
Fielding in County Championship 1922 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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JC Hubble (Kent)27273057
TW Oates (Nt)25432265
WH Livsey (Ham)28322153
HR Murrell (Mx)21262147
H Smith (Gs)28202141
GB Street (Sx)30562177
TE Sidwell (Le)26411354
A Dolphin (Yor)28381250
JF MacLean (Wo)2261016
H Strudwick (Sy)23421052
EJ Smith (Wk)2828937
TC Lowry (Sm)1515823
B Blomley (La)1317623
SL Amor (Sm)85510
H Elliott (Dy)2230535
J Stone (Gm)57512
WW Whysall (Nt)2822527
BW Bellamy (Nr)2232436
CV Jenkinson (Es)3347
MD Lyon (Sm)57411
J Bancroft (Gm)9437
A Bradfield (Es)4235
HB Parkinson (La)1210313
CB Ponsonby (Wo)5437
FE Spurway (Sm)3235
ML Hill (Sm)1123
FWH Nicholas (Es)9729
RA Young (Sx)5224
RA Boddington (La)2314
GC Collins (Kent)2818119
GE Cording (Gm)6516
DJ Reason (Gm)1213
LJ Redgewell (Sy)1112
NVH Riches (Gm)10314
JW Whewell (La)3011
WJ Abel (Sy)2429 29
R Aird (Ham)177 7
GOB Allen (Mx)91 1
WR Allen (Yor)24 4
HS Altham (Ham)87 7
NP Andrews (Nr)41 1
T Arnott (Gm)113 3
WH Ashdown (Kent)2729 29
CT Ashton (Es)115 5
G Ashton (Wo)53 3
H Ashton (Es)31 1
WE Astill (Le)2615 15
BGW Atkinson (Nr)105 5
HF Bagnall (Nr)62 2
F Bale (Le)133 3
JR Barnes (La)106 6
CS Barnett (Gs)81 1
F Barratt (Nt)269 9
LTA Bates (Wk)288 8
WE Bates (Gm)2220 20
RG Baynton (Wk)103 3
G Beet (Dy)11 1
CT Bennett (Sy)21 1
WE Benskin (Le)172 2
JGWT Bessant (Gs)2622 22
RS Bestwick (Dy)31 1
W Bestwick (Dy)187 7
AS Bligh (Sm)11 1
BS Bloodworth (Gs)11 1
RHD Bolton (Ham)31 1
S Boucher (Kent)11 1
J Bowden (Dy)217 7
HAW Bowell (Ham)286 6
EH Bowley (Sx)2821 21
FL Bowley (Wo)257 7
GS Boyes (Ham)2717 17
JJ Bridges (Sm)2311 11
G Brown (Ham)2624 24
W Brown (La)55 5
FBR Browne (Sx)11 1
GN Brownrigg (Sx)21 1
CN Bruce (Mx)63 3
CP Brutton (Ham)83 3
GJ Bryan (Kent)1314 14
JL Bryan (Kent)1010 10
EL Bunting (Wo)11 1
WA Burgess (Sm)21 1
AT Burlton (Wo)53 3
SWA Cadman (Dy)2211 11
FSG Calthorpe (Wk)2416 16
AM Carr (Wo)21 1
AW Carr (Nt)2624 24
W Carter (Dy)144 4
EW Clark (Nr)71 1
BF Clarke (Le)51 1
JC Clay (Gm)2012 12
S Coe (Le)267 7
SGU Considine (Sm)2413 13
LW Cook (La)2817 17
TER Cook (Sx)166 6
FJ Cooper (Es)32 2
LJ Corbett (Gs)58 8
PT Corbett (Wo)31 1
WL Cornford (Sx)31 1
WS Cornwallis (Kent)62 2
GR Cox (Sx)2316 16
LL Cranfield (Gs)11 1
H Creber (Gm)164 4
GEV Crutchley (Mx)95 5
G Curgenven (Dy)82 2
JH Dale (Nr)71 1
HL Dales (Mx)72 2
J Daniell (Sm)2423 23
EW Dawson (Le)52 2
HLV Day (Ham)1613 13
EG Dennett (Gs)2511 11
AE Dipper (Gs)2813 13
JG Dixon (Es)2215 15
