Fielding in Britannic Assurance County Championship 1997 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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AN Aymes (Ham)1633740
D Ripley (Nr)1627633
RJ Blakey (Yor)1748452
WM Noon (Nt)1734438
RC Russell (Gs)1744448
PA Nixon (Le)1649352
SJ Rhodes (Wo)1739342
KR Brown (Mx)1746248
WK Hegg (La)1636238
KM Krikken (Dy)1751253
SA Marsh (Kent)1754256
RJ Rollins (Es)1224226
AD Shaw (Gm)1749251
RJ Turner (Sm)1647249
JN Batty (Sy)3718
M Burns (Sm)13718
T Frost (Wk)825126
JA Knott (Sy)5819
KJ Piper (Wk)824125
RJ Warren (Nr)910111
CJ Adams (Dy)1214 14
U Afzaal (Nt)157 7
P Aldred (Dy)64 4
MW Alleyne (Gs)1713 13
RM Amin (Sy)42 2
GF Archer (Nt)1015 15
NJ Astle (Nt)910 10
MA Atherton (La)106 6
CWJ Athey (Sx)129 9
ID Austin (La)165 5
JMM Averis (Gs)11 1
RJ Bailey (Nr)1619 19
MCJ Ball (Gs)1624 24
KJ Barnett (Dy)153 3
JJ Bates (Sx)53 3
RT Bates (Nt)66 6
MAV Bell (Wk)31 1
MM Betts (Dur)111 1
DJ Bicknell (Sy)91 1
MP Bicknell (Sy)158 8
JAR Blain (Nr)11 1
TF Bloomfield (Mx)32 2
J Boiling (Dur)1513 13
DC Boon (Dur)1618 18
SAJ Boswell (Nr)92 2
JNB Bovill (Ham)84 4
MN Bowen (Nt)145 5
PD Bowler (Sm)1417 17
MT Brimson (Le)63 3
AD Brown (Sy)1411 11
DR Brown (Wk)158 8
JF Brown (Nr)52 2
SJE Brown (Dur)152 2
GP Butcher (Gm)91 1
MA Butcher (Sy)1319 19
D Byas (Yor)1720 20
AR Caddick (Sm)124 4
DJ Capel (Nr)41 1
JR Carpenter (Sx)32 2
ME Cassar (Dy)72 2
RJ Chapman (Wo)52 2
G Chapple (La)102 2
VP Clarke (Dy)168 8
PD Collingwood (Dur)67 7
DG Cork (Dy)64 4
DA Cosker (Gm)134 4
PA Cottey (Gm)1515 15
AP Cowan (Es)167 7
GR Cowdrey (Kent)97 7
DM Cox (Dur)21 1
JP Crawley (La)118 8
RDB Croft (Gm)1313 13
RJ Cunliffe (Gs)84 4
KM Curran (Nr)158 8
TS Curtis (Wo)139 9
JM Dakin (Le)32 2
A Dale (Gm)175 5
JA Daley (Dur)11 1
MK Davies (Nr)62 2
RP Davis (Gs)77 7
RI Dawson (Gs)73 3
KJ Dean (Dy)71 1
PAJ DeFreitas (Dy)164 4
AA Donald (Wk)115 5
MP Dowman (Nt)1611 11
VC Drakes (Sx)107 7
KP Dutch (Mx)52 2
MA Ealham (Kent)129 9
SC Ecclestone (Sm)1011 11
MD Edmond (Wk)21 1
AD Edwards (Sx)54 4
JE Emburey (Nr)31 1
AW Evans (Gm)11 1
KP Evans (Nt)146 6
NH Fairbrother (La)1517 17
MV Fleming (Kent)175 5
A Flintoff (La)43 3
A Fordham (Nr)88 8
