
Miscellaneous Matches played on Varsity Lawn, Toronto (1111)

(count excludes the 7 matches in which no play was possible)
Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database
27th May 1873 Other matches in Canada 1873  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21480
8th June 1874 Other matches in Canada 1874  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21490
24th May 1875 Other matches in Canada 1875  Toronto University v Torontomisc783611
3rd July 1875 Other matches in Canada 1875  Toronto Bankers v Toronto Lacrosse Clubmisc954299
10th July 1875 Other matches in Canada 1875  Yorkville v The Lawmisc783652
28th July 1875 Other matches in Canada 1875  Toronto v Whitbymisc789718
31st July 1875 Other matches in Canada 1875  Beaver Club of Toronto v Yorkvillemisc954305
30th August 1875 Other matches in Canada 1875  Carlton Club of Toronto v Streetsvillemisc954312
23rd May 1876 Other matches in Canada 1876  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21501
5th June 1880 Other matches in Canada 1880  Married of Toronto Cricket Club v Single of Toronto Cricket Clubmisc970397
8th June 1880 Other matches in Canada 1880  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21526
24th June 1880 Other matches in Canada 1880  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc970426
26th June 1880 Ontario Cricket Association Championship 1880  Toronto v Carlton Club of Torontomisc970429
17th July 1880 Other matches in Canada 1880  Toronto Bankers v Dominion Bankmisc970458
11th August 1880 Ontario Cricket Association Championship 1880  Barrie v Cobourgmisc961960
12th August 1880 Ontario Cricket Association Championship 1880  Cobourg v Guelphmisc961962
8th June 1881 Other matches in Canada 1881  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21539
25th June 1881 Other matches in Canada 1881  Toronto University v Victoriamisc164981
6th May 1882 Other matches in Canada 1882  Toronto University v Protestant Episcopal Divinity Schoolmisc970648
20th May 1882 Other matches in Canada 1882  Nelson v Unionvillemisc970650
20th May 1882 Other matches in Canada 1882  Toronto University v Nelsonmisc850420
7th June 1882 Other matches in Canada 1882  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc411702
1st July 1882 Other matches in Canada 1882  Nelson v Newmarketmisc411656
5th August 1882 Other matches in Canada 1882  Nelson v Parkdalemisc411670
9th September 1882 Other matches in Canada 1882  Nelson v Auroramisc847470
2nd June 1883 Other matches in Canada 1883  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21557
8th June 1883 Other matches in Canada 1883  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc421208
23rd June 1883 Other matches in Canada 1883  Beaverwick v East Torontomisc421227
18th July 1883 Other matches in Canada 1883  Toronto University v Trinity College School Roversmisc421267
31st May 1884 Other matches in Canada 1884  Toronto University v East Torontomisc418324
10th June 1884 Other matches in Canada 1884  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc852512
6th June 1885 Other matches in Canada 1885  Toronto University v Parkdalemisc849333
8th June 1885 Other matches in Canada 1885  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21572
9th June 1885 Other matches in Canada 1885  Toronto University v Guelphmisc849336
12th June 1885 Other matches in Canada 1885  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc849338
29th May 1886 Other matches in Canada 1886  Toronto University v Toronto Cricket Clubmisc784013
26th May 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v Gooderham and Worts Distillerymisc147984
28th May 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v C Company St John's School of Infantrymisc850142
2nd June 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v East Torontomisc850148
4th June 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v Torontomisc850155
6th June 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21604
9th June 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v Guelphmisc850158
10th June 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc850161
11th June 1887 Other matches in Canada 1887  Toronto University v Hamiltonmisc146772
30th May 1888 Other matches in Canada 1888  Toronto University v Rosedalemisc850595
1st June 1888 Other matches in Canada 1888  Toronto University v C Company St John's School of Infantrymisc850598
11th June 1888 Other matches in Canada 1888  Toronto University v Parkdalemisc850626
12th June 1888 Other matches in Canada 1888  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc850627
24th May 1889 Other matches in Canada 1889  Toronto University v Peterboroughmisc850862
25th May 1889 Other matches in Canada 1889  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc349077
28th May 1889 Other matches in Canada 1889  Toronto University v East Torontomisc349078
5th June 1889 Other matches in Canada 1889  Toronto University v Hamiltonmisc801196
6th June 1889 Other matches in Canada 1889  Toronto University v Guelphmisc145831
7th June 1889 Other matches in Canada 1889  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21626
2nd June 1890 Other matches in Canada 1890  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc347570
10th June 1890 Other matches in Canada 1890  Toronto University v East Torontomisc347078a
4th June 1891 Other matches in Canada 1891  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21655
9th June 1891 Other matches in Canada 1891  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc342920
18th June 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Toronto Junctionmisc353923
20th June 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc145886
27th June 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Ottawamisc145888
29th June 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Montrealmisc145890
1st July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Whitbymisc145891
1st July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Londonmisc353929
2nd July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Trinity College Schoolmisc353930
9th July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  St Thomas Church v Parkdale Juniorsmisc924920
13th July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v London Asylummisc353936
15th July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Upper Canada College Old Boys v Ontariomisc853058
22nd July 1892 Phoenix Club in Canada 1892  Toronto v Phoenix Clubmisc21674
23rd July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc353938
29th July 1892 Brooklyn in Canada 1892  Toronto v Brooklynmisc21683
30th July 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Riverdalemisc853075
4th August 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Guelphmisc353943
8th August 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc145895
12th August 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Galtmisc353947
17th August 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc353952
20th August 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto Cricket Club v Rosedalemisc353950
25th August 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Chathammisc853108a
9th September 1892 Other matches in Canada 1892  Toronto v Londonmisc853122
24th September 1892 Cosby Cup 1892  Toronto Colts v Riverdale Coltsmisc924930
22nd May 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto University v East Torontomisc853145
27th May 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto University v Parkdalemisc853159
2nd June 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc21689
7th June 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto University v Torontomisc145905
10th June 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Upper Canada Collegemisc145906
16th June 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Trinity College Schoolmisc145910
17th June 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Rosedalemisc145911
20th June 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Ottawamisc21690
24th June 1893 Ontario Cricket Association Championship 1893 District No 6Toronto v Hamiltonmisc145914
1st July 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Galtmisc853194
12th July 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Auroramisc853201
15th July 1893 Ontario Cricket Association Championship 1893 District No 6Toronto v Norwaymisc853207
2nd August 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v New Fortmisc853230