JWHT Douglas (Es)2514 14
A Ducat (Sy)233 3
FJ Durston (Mx)2115 15
LC Eastman (Es)209 9
W Ellis (La)102 2
AJ Evans (Kent)32 2
PGH Fender (Sy)2433 33
CAF Fiddian-Green (Wk)83 3
WA Flint (Nt)103 3
GN Foster (Kent)21 1
MK Foster (Wo)72 2
GHS Fowke (Le)2415 15
AJB Fowler (Mx)11 1
J Fox (Wk)61 1
TES Francis (Sm)22 2
HWF Franklin (Es)137 7
JE Frazer (Sx)52 2
AP Freeman (Kent)2812 12
JR Freeman (Es)249 9
S Fry (Ham)22 2
HCA Gaunt (Wk)53 3
ACT Geary (Sy)21 1
G Geary (Le)2010 10
WN Gemmill (Gm)1211 11
JSB Gentry (Sy)63 3
HA Gilbert (Wo)2214 14
AER Gilligan (Sx)2917 17
AHH Gilligan (Sx)3014 14
FW Gilligan (Es)76 6
WR Gouldsworthy (Gs)11 1
MA Green (Gs)2218 18
WT Greswell (Sm)1927 27
JL Guise (Mx)41 1
CH Gunasekara (Mx)115 5
G Gunn (Nt)2829 29
JR Gunn (Nt)266 6
WS Hacker (Gm)81 1
NE Haig (Mx)2211 11
C Hallows (La)288 8
ML Hambling (Sm)31 1
WR Hammond (Gs)58 8
HTW Hardinge (Kent)2711 11
J Hardstaff (Nt)2814 14
D Hardy (Nr)51 1
ELJ Harris (Sx)53 3
HS Harrison (Sy)85 5
SG Hearn (Kent)73 3
JW Hearne (Mx)2116 16
LP Hedges (Kent)98 8
EH Hendren (Mx)2014 14
HL Hever (Kent)22 2
EP Hewetson (Wk)54 4
RJ Hewlett (Gs)11 1
HL Higgins (Wo)2212 12
JB Higgins (Wo)2014 14
KA Higgs (Sx)95 5
WWH Hill-Wood (Dy)45 5
JW Hitch (Sy)1511 11
JB Hobbs (Sy)2210 10
P Holmes (Yor)3010 10
HO Hopkins (Wo)113 3
R Howard (La)41 1
AL Howell (Wk)121 1
H Howell (Wk)2613 13
M Howell (Sy)74 4
B Howlett (Kent)66 6
J Howman (Gs)103 3
VW Humpherson (Wo)31 1
GE Hunt (Sm)106 6
JM Hutchinson (Dy)229 9
AHM Jackson (Dy)215 5
GR Jackson (Dy)199 9
NE Jacob (Gm)72 2
TO Jameson (Ham)23 3
A Jeacocke (Sy)1311 11
MFS Jewell (Wo)64 4
PR Johnson (Sm)147 7
AS Kennedy (Ham)2828 28
MN Kenyon (La)284 4
LH Key (Sm)11 1
EL Kidd (Mx)63 3
N Kilner (Yor)154 4
R Kilner (Yor)3022 22
JH King (Le)269 9
CJ King-Turner (Gs)63 3
DJ Knight (Sy)83 3
RD Lake (Nr)21 1
PE Lawrie (Ham)41 1
HW Lee (Mx)226 6
NB Lee (Le)31 1
C Leech (Dy)11 1
M Leyland (Yor)126 6
JH Lockton (Sy)22 2
A Lord (Le)214 4
FA Loveday (Es)11 1
BH Lyon (Gs)125 5
GG Macaulay (Yor)2927 27
JCW MacBryan (Sm)2422 22
AS McIntyre (Ham)88 8
JWH Makepeace (La)2915 15
WJ Malden (Sx)21 1
FT Mann (Mx)2213 13
AG Marshall (Sm)42 2
E Martin (Mx)54 4
O Martyn (Es)11 1
FW Mathias (Gm)31 1
FCL Matthews (Nt)108 8
CP Mead (Ham)2826 26
PT Mills (Gs)2810 10
A Mitchell (Yor)21 1
NJD Moffat (Mx)11 1
TR Morgan (Gm)121 1
HM Morris (Es)218 8
PE Morris (Es)94 4
VL Morris (Gm)44 4
WP Morris (Gm)54 4
A Morton (Dy)217 7
A Mounteney (Le)186 6
JV Murdin (Nr)2116 16
AL Murray (Wk)113 3