MJ Foster (Dur)142 2
PJ Franks (Nt)117 7
ARC Fraser (Mx)174 4
DP Fulton (Kent)1522 22
JER Gallian (La)1011 11
MW Gatting (Mx)1722 22
NA Gie (Nt)21 1
AF Giles (Wk)142 2
GA Gooch (Es)1012 12
AP Grayson (Es)1616 16
K Greenfield (Sx)109 9
A Habib (Le)74 4
GM Hamilton (Yor)92 2
THC Hancock (Gs)179 9
RJ Harden (Sm)73 3
AJ Harris (Dy)169 9
PJ Hartley (Yor)82 2
ME Harvey (La)21 1
ML Hayden (Ham)1612 12
AN Hayhurst (Dy)11 1
GR Haynes (Wo)153 3
JJ Haynes (La)17 7
DW Headley (Kent)72 2
DL Hemp (Wk)167 7
S Herzberg (Sm)52 2
JP Hewitt (Mx)175 5
DR Hewson (Gs)33 3
GA Hick (Wo)1618 18
JE Hindson (Nt)22 2
AJ Hollioake (Sy)1310 10
BC Hollioake (Sy)1210 10
PCL Holloway (Sm)169 9
N Hussain (Es)109 9
PM Hutchison (Yor)61 1
S Hutton (Dur)71 1
BJ Hyam (Es)58 8
AP Igglesden (Kent)51 1
RK Illingworth (Wo)53 3
MC Ilott (Es)121 1
RC Irani (Es)154 4
KD James (Ham)95 5
SP James (Gm)1714 14
PW Jarvis (Sx)115 5
NC Johnson (Le)1213 13
P Johnson (Nt)1512 12
RL Johnson (Mx)166 6
DM Jones (Dy)56 6
PS Jones (Sm)11 1
JH Kallis (Mx)1615 15
M Keech (Ham)89 9
G Keedy (La)81 1
WS Kendall (Ham)105 5
GJ Kennis (Sy)33 3
DA Kenway (Ham)11 1
JID Kerr (Sm)31 1
RA Kettleborough (Yor)21 1
AA Khan (Sx)143 3
WG Khan (Wk)21 1
N Killeen (Dur)21 1
RJ Kirtley (Sx)94 4
NV Knight (Wk)107 7
SJ Lacey (Dy)51 1
SR Lampitt (Wo)1516 16
JS Laney (Ham)136 6
MN Lathwell (Sm)178 8
DR Law (Es)1710 10
SG Law (Es)1719 19
DV Lawrence (Gs)41 1
DA Leatherdale (Wo)1514 14
DS Lehmann (Yor)179 9
NJ Lenham (Sx)61 1
CC Lewis (Sy)1310 10
J Lewis (Gs)132 2
JJB Lewis (Dur)1610 10
NJ Llong (Kent)79 9
GD Lloyd (La)1516 16
MB Loye (Nr)82 2
MA Lynch (Gs)129 9
MJ McCague (Kent)113 3
A McGrath (Yor)124 4
PC McKeown (La)32 2
GI Macmillan (Le)42 2
DL Maddy (Le)1614 14
PJ Martin (La)153 3
RSC Martin-Jenkins (Sx)21 1
RJ Maru (Ham)46 6
MR May (Dy)72 2
MP Maynard (Gm)1720 20
AA Metcalfe (Nt)73 3
SM Milburn (Ham)91 1
DJ Millns (Le)142 2
MM Mirza (Wo)51 1
SP Moffat (Mx)42 2
Mohammad Akram (Nr)111 1
AJ Moles (Wk)1210 10
RR Montgomerie (Nr)96 6
TM Moody (Wo)1414 14
P Moores (Sx)1736 36
AC Morris (Yor)63 3
H Morris (Gm)1613 13
JE Morris (Dur)166 6
MD Moxon (Yor)92 2
AD Mullally (Le)122 2
Mushtaq Ahmed (Sm)143 3
DC Nash (Mx)53 3
