First-class Bowling in South Africa for 1924/25 (Ordered by Player)

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JG Abell (OFS)198410633-7635.3300
WE Astill7024022385-8227.8710
F Awerbuck (GW)363110    
ME Billing (Nat,SAf)3001813274-6318.8500
N Blanckenberg (WP)5403322-3316.5000
W Boltman (EP)282157822-5439.0000
JL Bolton (WP,SAf)246412166-8120.1610
M Bolus (EP)6040    
AF Borland (Nat)4141816263-5627.0000
TE Bourdillon (Rhod)9135011-3650.0000
EH Bowley174311253-1822.4000
EA Budgen (OFS)240514186-5617.6210
ID Buys (SAf)16897033-6523.3300
W Carlington-Dent (GW)12618411-8484.0000
RH Catterall (SAf,Rhod)211110832-2436.0000
FW Cheshire (Bor)606911-49.0000
RS Cheshire (Bor)276157774-1611.0000
AJ Clarke (Bor)13235111-2051.0000
MG Cole (EP)5442111-1521.0000
DP Conyngham (SAf,Nat)93643340165-4921.2531
AHC Cooper (Tvl)1593870    
SA Cowper (Rhod)15046544-6516.2500
LG Cusworth (OFS)326420543-4751.2500
JL Daly (GW)374621963-10636.5000
MS Davies (EP)5402122-1210.5000
DI de Villiers (OFS)17478133-3527.0000
W Dickens (GW)216611654-6623.2000
CD Dixon (Tvl)216612933-10543.0000
WD Duff (Tvl,SAf)343321763-7536.1600
TA Eden (GW)842520    
FJ Farrelly (GW)12518253-5016.4000
CM Francois (SAf,GW)4081521543-7653.7500
HA Francois (Bor)14447011-7070.0000
FE Fuller (OFS)27691260    
LG Fuller (OFS)7232432-168.0000
G Geary2448104955596-3716.1831
RD Gloak (Rhod)9724511-4545.0000
JPG Glover (GW)3003222-3216.0000
AE Hall (SAf,Tvl)1895101649336-6219.6620
KCM Hands (WP,SAf)7813511-2335.0000
GPD Hartigan (Bor)260612221-2361.0000
EG Hill (OFS)300270    
TO Jameson67821343143-1324.5000
JEV Jewell (OFS)120120    
AS Kennedy28821211287656-2719.8051
WVS Ling (SAf,GW)228213852-1927.6000
CM Maritz (OFS)336716273-4823.1400
CS Marriott125448563246-4523.4510
DJ Meintjes (SAf)14866421-1832.0000
T Middleton (WP)483110    
LE Miles (Bor)9043511-2135.0000
AJ Minogue (GW)12080    
FH Morgan (Rhod)15628533-8528.3300
DPB Morkel (WP)661290    
EM Mowat (Nat)1024430    
C Munro (EP,SAf)58721236177-8113.8820
AP Murray (Nat)11406411-5064.0000
AR Newton (OFS)17049053-3718.0000
AW Nourse (SAf,Nat)5283016572-2123.5700
EP Nupen (SAf)132654424377-4611.4552
AL Ochse (EP)3088177106-6017.7010
LJ Ortlepp (OFS)9625022-5025.0000
CWL Parker170577721445-3916.3810
HLE Promnitz (Bor)17465322-5326.5000
WJC Reid (OFS)192411144-7127.7500
AG Reynolds (OFS)4211511-1515.0000
P Rigal (GW)180200    
VC Robbins (Nat,SAf)6070    
EDB Rush (WP)783430    
CAG Russell2912111-821.0000
CEB Shearman (Bor)13293411-1334.0000
FJ Smith (Nat)6432011-020.0000
SSL Steyn (WP)24190    
HP Strugnell (GW)300440    
EH Sturgeon (Tvl)240170    
BV Susskind (OFS)13109874-5814.0000
LE Tapscott (GW)180120    
LH Tennyson600560    
CW Travers (OFS)330918131-2360.3300
LR Tuckett (OFS)336322964-8438.1600
GJ van Tonder (OFS)120110    
W Walters (EP)9644511-4545.0000
AS Ward (GW)361230    
JH Wilmans (GW)174210631-1235.3300
HO Wood (Bor)16886311-2663.0000
W Wood (Rhod)7212711-2727.0000
AP Woods (EP)542190