9th August 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v London Asylummisc145927
14th August 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc145930
17th August 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Peterboroughmisc853251
19th August 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc367532
9th September 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto Cricket Club Canadians v Toronto Cricket Club Old Countrymisc853277
14th September 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Grimsbymisc853278
16th September 1893 Other matches in Canada 1893  Toronto v Parkdalemisc853279
24th May 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto University v East Torontomisc853295
26th May 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto University v Hamiltonmisc965320
30th May 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto University v Torontomisc853299
31st May 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto University v East Torontomisc853301
4th June 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto University v Parkdalemisc410921
21st June 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Londonmisc145950
23rd June 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc145952
27th June 1894 Cosby Cup 1894  Dominion Bank v Imperial Bankmisc409566
30th June 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Rosedalemisc853330
2nd July 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Toronto Garrisonmisc853333
7th July 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Toronto Bankersmisc853338
14th July 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Parkdalemisc853342
18th July 1894 Detroit Athletic Club in Canada 1894  Toronto v Detroit Athletic Clubmisc145965
21st July 1894 Cosby Cup 1894  Dominion Bank v Imperial Bankmisc409568
21st July 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Toronto Bankersmisc853347
25th July 1894 Gentlemen of Philadelphia in Canada 1894  Toronto v Gentlemen of Philadelphiamisc21696
27th July 1894 Gentlemen of Philadelphia in Canada 1894  Ontario Association v Gentlemen of Philadelphiamisc21697
28th July 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Rosedalemisc853357
6th August 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc145985
15th August 1894 Cosby Cup 1894  Dominion Bank v Imperial Bankmisc409570
18th August 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Toronto Bankersmisc853372
23rd August 1894 Wanderers in Canada 1894  Toronto v Wanderersmisc21700
25th August 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Toronto Junctionmisc853378
1st September 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v East Torontomisc410989
10th September 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Toronto v Maritime Provincesmisc21702
13th September 1894 Other matches in Canada 1894  Canada v Maritime Provincesmisc21703
27th May 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Toronto University v Osgoode Hallmisc854546
7th June 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Toronto University v Torontomisc233084
8th June 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Bishop Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc653147
15th June 1895 Toronto Bankers Cricket Association League 1895  Combination Banks v Dominion Bankmisc854566
15th June 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Toronto University v Diamond Bankmisc955429
18th June 1895 Toronto Bankers Cricket Association League 1895  Combination Banks v Imperial Bankmisc854574
19th June 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Hamilton v Ottawamisc233089
24th June 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Toronto v University of Trinity Collegemisc854585
28th June 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  All Toronto v Canadian Collegesmisc854587
29th June 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Toronto Colts v Toronto Junctionmisc854589
27th July 1895 Toronto Bankers Cricket Association League 1895  Combination Banks v Commerce Bankmisc854629a
3rd August 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Imperial Bank v North Torontomisc854643
10th August 1895 Other matches in Canada 1895  Toronto v Toronto Junctionmisc854658
17th August 1895 Toronto Bankers Cricket Association League 1895  Commerce Bank v Dominion Bankmisc854662
20th August 1895 Toronto Bankers Cricket Association League 1895  Dominion Bank v Imperial Bankmisc854668
29th August 1895 Toronto Bankers Cricket Association League 1895  Commerce Bank v Imperial Bankmisc854672
13th June 1896 Other matches in Canada 1896  Toronto v Trinity College Schoolmisc871407
27th June 1896 Other matches in Canada 1896  Toronto v Parkdalemisc238106
1st July 1896 Other matches in Canada 1896  Toronto v Parismisc238111
17th May 1897 Other matches in Canada 1897  Toronto University v Guelphmisc238014
24th May 1897 Other matches in Canada 1897  Toronto University v Royal Military Collegemisc854724
27th May 1897 Other matches in Canada 1897  Toronto University v Torontomisc854726
27th August 1897 Other matches in Canada 1897  Toronto v Schombergmisc925097
14th May 1898 Other matches in Canada 1898  Toronto University v Guelphmisc854792
4th June 1898 Other matches in Canada 1898  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc854814
8th June 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Victoria Wanderersmisc873531
10th June 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto Cricket Club v Upper Canada Collegemisc789755
14th June 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc415319
19th June 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Royal Military Collegemisc873542
18th July 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Galtmisc873600
22nd July 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Uxbridgemisc873610
25th July 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Cyprian's-Bracondalemisc873615
26th July 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Montrealmisc873619
27th July 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Rosedalemisc873624
30th July 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v West Indian Residentsmisc873627
3rd August 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Woodbinemisc873640
5th August 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc873646
10th August 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Parkdalemisc873655
17th August 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc873666
22nd August 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Western Ontariomisc873674
24th August 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v St Simon's Churchmisc873679
2nd September 1901 Other matches in Canada 1901  Toronto v Rosedalemisc873683
4th June 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v University of Trinity Collegemisc873759
6th June 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc415330
7th June 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Toronto Universitymisc873766
11th June 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc873768
13th June 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto University v Torontomisc873769
14th June 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc873775
21st June 1902 Toronto City Cricket League 1902  St Alban's Cathedral v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc873786
28th June 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto Cricket Club President's XI v Toronto Cricket Club Vice-President's XImisc873795
4th July 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Canadian Collegesmisc873805
5th July 1902 Toronto City Cricket League 1902  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc873811
12th July 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc873822
19th July 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc873828
19th July 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Parkdalemisc873827
22nd July 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Uxbridgemisc873830
26th July 1902 Toronto City Cricket League 1902  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc873840
2nd August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Grace Church Colts v Parkdale Coltsmisc873844
2nd August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Rosedalemisc873848
4th August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc873851
9th August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Hamiltonmisc925244
14th August 1902 St Louis World's Fair in Canada 1902  Toronto v St Louis World's Fairmisc873864