K Newell (Sx)172 2
M Newell (Sx)108 8
AR Oram (Nt)76 6
J Ormond (Le)102 2
DP Ostler (Wk)1427 27
JEH Owen (Dy)43 3
B Parker (Yor)163 3
GJ Parsons (Le)51 1
KA Parsons (Sm)79 9
MM Patel (Kent)11 1
RM Pearson (Sy)11 1
MTE Peirce (Sx)118 8
AL Penberthy (Nr)127 7
TL Penney (Wk)1611 11
SD Peters (Es)11 1
BJ Phillips (Kent)115 5
ARK Pierson (Le)158 8
PR Pollard (Nt)88 8
JC Pooley (Mx)1616 16
MJ Powell (Gm)31 1
PJ Prichard (Es)159 9
TA Radford (Sx)12 2
MR Ramprakash (Mx)168 8
RK Rao (Sx)92 2
JD Ratcliffe (Sy)153 3
SJ Renshaw (Ham)123 3
DDJ Robinson (Es)1212 12
MA Robinson (Sx)174 4
RT Robinson (Nt)155 5
AS Rollins (Dy)1410 10
GD Rose (Sm)176 6
MA Roseberry (Dur)33 3
MJ Saggers (Dur)22 2
DJG Sales (Nr)124 4
IDK Salisbury (Sy)137 7
Saqlain Mushtaq (Sy)81 1
L Savident (Ham)31 1
DJ Shadford (La)85 5
OA Shah (Mx)1013 13
N Shahid (Sy)74 4
A Sheriyar (Wo)164 4
KJ Shine (Sm)175 5
A Singh (Wk)22 2
GC Small (Wk)31 1
AM Smith (Gs)153 3
BF Smith (Le)133 3
ET Smith (Kent)94 4
NMK Smith (Wk)147 7
RA Smith (Ham)134 4
TM Smith (Dy)11 1
JN Snape (Nr)109 9
VS Solanki (Wo)118 8
NJ Speak (Dur)106 6
MP Speight (Dur)1650 50
BL Spendlove (Dy)11 1
KR Spiring (Wo)157 7
RD Stemp (Yor)156 6
JP Stephenson (Ham)156 6
DI Stevens (Le)11 1
AJ Stewart (Sy)916 16
PA Strang (Kent)1617 17
PM Such (Es)175 5
IJ Sutcliffe (Le)113 3
JP Taylor (Nr)167 7
NR Taylor (Sx)152 2
SD Thomas (Gm)167 7
JBD Thompson (Kent)73 3
GP Thorpe (Sy)89 9
SP Titchard (La)52 2
CM Tolley (Nt)116 6
NJ Trainor (Gs)123 3
ME Trescothick (Sm)115 5
PCR Tufnell (Mx)142 2
TA Tweats (Dy)77 7
SD Udal (Ham)162 2
MJ Vandrau (Dy)41 1
AP van Troost (Sm)51 1
MP Vaughan (Yor)122 2
MA Wagh (Wk)87 7
MJ Walker (Kent)94 4
TC Walton (Nr)71 1
Waqar Younis (Gm)163 3
IJ Ward (Sy)36 6
TR Ward (Kent)1629 29
Wasim Akram (La)11 1
SL Watkin (Gm)173 3
M Watkinson (La)115 5
PN Weekes (Mx)1318 18
G Welch (Wk)163 3
PE Wellings (Mx)11 1
AP Wells (Kent)1716 16
VJ Wells (Le)1610 10
GE Welton (Nt)51 1
RMS Weston (Dur)55 5
WPC Weston (Wo)156 6
JJ Whitaker (Le)145 5
C White (Yor)1617 17
GW White (Ham)96 6
NF Williams (Es)33 3
MGN Windows (Gs)76 6
J Wood (Dur)54 4
NT Wood (La)103 3
AJ Wright (Gs)1210 10
G Yates (La)107 7
S Young (Gs)169 9