First-class Batting and Fielding in Australia for 1897/98 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
EJK Burn (Tas)12013388  66.50014 
C Hill (Aus,SAus)111911196200  66.44535 
KS Ranjitsinhji (Eng)122231157189  60.89367 
AC MacLaren (Eng)112011037142  54.57534 
C McAllen (Tas)1215353*53.00010 
J Darling (Aus,SAus)11190978178  51.47349 
JH Stuckey (Vic)36218659  46.50021 
SE Gregory (Aus,NSW)10182738171  46.121411 
A Jarvis (SAus)6101409154  45.44125 
SA McMichael (Vic)510329997  42.71026 
ACK Mackenzie (NSW)6120502130  41.83155 
J Worrall (Aus,Vic)8140563103  40.21137 
TW Hayward (Eng)1221369596  38.61054 
H Donnan (NSW)6120456104  38.00131 
A Green (SAus)46311435*38.00001 
W Storer (Eng)1117160484  37.750422 
CE McLeod (Aus,Vic)10182592112  37.00148 
GH Gatehouse (Tas)1206646  33.00000 
JJ Lyons (Aus,SAus)714142579  32.69043 
MA Noble (Aus,NSW)1017244780  29.80028 
WP Howell (Aus,NSW)69220295  28.85018 
FA Iredale (Aus,NSW)915042790  28.46046 
H Trumble (Aus,Vic)10161423107  28.201121 
NF Druce (Eng)11181474109  27.88118 
LW Pye (NSW)510124680*27.33022 
E Wainwright (Eng)10170460105  27.05125 
CG Wilson (Vic)1205345  26.50001 
GHS Trott (Aus,Vic)1218046392  25.720310 
JR Mason (Eng)12211514128*25.701212 
AL Newell (NSW)3629868*24.50013 
J Harry (Vic)2409850  24.50012 
JC Reedman (SAus)612126867  24.36013 
JH Board46014059  23.330152
JJ Kelly (Aus,NSW)1014520546*22.7700131
WF Giffen (SAus)610119763  21.88013 
W Bruce (Vic)712123688  21.45013 
GH Hirst (Eng)1117133885  21.120211 
BCE Kemp (Vic)1204233  21.00001 
TJ Hastings (Vic)1212119*21.000022
H Carter (NSW)1212115  21.00002 
G Giffen (SAus)2306149  20.33001 
JF Giller (Vic)712122181  20.09017 
RS Houston (Vic)1203925  19.50001 
TM Drew (SAus)3525833*19.33002 
VT Trumper (NSW)510019268  19.20015 
CW Butler (Tas)1211914*19.00000 
A Coningham (NSW)2407551  18.75010 
AE Stoddart (Eng)711020540  18.63003 
AW Murray (Vic)1203719  18.50001 
J Briggs (Eng)812316546*18.33001 
H Graham (Vic)610115353  17.00016 
FS Pictet (Tas)1101717  17.00000 
CJ Eady (Tas)1203326  16.50001 
ER Rush (Vic)2406459  16.00011 
JJ Ferris (NSW)2406251  15.50011 
FJ Laver (Vic)2414419*14.66002 
D Sutherland (Vic)1202929  14.50000 
TW Garrett (NSW)48011371  14.12014 
TA Tabart (Tas)1202513  12.50000 
E Jones (Aus,SAus)1115117166  12.210114 
G Stuckey (Vic)1202317  11.50002 
AE Evans (SAus)610011032  11.00008 
TS Warne (Vic)121116  11.00000 
JT Hearne (Eng)1218108731*10.87005 
TR McKibbin (Aus,NSW)815312739  10.58002 
JH Savigny (Tas)1202121  10.50002 
AE Johns (Vic)61128731*9.660088
WG Ward (Tas)1201917  9.50001 
WA Tarrant (Vic)1201912  9.50000 
HC Maplestone (Vic)1201818  9.00000 
G Beacham (Vic)12199*9.00002 
T Richardson (Eng)1115310525*8.75007 
W Roche (Vic)61126324  7.00003 
HA Evers (NSW)1201410  7.00001 
J McKenzie (SAus)6943111  6.200093
PC Charlton (NSW)12165*6.00000 
FJ Wright (Vic)1201111  5.50001 
V Hugo (SAus)3502010  4.00001 
E Maxwell (Tas)12000  0.00000 
J Ramsay (Tas)12000  0.00000 
TTT Long10      0 
WF Bradley10      0 
SJ Donahoo10      1 
W Hoare10      0 
SP Jones10      0 
AHV Hewitt10      1