15th August 1902 St Louis World's Fair in Canada 1902  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Louis World's Fairmisc873865
16th August 1902 Toronto City Cricket League 1902  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Rosedalemisc873867
16th August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto Colts v St Alban's Cathedral Coltsmisc873873
18th August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Orilliamisc873874
20th August 1902 St Louis World's Fair in Canada 1902  Orillia v St Louis World's Fairmisc873878
23rd August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Grace Church Captain's XI v Grace Church Vice-President's XImisc873881
30th August 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc873888
1st September 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v St Simon's Churchmisc873894
13th September 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Toronto v McGill Universitymisc784523
20th September 1902 Other matches in Canada 1902  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc873906
23rd May 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto University v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc874311
30th May 1903 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1903  Grace Church v Rosedale Juniorsmisc874321
30th May 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto University v Torontomisc874325
2nd June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc874333
3rd June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc874335
5th June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc415348
6th June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc874342
6th June 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Toronto v Parkdalemisc874341
8th June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto University v St Andrew's Collegemisc739358
10th June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto University v Ridley Collegemisc653245
12th June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto University v Torontomisc874348
18th June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Cavaliers Second XI v Toronto Church Schoolmisc874353
20th June 1903 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1903  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc874355
30th June 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto v Royal Military Collegemisc874378
1st July 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc874379
1st July 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Toronto v St Simon's Churchmisc874384
4th July 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Toronto v Rosedalemisc874390
11th July 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Rosedalemisc874393
11th July 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Toronto v Parkdalemisc874398
18th July 1903 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1903  Grace Church v St Stephen's Churchmisc874406
18th July 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Toronto v St Simon's Churchmisc874411
22nd July 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto Colts v Hamilton Coltsmisc874414
24th July 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc874417
25th July 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Alban's Cathedralmisc874418
25th July 1903 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1903  Grace Church v St Mark'smisc874419
1st August 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Simon's Churchmisc874427
1st August 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc874434
3rd August 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Toronto v Church and Mercantile Cricket Leaguemisc874441
8th August 1903 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1903  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc874442
8th August 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc874450
12th August 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Huron v St George's Club of Torontomisc874456
15th August 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc874459
15th August 1903 Toronto City Cricket League 1903  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc874461
24th August 1903 United States of America in Canada 1903  Canada v United States of Americamisc20680
7th September 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Grace Church v Picked XImisc874485
10th September 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Grace Church v Lindsaymisc874492
12th September 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Grace Church v St Stephen's Churchmisc874494
19th September 1903 Other matches in Canada 1903  Grace Church v Stanley Parkmisc874502
21st May 1904 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1904  Grace Church v St Stephen's Churchmisc874625
24th May 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904 Grace Church Club MatchGB Smith's XI v M Rawlinson's XImisc874632
30th May 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto University v St Andrew's Collegemisc687760
4th June 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Aura Lee v Toronto Second XImisc874657
4th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto University v Torontomisc874661
8th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto v McGill Universitymisc784600
10th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto University v McGill Universitymisc874670
10th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto University v Torontomisc874671
11th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto University v Ridley Collegemisc653261
11th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto-Rosedale v McGill Universitymisc784604
14th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto University v Upper Canada Collegemisc874684
18th June 1904 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1904  Grace Church v Ontario Accident Insurance Companymisc874688
18th June 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  Toronto Cricket Club v St Simon's Churchmisc526023
18th June 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Toronto Second XI v St Mark'smisc874694
25th June 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Grace Church Second XI v Deer Parkmisc874701
25th June 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto v Royal Military Collegemisc874707
1st July 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Toronto Second XI v Grace Church Second XImisc874718
2nd July 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  Toronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc526026
9th July 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  St Simon's Church v Parkdalemisc800206
9th July 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  Toronto v Rosedalemisc874737
16th July 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Grace Church Juniors v Albion Club of Torontomisc874742
16th July 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  Toronto Cricket Club v St Simon's Churchmisc526029
16th July 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Toronto Second XI v Deer Parkmisc874751
18th July 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  St Simon's Church v Canadian Collegesmisc874752
19th July 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  All Toronto v Canadian Collegesmisc874753
23rd July 1904 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1904  Grace Church v St Clement'smisc874756
23rd July 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  St Simon's Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc526030
30th July 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  St Simon's Church v Rosedalemisc526028
30th July 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc874765
30th July 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Toronto Second XI v Deer Parkmisc874766
1st August 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  Toronto Cricket Club v Rosedalemisc526031
6th August 1904 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1904  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc874774
6th August 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  St Simon's Church v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc874780
6th August 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  Toronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc800208