JR Naden (Wo)22 2
A Nash (Gm)183 3
GMB Nelson (Wk)31 1
JA Newman (Ham)2818 18
DV Norbury (La)62 2
EW Norton (Wo)51 1
AE O'Bree (Gm)52 2
J O'Connor (Es)228 8
E Oldroyd (Yor)3018 18
CWL Parker (Gs)284 4
CH Parkin (La)2923 23
NE Partridge (Wk)169 9
WRD Payton (Nt)287 7
HA Peach (Sy)2413 13
FA Pearson (Wo)2213 13
PA Perrin (Es)2214 14
FB Pinch (Gm)75 5
RGC Pinfield (Sx)46 6
LS Powys-Maurice (Nr)71 1
CR Preece (Wo)73 3
HEW Prest (Kent)21 1
SC Puddefoot (Es)72 2
JG Pugh (Wk)51 1
WG Quaife (Wk)2712 12
GM Reay (Sy)54 4
A Rhodes (La)21 1
W Rhodes (Yor)3025 25
WE Richardson (Wo)73 3
TL Richmond (Nt)284 4
AES Rippon (Sm)72 2
GL Robathan (Gs)31 1
HE Roberts (Sx)309 9
E Robinson (Yor)3030 30
FG Robinson (Gs)133 3
E Robson (Sm)245 5
CF Root (Wo)105 5
TG Rose (Wo)61 1
F Rowlands (Gs)11 1
WH Rowlands (Gs)41 1
GBF Rudd (Le)115 5
CAG Russell (Es)2516 16
A Sandham (Sy)241 1
FR Santall (Wk)2714 14
AA Saunders (Sx)87 7
RI Scorer (Wk)113 3
J Seymour (Kent)2621 21
AT Sharp (Le)57 7
JS Sharp (La)53 3
GO Shelmerdine (La)92 2
TF Shepherd (Sy)2417 17
ECJ Sheppard (Gs)33 3
AW Shipman (Le)148 8
WRD Shirley (Ham)112 2
WL Shorting (Wo)11 1
CHL Skeet (Mx)97 7
A Skelding (Le)166 6
CC Smart (Wk)1714 14
JA Smart (Wk)1511 11
HW Smith (Es)64 4
EP Solbé (Kent)63 3
GA Stannard (Sx)213 3
SJ Staples (Nt)2713 13
GTS Stevens (Mx)1111 11
H Storer (Dy)2115 15
H Sutcliffe (Yor)3017 17
JR Tait (Gm)115 5
AR Tanner (Mx)58 8
CV Tarbox (Wo)2513 13
MW Tate (Sx)306 6
CH Taylor (Le)54 4
F Taylor (La)31 1
HJ Taylor (Kent)52 2
WH Taylor (Wo)175 5
LH Tennyson (Ham)2712 12
AE Thomas (Nr)167 7
GJ Thompson (Nr)83 3
JH Thursfield (Wo)21 1
WW Timms (Nr)153 3
H Tomlinson (Gm)31 1
WJV Tomlinson (Dy)123 3
P Toone (Es)11 1
LF Townsend (Dy)43 3
CJH Treglown (Es)102 2
LHW Troughton (Kent)2714 14
RE Turner (Wo)53 3
RH Twining (Mx)72 2
GE Tyldesley (La)297 7
JD Tyldesley (La)2114 14
RK Tyldesley (La)3037 37
CH Tyler (Nr)127 7
RS Venes (Nr)41 1
H Venn (Wk)31 1
J Vine (Sx)93 3
A Waddington (Yor)3038 38
EF Waddy (Wk)41 1
PH Wakefield (Wo)11 1
FI Walden (Nr)2210 10
W Walker (Nt)51 1
AC Watson (Sx)246 6
FB Watson (La)195 5
T Watts (Sy)42 2
W Wells (Nr)1710 10
AF Wensley (Sx)83 3
HJ Wenyon (Mx)21 1
JC White (Sm)2231 31
H Whitehead (Le)41 1
TAL Whittington (Gm)207 7
L Williams (Gs)115 5
PFC Williams (Gs)2310 10
G Wilson (Yor)237 7
GEC Wood (Kent)11 1
CN Woolley (Nr)2210 10
FE Woolley (Kent)2732 32
FF Worsley (Gm)11 1
AC Wright (Kent)21 1
S Wright (Nr)62 2
A Young (Sm)2215 15





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