Players (M) who have played for Dorset Under-16s or for associated teams


WH MacAlpine-Leny 1906-1913
M Macbairmid 2006
DJ McBride 1989-1992
WN McBride 1938
BEW McCall 1931-1936
AB MacCarthy 1922
CN McCarthy 1958-1959
J McClellan 1985
S McClellan 1989
JI McCoy 2018-2019
M Macdiarmid 2003-2005
M McDiarmid 2005-2006
JM MacDonagh 2004
N McDonagh 2011-2013
A McGuire 2006-2007
D McHardy 1961
McIntosh 1968
EA McIntyre 1913-1914
W McKay 2010
A McKay-Layett 2000
FF Mackenzie 1878
H Maclachlan 2004
J McLachlan 2004
L McLaughlin 2016
S McLellan 1986
DJ Macleod 1929
LD McManus 2008-2019
SI Magee 1991-1999
C Maher 2004-2006
NJ Makin 1996
EC Malan 1869
AGW Malet 1862-1879
I Malik 2004-2008
M Mallinson 2014-2015
R Mallinson 1990
T Mallinson 2013
SJ Malone 1987
W Maltby 2021
W Maltby 2017-2018
WH Manfield 1879-1908
JK Manger 1913
J Manley 2009-2013
T Manning 2014-2015
T Manning 2021
AE Mansel 1869-1878
GC Mansel 1886
A Mansell 1850
RM Manser 1909-1929
ED Mansfield 1867
J Markham 2013-2016
AM Marsh 1972-1987
N Marsh 2018-2019
N Marsh 2023
W Marsh 2019
EW Marshall-Harvey 1930
A Martin 1964-1965
C Martin 2011
E Martin 1845-1850
SG Martin 2021-2023
T Martin 2018-2021
AD Mascarenhas 1996
D Maslen 2023
DJ Maslen 1999
IN Mason 1910
Masoor Khan 2011-2016
A Masters 1996-1997
J Matchem 1999
L Mathews 2015
P Mathews 1854
LW Matthews 2010-2019
PW Matthews 1864-1873
W Matthews 2011-2012
C May 2004
J May 2006
AL Maynard 1947-1952
HHW Mayo 1883
JP Mayo 1850
JS Meade 1845-1846
B Meaden 2011
FN Mears 1864
R Medhurst 1908-1909
E Medlicott 1854
B Meech 1924
A Mehta 2022
A Mehta 2018-2019
T Mepham 2005-2007
HM Merriman 1876
RP Merriman 1986-1998
D Message 2011
C Metcalfe 2010-2012
MJ Metcalfe 2005-2013
H Middle 2012
EF Middleton 1936-1946
C Miles 1989
D Miles 2003
G Miles 1902
A Miller 1989-1991
D Miller 1993
DR Miller 1992-2003
M Miller 1972
M Miller 1989-1990
M Miller 2022-2023
MG Miller 1993-2003
RS Miller 1963-1969
W Miller 1849-1851
R Millward 2003
RB Minchin 1930
R Minty 1997
T Minty 2003
D Mistry 2021
HG Mitchell 1937
J Mitchell 2016-2019
S Mitchell 2008
M Mixer 2023
MG Mixer 2002-2004
G Moakes 1989
GR Moakes 1983-1984
C Mobbs 1970
DJ Mobbs 1990-1992
CMG Moberly 1926
R Mohanti 2003
CM Mole 2011-2013
H Montacute 2019
VA Montagu 1876
M Montgomery 1967
C Moore 1989
FJS Moore 1902-1903
I Moore 1992-1993
I Moore 1989
P Moore 1996
S Moore 2018
A Moorhouse 1947-1949
C Morey 2009
AAE Morgan 1931-1932
CGW Morgan 2010-2011
R Morgan 1975
RV Morgan 1988-1994
EM Morres 1930-1933
ER Morres 1903
HFM Morres 1896-1905
Morris 1958
D Morris 2023
D Morris 2012-2013
FB Morris 1866
N Morris 1950-1952
O Morris 2012-2016
W Morris 1883-1884
A Mortimer 2004
MC Mortimer 1935-1937
A Mortimore 2005
MD Motion 1925
M Mourgue 2014-2016
PA Moxam 1995
P Moxan 2007
C Moxham 2000-2003
P Moxom 2004
P Moxom 2008
T Moysey 2007-2009
S Mulley 2010-2013
J Mulrennan 1965
TO Munnings 2021-2024
E Murray 1989
RM Murrell 1971
RJ Murrills 1980-1981
TJ Murrills 1974-1981