Players (S) who have played for Gentlemen of Bedfordshire or for associated teams


U Saad 2022
A Sadiq 2021
F Safford 1864-1878
J Safi 2016
ET St John 1875
M Salahuddin 2023-2024
M Salahuddin 2023-2024
A Saleem 2021
DM Salt 2001
M Salvi 2013
BW Sanderson 2016
GD Sandford 1989-2000
J Sanger 1893-1896
GS Sapal 2009
JB Sargeaunt 1855-1877
WD Sargeaunt 1880
TW Saunders 1910-1913
A Sawyer 2024
FC Scargill 1876-1883
H Schlehmeyer 2008-2009
H Scothern 1879
D Scott 2003-2004
D Scott 2010-2012
J Seabrook 1878-1881
S Seabrook 1878
C Searle 2021-2023
LA Selfe 1993-2023
R Sellers 2024
C Sengal 2006
NDH Senior 1956
M Senthilkumar 2024
EHD Sewell 1891
FAS Sewell 1921-1922
H Sewell 1882
A Shah 2006-2011
A Shah 2009-2013
I Shah 2010
K Shah 2015
R Shahid 2018
AA Shankar 1997-2006
A Shankor 1998
DK Sharma 2023
DK Sharma 2023
H Sharma 2024
E Sharpe 2008-2009
SE Sharpe 1872
W Shaw 2015-2017
N Shearn 2018
DJ Sheemar 2017-2022
RH Sheemar 2014-2017
KP Sheeraz 1992-1997
I Sheikh 2017-2018
AB Shepherd 2010
Sheppard 1877
ZA Sher 1992-1999
G Shinagara 2019
TH Short 1934-1935
Sibless 1986
R Sidhu 2018
WA Sime 1927-1934
T Simkins 2004-2007
O Simmonds 2021
SG Simms 1984
AD Simpson 2011-2013
F Simpson 2014-2018
F Simpson 1879
I Simpson 1966
L Sinclair 2005-2008
A Singh 2016
B Singh 2019
B Singh Khalsa 2023
B Singhraja 2021
R Singh-Sidu 2019
B Singraja 2021
A Sisodia 2019
PA Sivarajah 2018
K Siyodia 2009-2013
D Skeath 2013-2018
J Skinner 2010
GT Slaney 1956
B Slawinski 2011-2018
GC Slaymaker 1880
JC Sleightholm 1932-1933
GB Sly 1954
E Smailes 2014
GH Small 1880-1895
GL Smart 1959
T Smart 2016-2018
E Smiles 2014
AC Smith 1907-1908
B Smith 2010-2015
B Smith 2019
C Smith 2012
ES Smith 1950-1951
EW Smith 1949
FW Smith 1883
G Smith 1992
GHE Smith 1881
J Smith 1959-1975
J Smith 1865
JA Smith 1931
JE Smith 1881
JJ Smith 1925
K Smith 2011-2013
M Smith 2006
M Smith 1979
P Smith 1998
RA Smith 1959-1960
RVW Smith 1933-1934
RWH Smith 1996-1998
S Smith 2001
T Smith 1856
VSC Smith 1865
WR Smith 1998-2002
L Smithy 2002
C Smyth 1875
JR Sneath 2001-2009
WE Sneath 1997-2012
AHP Snow 1879-1880
A Snowdon 1994
OC Soames 2023-2024
M Sobti 2005-2007
R Soda 2003
R Sodaj 2001
H Sohail 2024
V Somal 2018-2019
V Somal†2019
S Songara 2017-2018
JHW Southey 1880
HA Southgate 1930-1937
WAG Southwell 1912
PF Sowerby 1984
E Spokes 2021
S Spokes 2017
J Spratley 1876
PH Spray 1964-1973
H Squire 1907-1913
R Squires 1878
F Stafford 1876
K Standring 1984-1995
NA Stanley 1984-2003
RJ Starling 1974
B Stawinski 2016
A Stearn 1994
CP Stearn 2001-2008
HCP Stedman 1876-1878
JM Stedman 2001-2003
MG Stedman 1974-2006
RP Stedman 1877
MH Steed 2003-2009
DS Steele 1985
T Stern 1995
C Stevens 2008-2019
LG Stevens 1927-1928
S Stevens 2010-2011
RL Stevenson 1959-1962
J Stewart 2019
LG Stileman-Gibbard 1877-1912
C Stilman 1880
JT Stockdale 2018
C Stone 1974
J Stone 1994
R Storer 1977-1980
RWL Street 1952-1959
SD Stubbings 2011-2013
C Stubbs 1999-2018
M Sumair 2021
AL Summerfield 2011-2022
R Summers 1882
HO Sutherland 1908-1924
AJ Swann 1992-1994
GP Swann 1996
OJD Swann 2009-2013
R Swann 1989-1995
D Swayback 2008
GR Swinden 2001-2008
G Swinton 2009
C Sworder 1856
EG Sworder 1892-1893
JA Szwajbak 2008-2012
S Szyfrit 2001