (Gm)217 7
W Rhodes (Yor)307 7
GTS Stevens (Mx)57 7
CH Taylor (Le)87 7
F Bale (Le)116 6
APF Chapman (Kent)96 6
JC Clay (Gm)156 6
EW Dawson (Le)106 6
AP Freeman (Kent)256 6
ACT Geary (Sy)256 6
RJ Gregory (Sy)156 6
HTW Hardinge (Kent)286 6
JW Hearne (Mx)226 6
JB Higgins (Wo)196 6
RA Hollingdale (Sx)176 6
JW King (Wo)166 6
JW Lee (Sm)266 6
AW Lupton (Yor)296 6
HO Rogers (Wo)236 6
A Skelding (Le)286 6
HA Smith (Le)66 6
FT Summers (Wo)3516
AE Thomas (Nr)206 6
RES Wyatt (Wk)226 6
GL Berry (Le)285 5
VJ Eaton (Sx)1325
S Fenley (Sy)125 5
HWF Franklin (Es)65 5
DV Hill (Wo)95 5
ET Killick (Mx)125 5
JK Mathews (Sx)135 5
HM Morris (Es)105 5
CWL Parker (Gs)295 5
GAASCTS Pennington (Nr)115 5
LR Serrurier (Wo)75 5
RN Shorter (Es)95 5
AR Tanner (Mx)35 5
JW Whewell (La)25 5
CN Woolley (Nr)255 5
LTA Bates (Wk)284 4
SL Beton (Mx)104 4
HAW Bowell (Ham)194 4
EWJ Brooks (Sy)34 4
MK Foster (Wo)34 4
JW Greenstock (Wo)64 4
RL Holdsworth (Sx)94 4
ERT Holmes (Sy)84 4
AK Judd (Ham)54 4
TC Longfield (Kent)74 4
MD Lyon (Sm)64 4
JH Mayer (Wk)124 4
NE Partridge (Wk)64 4
AE Pothecary (Ham)104 4
MJC Allom (Sy)83 3
W Barber (Yor)33 3
HT Barling (Sy)163 3
CJ Capes (Kent)143 3
CE Daily (Sy)113 3
HLV Day (Ham)83 3
TW Durnell (Wk)33 3
AH Dyson (Gm)133 3
J Fox (Wk)173 3
WR Gouldsworthy (Gs)53 3
JB Hobbs (Sy)153 3
H Howell (Wk)83 3
RN Hunt (Mx)33 3
TA Jacques (Yor)83 3
FG Lee (Sm)33 3
WN McBride (Ham)73 3
JWH Makepeace (La)193 3
FT Mann (Mx)213 3
JV Murdin (Nr)63 3
AES Rippon (Sm)93 3
RC Robertson-Glasgow (Sm)73 3
RWV Robins (Mx)73 3
WW Timms (Nr)63 3
LJ Todd (Kent)53 3
BH Valentine (Kent)83 3
G Wedel (Gs)63 3
AB Wheat (Nt)13 3
FH Adshead (Wo)22 2
BS Bloodworth (Gs)162 2
GRR Brown (Es)52 2
CAR Coleman (Le)32 2
HL Dales (Mx)22 2
GD Fenner (Kent)12 2
ML Hambling (Sm)12 2
L Harfield (Ham)42 2
APR Hawtin (Nr)132 2
LP Hedges (Gs)62 2
HL Higgins (Wo)22 2
EVL Hill (Sm)32 2
L Horridge (La)22 2
AHM Jackson (Dy)152 2
DR Jardine (Sy)32 2
PR Johnson (Sm)52 2
EL Kidd (Mx)42 2
L Kirk (Nt)32 2
GE Livock (Mx)1112
CS Marriott (Kent)62 2
EG Morrison (Gs)62 2
HJ Palmer (Es)92 2
JP Parker (Ham)192 2
JA Powell (Mx)112 2
JG Pugh (Wk)42 2
LW Recordon (Kent)12 2
JA Smart (Wk)42 2
EH Sweetland (Mx)22 2
EC Thompson (Es)162 2
RH Twining (Mx)42 2
CF Walters (Gm)62 2
RH Williams (Wo)52 2
ACL Wills (Nr)92 2
A Wood (Yor)1022
PA Wright (Nr)52 2
GOB Allen (Mx)51 1
G Ashton (Wo)41 1
HF Bagnall (Nr)51 1
J Bailey (Ham)51 1
HG Baldwin (Sy)21 1
JJ Bridges (Sm)41 1
FBR Browne (Sx)81 1
CP Brutton (Ham)81 1
GJ Bryan (Kent)11 1
HD Burrough (Sm)11 1
IPF Campbell (Sy)21 1
KRM Carlisle (Sx)11 1
GC Collins (Kent)71 1
AL Cox (Nr)61 1
AM Crawley (Kent)31 1
JA Cresswell (Dy)31 1
J Daniell (Sm)81 1
NM Ford (Dy)11 1
CD Gray (Mx)61 1
KA Higgs (Sx)11 1
RH Hill (Mx)41 1
WHFK Horton (Mx)21 1
CS Hurst (Kent)21 1
LCR Isherwood (Sx)71 1
MFS Jewell (Wo)71 1
G Kennie (Yor)11 1
N Kilner (Wk)281 1
EP King (Gs)31 1
DJ Knight (Sy)51 1
AG Liddell (Nr)21 1
GM Louden (Es)11 1
JCW MacBryan (Sm)21 1
FW Mathias (Gm)11 1
FCL Matthews (Nt)11 1
WG Morgan (Gm)111 1
JG O'Gorman (Sy)31 1
PA Perrin (Es)21 1
DF Pope (Gs)61 1
AP Powell (Mx)11 1
LS Powell (Sm)21 1
J Price (Wo)31 1
DS Richards (Sx)11 1
NVH Riches (Gm)31 1
TL Richmond (Nt)161 1
AT Sharp (Le)21 1
CC Smart (Gm)51 1
E Snell (Sx)21 1
EJ Stephens (Gs)51 1
EF Towell (Nr)41 1
B Tyler (Le)31 1
RPH Utley (Ham)91 1
LA Waghorn (Sx)11 1
F Webster (La)11 1
TBG Welch (Nr)101 1
DA Wilkins (Sm)21 1
NG Wykes (Es)61 1