13th August 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Toronto Second XI v St Clement's Second XImisc874787
17th August 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto v Ottawamisc874791
19th August 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  All Toronto v Ottawamisc874793
20th August 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc874803
27th August 1904 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1904  Grace Church v St Cyprian'smisc874804
27th August 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc874808
27th August 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Toronto Second XI v St Stephen's Church Second XImisc874809
31st August 1904 Pittsburgh Field Club in Canada 1904  Toronto v Pittsburgh Field Clubmisc874812
1st September 1904 Pittsburgh Field Club in Canada 1904  St Simon's Church v Pittsburgh Field Clubmisc874813
3rd September 1904 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1904  Grace Church v Albion Club of Torontomisc874815
3rd September 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Grace Church v Deer Parkmisc874816
3rd September 1904 Toronto City Cricket League 1904  Toronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc526027
3rd September 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Toronto Second XI v St Mark'smisc874818
10th September 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Albion Club of Toronto v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc874822
10th September 1904 Other matches in Canada 1904  Dr NH Beemer's XI v WH Cooper's XImisc874829
10th September 1904 Junior Cricket League 1904  Grace Church Second XI v St Clement's Second XImisc874825
1905 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1905 Eastern SectionGrace Church v St George's Club of Torontomisc875498
1905 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1905 Eastern SectionGrace Church v Ontario Accident Insurance Companymisc875497
13th May 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church v St Simon's Churchmisc875509
20th May 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc875518
27th May 1905 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1905 Eastern SectionGrace Church v Rosedale Juniorsmisc875534
27th May 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc415372
30th May 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto University v St Andrew's Collegemisc687759
3rd June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church Second XI v St Clement's Second XImisc875542
9th June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto University v University of Trinity Collegemisc875544
10th June 1905 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1905 Eastern SectionGrace Church v Deer Parkmisc875547
10th June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto University v Torontomisc875548
17th June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc875554
17th June 1905 Toronto City Cricket League 1905  Toronto v St Simon's Churchmisc875555
21st June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  A Gillespie's XI v WR Wadsworth's XImisc875558
24th June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Church of the Messiah v St Clement'smisc875566
24th June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc875567
28th June 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Royal Military Collegemisc875572
1st July 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Rosedale Juniorsmisc875579
8th July 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church v St Clement'smisc875585
15th July 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church Third XI v Alexandrasmisc875594
15th July 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc875595
22nd July 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church v St Cyprian'smisc875605
22nd July 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc875606
24th July 1905 Ontario District Competition 1905 Semi-FinalLindsay District v Niagara Falls and Hamilton Districtmisc875610
27th July 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Combined Ontario Districtsmisc875614
5th August 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Church of the Messiah v St Clement's Second XImisc875628
5th August 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  St Simon's Church v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc875629
10th August 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Rosedalemisc875638
12th August 1905 Toronto City Cricket League 1905  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc875645
19th August 1905 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1905 Eastern SectionGrace Church v St Clement'smisc875653
19th August 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Rosedalemisc875656
23rd August 1905 Brooklyn in Canada 1905  Toronto v Brooklynmisc875659
24th August 1905 Brooklyn in Canada 1905  Toronto City Cricket League v Brooklynmisc875660
26th August 1905 Toronto City Cricket League 1905  Toronto v St Simon's Churchmisc875670
2nd September 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Grace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc875676
2nd September 1905 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1905 Eastern Section Play-offRosedale Juniors v St Clement'smisc875678
2nd September 1905 Toronto City Cricket League 1905  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc875677
4th September 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Toronto v Ontario Agricultural College, Guelphmisc875684
9th September 1905 Other matches in Canada 1905  Church of the Messiah v St Stephen's Churchmisc875687
1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Parkdalemisc876161
19th May 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc876181
24th May 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Married of Grace Church v Single of Grace Churchmisc876192
26th May 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc876202
29th May 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto University v St Andrew's Collegemisc687626
2nd June 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v St Clement'smisc876213
2nd June 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc876214
6th June 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto University v Toronto Press Clubmisc876216
9th June 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc876225
9th June 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto University v Torontomisc876224
13th June 1906 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1906  Toronto University v University of Pennsylvaniamisc627350
14th June 1906 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1906  Toronto Cricket Club v University of Pennsylvaniamisc627351
15th June 1906 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1906  Rosedale Rovers v University of Pennsylvaniamisc627352
16th June 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v Rosedalemisc876235
20th June 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto v Upper Canada Collegemisc876240
21st June 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto Cricket Club v Royal Military Academy, Kingstonmisc712525
23rd June 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v St James' Cathedralmisc876254
23rd June 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church Third XI v Harbord Collegiatemisc876255
23rd June 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc876248
30th June 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Grace Church v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc876268
30th June 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v St Simon's Churchmisc876264
4th July 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto Cricket Club v Grace Churchmisc712524
7th July 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc876283
14th July 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v St Clement'smisc876294
14th July 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v Parkdalemisc876295
21st July 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc876308
28th July 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Simon's Churchmisc876318
28th July 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v St Simon's Churchmisc876317
4th August 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church Second XI v St Barnabasmisc876335
6th August 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc876338
8th August 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc876344
