First-class Bowling in England for 1839 (Ordered by Average)

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W Garrat (Eng,Play)8050    
R Mills (Kent,Eng)320170    
J Bayley (Sy,MCC)000536-?0.0060
E Sayres (CU,Gent,MCC)000455-?0.0031
GB Lee (OU)000319-?0.0041
J Dean (Sx,MCC)000235-?0.0010
CG Taylor (CU,Sx,Eng,Gent,MCC)809187-?0.0010
JH Kirwan (CU)000155-?0.0020
H Walker (MCC)00095-?0.0010
W de St Croix (CU)00084-?0.0000
F Thackeray (CU,MCC)00082-?0.0000
HS Russell (MCC,OU)00084-?0.0000
J Hodson (Sx)00088-?0.0010
J Strange (MCC)00083-?0.0000
W Martingell (Sy)00075-?0.0010
CG Whittaker (Kent,Eng,Gent)2831273-?0.0000
WH Bonsey (MCC)00063-?0.0000
G Millyard (Sx,Eng)00052-?0.0000
FH Hervey-Bathurst (Gent,MCC)00053-?0.0000
WA Ford (MCC)00043-?0.0000
N Darnell (OU)00043-?0.0000
B Good (MCC)00043-?0.0000
JHG Wynne (OU)00042-?0.0000
FP Fenner (CU)00032-?0.0000
WC Winterton (CTC)00033-?0.0000
E Napper (Sx)00021-?0.0000
DB Edwards (CTC)00022-?0.0000
TM Adams (Kent,Eng)76102122-?0.0000
M Ewen (Sx)00011-?0.0000
FW Lillywhite (Sx,Eng,Play)2603190788-?7.5094
A Mynn (Kent,Sx,Eng,Gent)2552787427-508.7031
S Redgate (CTC,Eng,Play)1381446285-229.2031
WR Hillyer (Kent,Eng,MCC,Play)1781570417-?10.0041
J Cobbett (Sy,Eng,MCC,Play)1341359858-?19.6684