Players (S) who have played for Huntingdonshire Under-17s or for associated teams


F Safford 1868-1877
E Sahota 2021
G Sahota 2019
M Saif 2018-2019
KE Sainsbury 2018-2019
Saleem 1987-1988
S Saleem 2016-2019
T Sanderson 2014-2016
GD Sandford 1987-2003
Earl of Sandwich 1844-1870
TPA Sarkies 2000
B Saunders 2018
M Saunders 2016-2019
M Saunders 2012
I Saxena 2022
I Saxena 2019
DW Sayer 2008-2016
RJ Sayer 2007-2013
RW Scales 1955-1959
S Scarborough 1996
SS Schultz 1874-1875
AM Scotcher 2003-2005
GA Scotcher 2007-2019
W Scotney 1863
T Scott 2021
KG Sedgbeer 2000
Seekings 1985
CG Seekings 1972-1973
KA Seekings 1962-1967
DS Sellens 1984-1987
S Sentence 1994
K Sequenza 2014-2019
FM Serjeant 1894-1895
FR Serjeant 1876
RF Serjeant 1890-1895
RPD Setchell 2000-2005
SJ Setchell 2004-2006
R Setcher 2002
E Seymour 2005-2006
JED Shafto 1855-1868
IH Shah 1999
Shahnawaz Adeel 2003
U Shamim 2008
R Sharma 2004
J Sharpe 2008
Shaw 1862
LJ Shaw 1951
I Sheikh 2019
PA Shenton 1976
Sheraz Ali 2014
J Sherliker 1969
D Sherlock 2006
S Sherwin 2022
S Shirazi 2008
S Shirazi 2011
S Shirazi 1976
Shoukat 1995
JHC Sidebottom 1847
J Simmons 2021
M Simpson 1982
RJ Simpson 1957
Singh 1995
A Singh 2008-2013
B Singh 2021
CE Sketchley 2001-2002
S Skey 1988
JH Skidmore 2008-2011
AC Skrimshire 1866-1868
MJ Slack 1994-2000
S Slater 1999-2000
A Smith 1986
A Smith 2016
AE Smith 1927
D Smith 1982
DJ Smith 1989-2011
E Smith 2008-2014
G Smith 2004
G Smith 2008-2009
G Smith 2013-2014
HL Smith 2019
J Smith 2015-2016
J Smith 2019
J Smith 2017-2018
J Smith 2014-2015
J Smith 2017
J Smith 2016-2017
JJ Smith 2011-2017
JS Smith 2006
L Smith 2014
M Smith 2009
R Smith 2005-2007
R Smith 2017
S Smith 2021
VW Smith 1935
AH Smith-Barry 1890
FE Smythe 1877-1881
AW Snowden 1940
TRH Softley 1991
T Sole 2019
S Songara 2019
G Sowter 1991-1993
RVS Spark 1960
Sparling 1994
Sparrow 1862
KE Speed 2015
M Speed 2013-2019
MC Speed 2015
P Spencer 1999
A Sperling 1855-1866
FH Sperling 1855
M Spinks 1995
Staines 1992
RW Standly 1855
JW Stanford 1851
PE Starling 1991-2001
E Steel 2014
B Steele 1998
A Steels 2014-2015
A Steels 2013
N Steels 2013
IGS Steer 2000
F Stephens 1871-1873
MG Stephenson 1969-1984
O Stevens 2012-2017
Z Stevens 2013
M Stevenson 1967
RL Stevenson 1960-1973
A Stewart 2003-2006
L Stewart 2013
P Stickland 2022
LG Stileman-Gibbard 1882
J Stimson 2008-2009
NJ Stocking 2000-2001
R Stockley 1987-1990
B Stokes 1964
CW Storey 1973
J Storey 1999
M Storey 1998
Strachey 1875
D Straight 1866
D Straton 1996
D Stratton 2000
PA Strickle 2009-2010
R Stringer 2001
C Stromdale 2013-2014
CI Strong 1866-1868
PC Strydom 2002
G Style 1866
S Subramonion 2016-2019
N Suckling 1998
P Suckling 2001
MD Summers 2003-2004
R Sunner 2012-2013
MDR Sutliff 2003
WH Swallow 1860
A Swann 1986-1988
CH Swann 1987
DP Swannell 1994-1996
HK Swannell 1999-2001
PA Swannell 1994-2012
AN Swearer 1893
M Swift 1964
JS Sykes 2005-2011
JA Szwajbak 2003-2007