11th August 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedral Second XImisc876357
16th August 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto v Toronto Press Clubmisc876361
18th August 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Rosedalemisc876369
18th August 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Grace Church v St Simon's Churchmisc876368
20th August 1906 Corinthian Football Club in North America 1906  Toronto v Corinthian Football Clubmisc629119
21st August 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto v Church and Mercantile Cricket Leaguemisc876373
22nd August 1906 Philadelphia Pilgrims in Canada 1906  All Toronto v Philadelphia Pilgrimsmisc629120
24th August 1906 Philadelphia Pilgrims in Canada 1906  Toronto v Philadelphia Pilgrimsmisc629121
25th August 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Grace Church v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc876376
28th August 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v Schombergmisc876382
29th August 1906 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1906 FinalDeer Park v Dovercourtmisc876383
30th August 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Toronto v Schombergmisc876386
1st September 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v St Cyprian'smisc876389
1st September 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc876390
8th September 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Toronto v Rosedalemisc876398
15th September 1906 Toronto City Cricket League 1906  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc876403
26th September 1906 Other matches in Canada 1906  Grace Church v St Simon's Churchmisc876404
1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Parkdalemisc764849
1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v Rosedalemisc764829
1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc764847
25th May 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Grace Church v St Barnabasmisc876739
1st June 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v Grace Churchmisc764835
5th June 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Trinity College School v Ridley Collegemisc415416
8th June 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Simon's Churchmisc764845
15th June 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Grace Church v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc764838
15th June 1907 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1907 Western SectionGrace Church v St James' Cathedralmisc876760
20th June 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Toronto v Royal Military Collegemisc876765
22nd June 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Alban's Cathedralmisc764846
22nd June 1907 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1907 Western SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc876766
29th June 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v Grace Churchmisc764830
6th July 1907 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1907 Western SectionGrace Church v Toronto Junctionmisc876782
6th July 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc764831
13th July 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Grace Churchmisc764848
17th July 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Gordon, Mackay and Company Entry Department v Gordon, Mackay and Company Extending Departmentmisc876794
20th July 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc876799
20th July 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc764828
27th July 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc764834
27th July 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v St Simon's Churchmisc764827
2nd August 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  All Toronto v Canadamisc876815
3rd August 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc764837
10th August 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Gordon, Mackay and Company v Rosedalemisc764850
10th August 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Grace Church v St Simon's Churchmisc764833
17th August 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc764836
17th August 1907 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1907 Western SectionGrace Church v Dovercourtmisc876836
23rd August 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Toronto v Grimsbymisc876843
24th August 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc876847
24th August 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Toronto Cricket Club v Gordon, Mackay and Companymisc764832
27th August 1907 Boston Zingari in Canada 1907  Toronto v Boston Zingarimisc876851
29th August 1907 Wanderers in Canada 1907  Toronto v Wanderersmisc646168
31st August 1907 Toronto City Cricket League 1907  Gordon, Mackay and Company v St Simon's Churchmisc764820
31st August 1907 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1907 Western SectionGrace Church v Toronto Junctionmisc876853
2nd September 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Grace Church v Galtmisc876858
2nd September 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc876860
14th September 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Grace Church v St Simon's Churchmisc876869
14th September 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  St Augustine's v Island Aquaticmisc876871
21st September 1907 Other matches in Canada 1907  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc876874
23rd May 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v Deer Parkmisc877337
23rd May 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  St Augustine's v St Cyprian'smisc877339
30th May 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Western SectionGrace Church v Stanley Barracksmisc877346
30th May 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc877351
6th June 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  St Augustine's v St Alban's Cathedralmisc877354
6th June 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Eastern SectionSt Augustine's v Friends' Association Adult Schoolmisc877353
6th June 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Rosedalemisc877361
6th June 1908 Toronto City Cricket League 1908  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc877360
8th June 1908 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1908  Toronto v University of Pennsylvaniamisc877362
9th June 1908 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1908  Toronto Zingari v University of Pennsylvaniamisc877363
13th June 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877374
20th June 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Western SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc877383
20th June 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Eastern SectionSt Augustine's v St Paul's Churchmisc877389
20th June 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Toronto Zingarimisc877391
27th June 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v Deer Parkmisc877397
27th June 1908 Toronto City Cricket League 1908  Toronto v Rosedalemisc877402
1st July 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Eastern SectionSt Augustine's v Aura Leemisc877410
1st July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Rosedalemisc877414
4th July 1908 Toronto City Cricket League 1908  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc877419
4th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto Second XI v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877424
8th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc877427
11th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedral Second XImisc877429
11th July 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Eastern SectionSt Augustine's v St Barnabasmisc877432
11th July 1908 Toronto City Cricket League 1908  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc877436
15th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v West Indianmisc877437
16th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877440
18th July 1908 Toronto City Cricket League 1908  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc877443
18th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Aura Leemisc877449
25th July 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Western SectionGrace Church v West Torontomisc877454
25th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877459
30th July 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877463
