County Championship Matches played by Geoffrey Legge (104)

14th May 1924 County Championship 1924  Kent v Northamptonshire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc4546
22nd July 1925 County Championship 1925  Essex v Kent Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea cc4892
14th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Gloucestershire v Kent Fry's Ground, Bristol cc5107
17th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Kent v Surrey Mote Park, Maidstone cc5112
24th July 1926 County Championship 1926  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc5133
11th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Derbyshire Royal Navy and Royal Marines Recreation Ground, Chatham cc5222
14th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Northamptonshire Royal Navy and Royal Marines Recreation Ground, Chatham cc5227
18th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Essex Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc5235
21st May 1927 County Championship 1927  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc5244
28th May 1927 County Championship 1927  Derbyshire v Kent County Ground, Derby cc5254
4th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Hampshire v Kent County Ground, Southampton cc5269
8th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Northamptonshire v Kent County Ground, Northampton cc5280
11th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Warwickshire v Kent The Butts Ground, Coventry cc5287
18th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Lancashire Mote Park, Maidstone cc5299
22nd June 1927 County Championship 1927  Sussex v Kent Cricket Field Road, Horsham cc5308
25th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Yorkshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5311
29th June 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Leicestershire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5319
6th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Gloucestershire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc5332
9th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Surrey The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc5338
13th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Worcestershire v Kent Tipton Road, Dudley cc5349
16th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Somerset The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5353
20th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Warwickshire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5361
23rd July 1927 County Championship 1927  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc5373
30th July 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Hampshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc5382
3rd August 1927 County Championship 1927  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc5390
17th August 1927 County Championship 1927  Somerset v Kent County Ground, Taunton cc5423
24th August 1927 County Championship 1927  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc5431
27th August 1927 County Championship 1927  Essex v Kent County Ground, Leyton cc5437
12th May 1928 County Championship 1928  Leicestershire v Kent Aylestone Road, Leicester cc5460
16th May 1928 County Championship 1928  Worcestershire v Kent County Ground, New Road, Worcester cc5472
19th May 1928 County Championship 1928  Northamptonshire v Kent County Ground, Northampton cc5476
23rd May 1928 County Championship 1928  Gloucestershire v Kent Wagon Works Ground, Gloucester cc5480
26th May 1928 County Championship 1928  Somerset v Kent County Ground, Taunton cc5490
30th May 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Nottinghamshire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc5494
2nd June 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Northamptonshire Cheriton Road Sports Ground, Folkestone cc5502
6th June 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Gloucestershire Cheriton Road Sports Ground, Folkestone cc5509
9th June 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Sussex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5514
13th June 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Warwickshire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5522
20th June 1928 County Championship 1928  Essex v Kent County Ground, Leyton cc5533
23rd June 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Yorkshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc5542
27th June 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Hampshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc5549
30th June 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Worcestershire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5556
4th July 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Leicestershire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5563
7th July 1928 County Championship 1928  Derbyshire v Kent Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc5568
11th July 1928 County Championship 1928  Hampshire v Kent County Ground, Southampton cc5577
14th July 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Surrey The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc5581
18th July 1928 County Championship 1928  Warwickshire v Kent Edgbaston, Birmingham cc5592
21st July 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Derbyshire Mote Park, Maidstone cc5595
28th July 1928 County Championship 1928  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc5612
1st August 1928 County Championship 1928  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc5618
4th August 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Somerset St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc5622
8th August 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Essex St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc5630
11th August 1928 County Championship 1928  Sussex v Kent Central Recreation Ground, Hastings cc5643
15th August 1928 County Championship 1928  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester cc5647
18th August 1928 County Championship 1928  Yorkshire v Kent Headingley, Leeds cc5660
22nd August 1928 County Championship 1928  Kent v Middlesex St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc5662
29th August 1928 County Championship 1928  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc5678
11th May 1929 County Championship 1929  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc5698
15th May 1929 County Championship 1929  Leicestershire v Kent Aylestone Road, Leicester cc5704
18th May 1929 County Championship 1929  Gloucestershire v Kent Fry's Ground, Bristol cc5709
22nd May 1929 County Championship 1929  Somerset v Kent County Ground, Taunton cc5721
25th May 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Northamptonshire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc5726
29th May 1929 County Championship 1929  Warwickshire v Kent Edgbaston, Birmingham cc5734
5th June 1929 County Championship 1929  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester cc5745
8th June 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Warwickshire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5750
12th June 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Leicestershire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5757
19th June 1929 County Championship 1929  Northamptonshire v Kent County Ground, Northampton cc5773
22nd June 1929 County Championship 1929  Derbyshire v Kent Queen's Park, Chesterfield cc5775
26th June 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Somerset Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5784
29th June 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Yorkshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5790
6th July 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Hampshire Cheriton Road Sports Ground, Folkestone cc5805
13th July 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Surrey The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc5818
20th July 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Sussex Mote Park, Maidstone cc5831
24th July 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Lancashire Mote Park, Maidstone cc5839
27th July 1929 County Championship 1929  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc5849
3rd August 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Gloucestershire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc5860
7th August 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc5867
17th August 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Derbyshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc5890
21st August 1929 County Championship 1929  Kent v Middlesex Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc5898
28th August 1929 County Championship 1929  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc5913
31st August 1929 County Championship 1929  Essex v Kent County Ground, Leyton cc5919
14th May 1930 County Championship 1930  Somerset v Kent Recreation Ground, Bath cc5942
17th May 1930 County Championship 1930  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham cc5946
21st May 1930 County Championship 1930  Northamptonshire v Kent Town Ground, Peterborough cc5953
28th May 1930 County Championship 1930  Derbyshire v Kent Rutland Recreation Ground, Ilkeston cc5963
31st May 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Worcestershire The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5972
4th June 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Essex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells cc5978
11th June 1930 County Championship 1930  Gloucestershire v Kent Fry's Ground, Bristol cc5990
14th June 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Derbyshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc5999
18th June 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Warwickshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge cc6004
21st June 1930 County Championship 1930  Worcestershire v Kent War Memorial Ground, Amblecote cc6016
25th June 1930 County Championship 1930  Warwickshire v Kent Edgbaston, Birmingham cc6021
28th June 1930 County Championship 1930  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester cc6027
5th July 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Sussex Cheriton Road Sports Ground, Folkestone cc6041
9th July 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Middlesex Cheriton Road Sports Ground, Folkestone cc6048
12th July 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Surrey The Rectory Field, Blackheath cc6055
19th July 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Gloucestershire Mote Park, Maidstone cc6066
23rd July 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Somerset Mote Park, Maidstone cc6075
26th July 1930 County Championship 1930  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington cc6086
2nd August 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Hampshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc6096
6th August 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Nottinghamshire St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury cc6104
20th August 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Northamptonshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover cc6135
23rd August 1930 County Championship 1930  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood cc6143
30th August 1930 County Championship 1930  Kent v Yorkshire Bat and Ball Ground, Gravesend cc6156