County Championship Matches played by Charles Dench (83)

10th May 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc596
24th May 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc605
31st May 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc614
7th June 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc623
14th June 1897 County Championship 1897  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc630
17th June 1897 County Championship 1897  Kent v Nottinghamshire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc633
24th June 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc643
5th July 1897 County Championship 1897  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Derby cc652
8th July 1897 County Championship 1897  Sussex v Nottinghamshire Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc655
15th July 1897 County Championship 1897  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury cc663
22nd July 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc670
2nd August 1897 County Championship 1897  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc685
9th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc694
12th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire College Ground, Cheltenham cc698
19th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc711
26th August 1897 County Championship 1897  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc720
16th May 1898 County Championship 1898  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc729
23rd May 1898 County Championship 1898  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc736
6th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc754
9th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc757
16th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc765
20th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley, Leeds cc770
27th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc778
30th June 1898 County Championship 1898  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc782
4th July 1898 County Championship 1898  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc786
11th July 1898 County Championship 1898  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Derby cc791
21st July 1898 County Championship 1898  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc803
1st August 1898 County Championship 1898  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc822
4th August 1898 County Championship 1898  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc826
8th August 1898 County Championship 1898  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc832
18th August 1898 County Championship 1898  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc847
8th May 1899 County Championship 1899  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc866
15th May 1899 County Championship 1899  Kent v Nottinghamshire Private Banks Sports Ground, Catford cc873
22nd May 1899 County Championship 1899  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc881
8th June 1899 County Championship 1899  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc900
12th June 1899 County Championship 1899  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc908
13th July 1899 County Championship 1899  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc939
20th July 1899 County Championship 1899  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc945
27th July 1899 County Championship 1899  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc956
31st July 1899 County Championship 1899  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford cc963
7th August 1899 County Championship 1899  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc973
17th August 1899 County Championship 1899  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc985
21st August 1899 County Championship 1899  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Derby cc990
24th August 1899 County Championship 1899  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc998
14th May 1900 County Championship 1900  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc1018
21st May 1900 County Championship 1900  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Grace Road, Leicester cc1025
28th May 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1037
4th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1049
11th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1059
14th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc1065
25th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1077
28th June 1900 County Championship 1900  Kent v Nottinghamshire The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc1081
2nd July 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1088
5th July 1900 County Championship 1900  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire North Marine Road, Scarborough cc1093
12th July 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1100
19th July 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1108
30th July 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1123
2nd August 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1126
6th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1136
16th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1153
20th August 1900 County Championship 1900  Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc1156
23rd August 1900 County Championship 1900  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc1166
13th May 1901 County Championship 1901  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc1180
20th May 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1188
27th May 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1199
30th May 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1206
6th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1217
10th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1222
13th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Kent v Nottinghamshire Private Banks Sports Ground, Catford cc1224
17th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove cc1232
20th June 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1237
1st July 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1249
5th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington cc1292
8th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Leyton cc1295
12th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Derbyshire Welbeck Abbey Estate Cricket Ground, Welbeck Abbey cc1303
15th August 1901 County Championship 1901  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1309
22nd August 1901 County Championship 1901  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester cc1322
12th May 1902 County Championship 1902  Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol cc1341
19th May 1902 County Championship 1902  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1351
22nd May 1902 County Championship 1902  Nottinghamshire v Essex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1357
2nd June 1902 County Championship 1902  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1370
5th June 1902 County Championship 1902  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc1376
30th June 1902 County Championship 1902  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc1408