1st August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc877465
1st August 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Eastern SectionSt Augustine's v Yorkshire Societymisc877468
1st August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v St Paul's Churchmisc877472
3rd August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc877480
3rd August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc877479
8th August 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Western SectionGrace Church v Dovercourtmisc877483
8th August 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Eastern SectionSt Augustine's v Friends' Association Adult Schoolmisc877488
15th August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v Mimicomisc877497
15th August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  St Augustine's v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877499
15th August 1908 Toronto City Cricket League 1908  Toronto v Parkdalemisc877503
22nd August 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 Western SectionGrace Church v St James' Cathedralmisc877510
22nd August 1908 Toronto City Cricket League 1908  Toronto v Rosedalemisc877516
26th August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v Stanley Barracksmisc877517
29th August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc877523
29th August 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v St Paul's Churchmisc877528
3rd September 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v Schombergmisc877531
4th September 1908 Philadelphia in Canada 1908  Toronto Zingari v Philadelphiamisc699634
7th September 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v West Indian Zingarimisc877542
7th September 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc926857
12th September 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Married of Toronto Cricket Club v Single of Toronto Cricket Clubmisc877546
19th September 1908 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1908 FinalDovercourt v St Augustine'smisc877549
19th September 1908 Other matches in Canada 1908  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc877550
22nd May 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto University v St Alban's Cathedralmisc877770
29th May 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto University v Torontomisc877782
9th June 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto University v Torontomisc877796
11th June 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc585398
12th June 1909 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1909 Central SectionSt Paul's Church v St James' Cathedralmisc877805
12th June 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc877806
19th June 1909 Haverford College in Canada 1909  Toronto v Haverford Collegemisc739360
22nd June 1909 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1909  Toronto Cricket Club v University of Pennsylvaniamisc259292
23rd June 1909 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1909  Toronto University v University of Pennsylvaniamisc259293
24th June 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto University v St Paul's Churchmisc877820
26th June 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  St Paul's Church v Deer Parkmisc877828
1st July 1909 Toronto City Cricket League 1909  Toronto v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877840
10th July 1909 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1909 Central SectionSt Paul's Church v Aura Leemisc877854
10th July 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Parkdalemisc877855
17th July 1909 Toronto City Cricket League 1909  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc877866
24th July 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Barriemisc877872
28th July 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Stanley Barracksmisc877873
31st July 1909 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1909 Central SectionSt Paul's Church v Grace Churchmisc877884
31st July 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Rosedalemisc877890
2nd August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc877888
2nd August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc969514
4th August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc877893
7th August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v St Paul's Churchmisc699804
11th August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Stanley Barracksmisc877903
14th August 1909 Toronto City Cricket League 1909  Deer Park v Torontomisc877905
14th August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Dovercourt v Garrettmisc877906
21st August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v St Paul's Churchmisc877921
21st August 1909 Toronto City Cricket League 1909  Toronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc877922
28th August 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Toronto Amateur Athletic Associationmisc877935
1st September 1909 Philadelphia Pilgrims in Canada 1909  Toronto Zingari v Philadelphia Pilgrimsmisc259295
4th September 1909 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1909 Central SectionSt Paul's Church v St James' Cathedralmisc877939
6th September 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc877944
11th September 1909 Toronto City Cricket League 1909  Toronto v Rosedalemisc877951
18th September 1909 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1909 FinalAura Lee v St Barnabasmisc877952
25th September 1909 Other matches in Canada 1909  Church and Mercantile Cricket League Central Section v Church and Mercantile Cricket League Eastern and Western Sectionsmisc877958
14th May 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto University v St Alban's Cathedralmisc880092
21st May 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Eaton's Second XI v Dovercourtmisc880103
28th May 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's General Office v Eaton's Mail Order Departmentmisc880114
28th May 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto University v Torontomisc880122
2nd June 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto University v St Andrew's Collegemisc687656
4th June 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Rosedalemisc880137
4th June 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division BToronto Wanderers v Parkdalemisc880138
10th June 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc585414
11th June 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Toronto Zingarimisc880148
17th June 1910 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1910  Toronto University v University of Pennsylvaniamisc259275
18th June 1910 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1910 Eastern SectionEaton's v Riverdalemisc880159
18th June 1910 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1910  Toronto Cricket Club v University of Pennsylvaniamisc259276
22nd June 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's General Office v Eaton's Third Floormisc880160
23rd June 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's General Office v Eaton's Mail Order Departmentmisc880162
25th June 1910 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1910 Eastern SectionEaton's v Devonianmisc880166
25th June 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's Fifth Floor v Eaton's Third Floormisc880165
25th June 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Toronto Wanderersmisc880172
28th June 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's Mail Order Department v Eaton's Third Floormisc880178
1st July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Guelphmisc880188
2nd July 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's Groceries v Eaton's Third Floormisc880190
2nd July 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division AToronto v Grace Churchmisc880197
2nd July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Guelphmisc880202
9th July 1910 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1910 Eastern SectionEaton's v Grace Churchmisc880209
9th July 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division AToronto v Rosedalemisc880212
16th July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v St James' Cathedralmisc880230
20th July 1910 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1910 Eastern SectionEaton's v Riverdalemisc880232
23rd July 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's Elevators v Eaton's Third Floormisc880237
