First-class Bowling in South Africa for 1945/46 (Ordered by Player)

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QA Austin (Rhod)480350    
XC Balaskas (Tvl)162613750478-6515.9553
HD Beaumont (OFS)216010811-12108.0000
TH Boggan (NET)4801311-1313.0000
JGB Brinkhaus (GW)11215511-5555.0000
LS Brown (Tvl)432315021-1275.0000
S Brown (OFS)5603033-3010.0000
JM Buchanan (Rhod)4161015052-1830.0000
DH Buckley (GW)160190    
AS Carew (WP)296710511-60105.0000
JH Charsley (Rhod)384812542-8731.2500
JE Cheetham (WP)16090    
BL Chimowitz (Rhod)560430    
GWA Chubb (Tvl)79216287114-8126.0900
F Cotty (GW)84312452134-1034.7600
BH Crews (WP)400190    
EL Dalton (Nat)301911683-2514.5000
HE Dalton (Nat)18495985-337.3710
EQ Davies (NET)4725190113-3417.2700
RE Davies (Tvl)59111198134-7815.2300
OC Dawson (Nat)4231513462-2622.3300
DM Dinkelman (Nat)8841311-1313.0000
WH Douglas (NET)617822193-5524.5500
DF Dowling (NET)224210843-1027.0000
LS Eckard (WP)472318843-8947.0000
HF Emslie (OFS)13626142-4615.2500
FF Flanagan (Tvl)216310364-4917.1600
MG Francis (OFS)8016022-6030.0000
AF Gallow (GW)720340    
G Georgeu (WP)240150    
N Gordon (Tvl)62717221125-2118.4110
RJ Gordon-Campbell (Tvl)240140    
AH Gyngell (GW)232216552-1833.0000
JL Heaney (Tvl)295213833-10646.0000
CD Helfrich (GW)10425711-2257.0000
SF Hird (EP)15234721-2023.5000
A Hyde (Rhod)16817832-3626.0000
GFK Jackson (OFS)232116464-7527.3300
JBC Johnson (Rhod)16190    
CHK Jones (Tvl)320240    
HB Jordaan (NET)10406544-4516.2500
AD Keen (WP)312410211-48102.0000
HH Keppler (Nat)5602811-2828.0000
HS Lacey (Tvl)8050    
GM Lee (OFS)12006211-4662.0000
JM Leibbrandt (EP)97628316116-3528.7210
RC le Sueur (OFS)328022032-4473.3300
CM Levy (Tvl)264811222-3156.0000
SC Lightening (NET)320150    
R Lofthouse (WP)203310233-6334.0000
BJ McBride (Nat)21639611-2996.0000
AC McKowen (Tvl)13625422-2827.0000
LE McNamara (GW)296416653-4133.2000
NBF Mann (Nat)5302313683-5417.0000
PNF Mansell (Rhod)272313122-7465.5000
RS Martin (NET)240160    
SH Martin (Nat)5572514552-3029.0000
ER Middleton (WP)424716752-7433.4000
B Mitchell (Tvl)16017822-4239.0000
ED Morris (Rhod)291511022-4455.0000
JG Nel (Tvl)360812084-5215.0000
ES Newson (Rhod)13624511-1845.0000
RJ Noble (Rhod)561260    
HGO Owen-Smith (WP)1360780    
DHC Parkin (Tvl)8030    
HE Patterson (NET)160120    
LW Payn (Nat)8963622072-2331.4200
P Pentz (OFS)240160    
JHM Pickerill (Tvl)641500    
JB Plimsoll (WP)90528282177-4216.5820
OGR Reynolds (EP)88830294195-2815.4710
DL Roe (EP)242314042-2535.0000
EAB Rowan (EP)320812043-1130.0000
RW Searle (GW)17626222-3031.0000
FA Seyfried (NET)416517072-4324.2800
BP Shaw (Tvl)3201633-165.3300
VI Smith (Nat)122332382175-9522.4710
RE Somers Vine (Tvl)1840920    
DA Sparks (OFS)216111722-6458.5000
HA Sparks (OFS)14406211-6262.0000
MN Starling (OFS)264213211-25132.0000
HJ Tayfield (Nat)4561111652-3023.2000
SA Thwaits (EP)104839250134-3919.2300
DS Tomlinson (Rhod)224016033-9553.3300
LTD Tuckett (OFS)3485123105-4512.3010
GA Upton (EP)304187332-4224.3300
SF Viljoen (GW)280510154-3620.2000
WEH Vincent (GW)16180    
A Waddington (GW)154454422196-7822.2110
JE Waddington (GW)136038387166-1824.1810
RT Waldek (EP)120111142-3927.7500
KA Walker (OFS)59510281104-9528.1000
HH Watt (NET)12008222-4641.0000
JW Wells (EP)641350    
BAL Wiles (NET)632925384-4231.6200
WD Wilson (EP)160230    
EV Witte (Tvl)66416206124-4917.1600
HF Wright (OFS)93813386112-2735.0900
JO Young (EP)86629236143-2416.8500