Players who have played for Prince's Club

WB Baker 1878
AC Bartholomew 1872
W Battye 1872
Benham 1878
F Bernal 1872
HL Boscawen 1876
WC Bovill 1877
Lord Brackley 1895
H Brand 1872
WG Brymer 1874
CF Buller 1877
J Burke 1886
JW Burnham 1872
Campbell 1878
Lord Cardross 1877
GS Colthurst 1878
RO Cotton 1876
JP Dickson-Poynder 1895
Draper 1874-1878
R Dyke 1874
RDH Elphinstone 1877
AMS Erskine 1877
G Estcourt 1874
E Fleming 1878
Forbes 1874
E Goaling 1886
Lord ES Gordon 1876
FWG Gore 1895
H Graham 1872
R Graham 1872
B Hallett 1876
JS Hardy 1878
S Hardy 1878
Hearne 1876
E Henty 1872-1878
FTA Hervey-Bathurst 1872
FJ Heyworth 1886
HS Hoare 1878
WN Hood 1878
WS Hunt 1877
Hunter 1872
G Keeble 1874
WS Kenyon-Slaney 1872-1878
CE Kindersley 1886
J King 1886
E Leach 1877
RV le Bas 1874
CAS Leggatt 1886
TN Leyland 1872
F Lloyd 1878
Earl of Londesborough 1876
HH Lubbock 1876
C Lucas 1874
T Lynn 1886
WG Marshall 1872
Viscount Massereene 1877
FW Maude 1878
HPS Mildmay 1878-1886
H Milner 1895
R Moncreiffe 1895
OGP Montagu 1872
Muggeridge 1895
Newell 1876
F Newland 1878
EF Newton 1895
Viscount Petersham 1877
RES Plunkett 1878
J Pratt 1872
OG Radcliffe 1886
HS Reade 1874
Relf 1878
FC Ricardo 1872
WM Rose 1872
Rowley 1895
G Shoesmith 1872
CG Sinclair 1886
AH Smith-Barry 1872
Stock 1872
F Thomas 1895
AL Tottenham 1876
W Trelawny 1872
Trotter 1872-1878
J Turner 1895
M Turner 1877
PB Vanderbyl 1895
TK Veitch 1872
HW Verelst 1877
JC Wilkinson 1886
Lord Willoughby de Broke 1872
E Willsher sen 1872
WHC Wilson 1895
F Wood 1872