23rd July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Toronto Wanderersmisc880245
23rd July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Rosedalemisc880246
28th July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Stanley Barracksmisc880250
30th July 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division AToronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc880260
30th July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto Wanderers v Incognitosmisc880261
30th July 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto Wanderers v Corinthiansmisc880266
1st August 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc880270
1st August 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto Wanderers v Toronto Syzygiesmisc880271
3rd August 1910 Eaton's Cricket League 1910  Eaton's Fifth Floor v Eaton's General Officemisc880275
3rd August 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v W Warden's XImisc880276
6th August 1910 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1910 Eastern SectionEaton's v St Barnabasmisc880281
6th August 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division AToronto v Grace Churchmisc880288
13th August 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  DW Saunders' XI v J Sheather's XImisc880297
13th August 1910 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1910 Eastern SectionEaton's v Bedford Parkmisc880298
19th August 1910 Belmont in United States of America and Canada 1910  Toronto v Belmontmisc255294
20th August 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division BToronto Wanderers v Aura Leemisc880316
27th August 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division AToronto v Deer Parkmisc880337
27th August 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Division BToronto Wanderers v St James' Cathedralmisc880338
31st August 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Stewart Brown's XImisc880340
3rd September 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Parkdalemisc880347
5th September 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc880354
5th September 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto v Mr Gasson's XImisc880355
10th September 1910 Toronto City Cricket League 1910 Final For John Ross Robertson TrophyParkdale v Rosedalemisc880358
17th September 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Married of Toronto Cricket Club v Single of Toronto Cricket Clubmisc880365
17th September 1910 Other matches in Canada 1910  Toronto Wanderers v Grace Churchmisc880368
24th September 1910 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1910 FinalGarrett v Riverdalemisc880370
20th May 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto University v St Alban's Cathedralmisc858077
24th May 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  CB Smith's XI v M Rawlinson's XImisc858080
3rd June 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Grace Churchmisc758959
3rd June 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto University v Torontomisc858090
7th June 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's Groceries v Eaton's Mail Order Departmentmisc789779
10th June 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc758955
13th June 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's Mail Order Department v Eaton's Main Floormisc858094
14th June 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's Elevators v Eaton's General Officemisc789781
17th June 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division AToronto v Rosedalemisc858098
20th June 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's Groceries v Eaton's Main Floormisc921208
21st June 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's Elevators v Eaton's Mail Order Departmentmisc921209
22nd June 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto Cricket Club v Hamiltonmisc784926
24th June 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division BEaton's v St Jamesmisc758966
26th June 1911 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1911  Toronto University v University of Pennsylvaniamisc251311
27th June 1911 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1911  Toronto Cricket Club v University of Pennsylvaniamisc251312
1st July 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division BEaton's v Aura Leemisc758965
1st July 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Schomberg v St Alban's Cathedralmisc784933
1st July 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto v Guelphmisc858108
5th July 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's General Office v Eaton's Groceriesmisc858109
8th July 1911 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1911 Western SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc758995
13th July 1911 Schenectady in Canada 1911  Toronto City Cricket League v Schenectadymisc858116
14th July 1911 Schenectady in Canada 1911  Church and Mercantile Cricket League v Schenectadymisc858117
15th July 1911 Schenectady in Canada 1911  Hamilton v Schenectadymisc858118
22nd July 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division AGrace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc758964
22nd July 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc758960
26th July 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto Cricket Club v Dr Bennett's XImisc789791
29th July 1911 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1911 Eastern SectionEaton's v St Barnabasmisc784945
2nd August 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto Cricket Club v W Marsden's XImisc789794
5th August 1911 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1911 Eastern SectionEaton's v Bedford Parkmisc784946
7th August 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto v Rosedalemisc858130
10th August 1911 New York Veterans in Canada 1911  Toronto Cricket Club v New York Veteransmisc251317
11th August 1911 New York Veterans in Canada 1911  Toronto Zingari v New York Veteransmisc251318
12th August 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Grace Church v Eaton'smisc784953
12th August 1911 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1911 Western SectionGrace Church v Garrettmisc758980
12th August 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division AToronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc770073
15th August 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's General Office v Eaton's Groceriesmisc784954
18th August 1911 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1911 Challenge MatchToronto Cricket Club v Canadian Pacific Railwaymisc784959
23rd August 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's General Office v Eaton's Main Floormisc784964
24th August 1911 Eaton's Cricket League 1911  Eaton's General Office v Eaton's Mail Order Departmentmisc858133
26th August 1911 Toronto City Cricket League 1911 Division AToronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc770072
4th September 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Toronto Cricket Club v Hamiltonmisc784968
9th September 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc858135
13th September 1911 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1911 FinalRobert Simpson Company v St Barnabasmisc789800
16th September 1911 Other matches in Canada 1911  Grace Church v St Barnabasmisc789803
18th May 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Parkdalemisc869593
25th May 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Eaton's v St Cyprian'smisc759236
25th May 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Eaton's v St Barnabasmisc759197
25th May 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto University v Torontomisc759255
1st June 1912 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1912 Eastern SectionEaton's v St Clement'smisc759097
1st June 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc759204
6th June 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Grace Church v Eaton'smisc858155
7th June 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc585430
15th June 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Royal Military Collegemisc858161
22nd June 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Eaton's v Robert Simpson Companymisc759195
22nd June 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Grace Church v Torontomisc858164
25th June 1912 Eaton's Cricket League 1912  Eaton's Fifth and Sixth Floors v Eaton's General Officemisc858166
29th June 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Aura Leemisc858168
