
First-class Batting and Fielding in Australia for 1963/64 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
BC Booth (Aus,NSW)101741180169*90.76544 
SC Trimble (Qld)91421006252*83.83526 
GS Sobers (SAus)91401128195  80.576216 
PJP Burge (Aus,Qld)111721144283  76.26357 
WM Lawry (Aus,Vic)142441340187*67.00465 
RB Simpson (Aus,NSW)142521524359  66.264416 
EJ Barlow (SAf)142521523209  66.216411 
RM Cowper (Vic)10163857167  65.922514 
WJ Saunders (NSW)35031198  62.20031 
TL Goddard (SAf)122031054194  62.001714 
IM Chappell (SAus)9154662205*60.18145 
GR Reynolds (Qld)9140815136  58.21432 
JF Parker (WA)482349139*58.16111 
R Benaud (Aus,NSW)10161869132  57.933410 
LE Favell (SAus)9152740141  56.92334 
J Potter (Vic)10173777123*55.502616 
RG Pollock (SAf)142011018175  53.575120 
DJ Anderson (Vic)682320101*53.33122 
GM Bizzell (Qld)9144528101*52.80147 
IR Redpath (Aus,Vic)11202938202  52.11253 
JHB Waite (SAf)10134449115*49.8813202
IR Huntington (Vic)9131595164  49.58218 
KD Walters (NSW)6112445120  49.44222 
BK Shepherd (Aus,WA)122311087149  49.40377 
RC Jordon (Vic)9135392134  49.0012241
DT Lindsay (SAf)8112379104  42.1112154
PI Philpott (NSW)9163543156  41.76126 
KC Bland (SAf)10152539126  41.46146 
NCL O'Neill (Aus,NSW)12222823135  41.15166 
KN Slater (WA)9181655154  38.52155 
PR Carlstein (SAf)8131450123  37.50135 
AJ Pithey (SAf)11191667170  37.05144 
KG Cunningham (SAus)56021868  36.33021 
CM Harburn (WA)240144139  36.00101 
TR Veivers (Aus,Qld)1217253788  35.80034 
JW Martin (Aus,NSW)8102284101  35.50116 
JC Lill (SAus)916152397  34.860315 
PL van der Merwe (SAf)10152448114  34.46118 
IM McLachlan (SAus)10171533149  33.31124 
BN Jarman (SAus)11162458118  32.71133510
KR Stackpole (Vic)912038796  32.250213 
G Goonesena (NSW)2206447  32.00000 
G Thomas (NSW)9150469127  31.26133 
D Chadwick (WA)8150459129  30.60217 
HN Dansie (SAus)915044675  29.73043 
RJ Inverarity (WA)918051795  28.72043 
BA Rothwell (NSW)3418645  28.66002 
GD McKenzie (Aus,WA)1422254476  27.20059 
CE Westaway (Qld)2212719*27.00005 
GC Becker (WA)1120053581  26.7505191
DFE Bull (Qld)915136056  25.71045 
RF Waugh (WA)816235887  25.57010 
TH Lee (NSW)812225368  25.30035 
A Jones (WA)1020050466  25.20032 
WS Farrer (SAf)7120293107  24.41112 
KD Mackay (Qld)912224359  24.30012 
GAR Lock (WA)59119453  24.25015 
KF Punch (WA)36014352  23.83014 
BL Sheen (Tas)2409556  23.75010 
IA Cowley (Tas)2409141  22.75000 
BC Patterson (Tas)2416532*21.66001 
TJ Jenner (WA)815521537  21.50003 
GC Brown (Vic)1204329  21.50000 
HK Joynt (WA)36012881  21.33012 
WH Buckle (Qld)59019067  21.11011 
GO Connor (Tas)2407932  19.75000 
PJ Allan (Qld)91059735  19.40003 
DB Pithey (SAf)813319340  19.30008 
DA Ford (NSW)99311536*19.16002112
BD John (Tas)2407533  18.75000 
LV Maddocks (Tas)2407136  17.750001
RG Stokes (Tas)1203530  17.50000 
FM Misson (NSW)911117127  17.10007 
TG Stewart (Qld)5508430  16.80003 
BM Hurn (SAus)710213430  16.75006 
DJ Hale (Qld)5745020*16.66002 
ATW Grout (Aus,Qld)1215024860  16.5301315
RHD Sellers (SAus)91159231*15.33009 
PM Pollock (SAf)9929627*13.71003 
NJN Hawke (Aus,SAus)1319617837*13.69002 
LA Marks (NSW)4608243  13.66003 
DT Anderson (Tas)1202719  13.50000 
KJ Aldridge (Tas)2422613  13.00001 
I Gallash (WA)81359930*12.37002 
LD Cooper (Qld)2413724  12.33000 
MA Seymour (SAf)1214313562  12.27013 
GM Egan (Qld)3505924  11.80000 
RG Lloyd (SAus)2404726  11.75001 
CG Halse (SAf)101165719*11.40004 
IK Law (Vic)3404526  11.25002 
CEJ Guest (Vic)5715643*9.33003 
JT Partridge (SAf)111137412  9.25005 
EN Richardson1201811  9.00000 
I Meckiff (Aus,Vic)3302617  8.66002 
IB Crowden (Tas)1201710  8.50001 
BJ Hyland (Tas)1201715  8.50000 
HG Bevan (WA)112098814  8.00005 
GH Long12184*8.00001 
WM O'Halloran (Vic)2302314  7.66002 
JF Salvado (Vic)4503618  7.20000 
JP Smith (Vic)11077  7.00001 
RA Gaunt (Aus,Vic)7723012  6.00001 
DA Bichel (Qld)12099  4.50001 
GE Corling (NSW)884166*4.00003 
GV Brooks (SAus)673146  3.50005 
LC Mayne (WA)351126  3.00000 
JRE Mackay (Qld)21033  3.00000 
AN Connolly (Aus,Vic)14139113*2.75007 
AL Mann (WA)12000  0.00000 
PJ Loader (WA)11000  0.00000 
GF Rorke (NSW)11144* 000 
J Lihou (Qld)10      0 





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