1st July 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division BGrace Church v St Jamesmisc759247
1st July 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Galtmisc759248
4th July 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Ridley Collegemisc759251
6th July 1912 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1912 Eastern SectionEaton's v Robert Simpson Companymisc759114
6th July 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Parkdalemisc858171
6th July 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division AToronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc759229
10th July 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Twin Citymisc766468
13th July 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division AEaton's v Toronto Cricket Clubmisc759057
20th July 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v St Barnabasmisc858180
27th July 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Eaton's v Old Country Clubmisc759193
27th July 1912 Albany Cup 1912  Toronto Cricket Club v Hamiltonmisc759169
31st July 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc858188
3rd August 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division BGrace Church v St Barnabasmisc759080
3rd August 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc759070
5th August 1912 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1912 Challenge MatchToronto v Rosedalemisc858193
10th August 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division BGrace Church v Robert Simpson Companymisc759079
10th August 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Eaton'smisc766465
14th August 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Grace Church v East Toronto Veteransmisc858197
17th August 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  St James v Eaton'smisc759246
24th August 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Eaton's Second XI v St Alban's Cathedral Second XImisc858201
24th August 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Innocents v Vagabondsmisc858203
28th August 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc766466
31st August 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Eaton's v Dovercourtmisc869597
31st August 1912 Toronto City Cricket League 1912 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Rosedalemisc858216
2nd September 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc759203
7th September 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Grace Church v Island Aquaticmisc766455
7th September 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Toronto v Parkdalemisc759250
14th September 1912 Other matches in Canada 1912  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc759205
24th May 1913 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1913 Eastern SectionEaton's v Toronto Electric Light Companymisc759288
24th May 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v St Barnabasmisc759502
31st May 1913 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1913 Eastern SectionEaton's v Evangeliamisc759289
31st May 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v Newmarketmisc759368
31st May 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Toronto v Toronto Coltsmisc759369
7th June 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Eaton's v East Torontomisc759371
11th June 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Ridley College v Trinity College Schoolmisc585438
14th June 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc759380
14th June 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division AToronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc759486
21st June 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v Island Aquaticmisc759384
23rd June 1913 Haverford College in Canada 1913  Toronto Colts v Haverford Collegemisc251738
25th June 1913 Haverford College in Canada 1913  Toronto v Haverford Collegemisc251739
28th June 1913 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1913 Eastern SectionEaton's v Bedford Parkmisc759296
28th June 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church Second XI v Mimico Old Country Clubmisc759388
28th June 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Toronto v Toronto Coltsmisc759396
1st July 1913 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1913 Challenge MatchToronto v St Barnabasmisc759348
5th July 1913 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1913 Eastern SectionEaton's v St David'smisc759298
5th July 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc759399
12th July 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v Eaton'smisc759406
12th July 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church Second XI v St Barnabas Bmisc759407
19th July 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division AEaton's v Parkdalemisc759492
19th July 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division BToronto Cricket Club B v Grace Churchmisc759505
26th July 1913 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1913 Eastern SectionEaton's v St Clement'smisc759304
26th July 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division BGrace Church v Riverdalemisc759506
26th July 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Eaton'smisc759479
2nd August 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division AEaton's v Rosedalemisc759494
2nd August 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc759429
4th August 1913 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1913 Eastern SectionEaton's v St George's Club of Oshawamisc759268
4th August 1913 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1913 Challenge MatchToronto v St Alban's Cathedralmisc759349
9th August 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division AEaton's v St Alban's Cathedralmisc759495
9th August 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division BToronto Cricket Club B v St Barnabasmisc759508
13th August 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc858273
15th August 1913 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1913 Challenge MatchToronto v Wanderersmisc759350
16th August 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division BGrace Church v Toronto Cricket Club Bmisc759509
30th August 1913 McGaw Cup 1913  Eaton's v St Barnabasmisc759450
30th August 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Toronto Cricket Club B v St Alban's Cathedral Second XImisc759454
1st September 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v Peterboroughmisc858276
1st September 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Toronto Cricket Club B v Parkdalemisc759460
6th September 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Grace Church v St David'smisc823331
6th September 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Parkdalemisc759498
13th September 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 Division AEaton's v Toronto Cricket Clubmisc759499
13th September 1913 Other matches in Canada 1913  Toronto v Old Country Clubmisc759475
20th September 1913 Toronto City Cricket League 1913 FinalToronto Cricket Club v Grace Churchmisc858283
6th June 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church B v Toronto Electric Light Companymisc785021
6th June 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v West Torontomisc785020
13th June 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division AGrace Church v Toronto Cricket Clubmisc297786
20th June 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church B v Yorkshire Societymisc785027
20th June 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v Toronto Electric Light Companymisc785030
20th June 1914 Church and Mercantile Cricket League 1914 Central SectionSt Matthias v Newmarketmisc654322
20th June 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Toronto Cricket Club B v Rosedale Bmisc858324
27th June 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church v Grace Church Bmisc785036
27th June 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division AToronto Cricket Club v St Alban's Cathedralmisc297789
1st July 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church v Island Aquaticmisc858332
1st July 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church B v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc858333
4th July 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division ASt Alban's Cathedral v Grace Churchmisc297787
4th July 1914 McGaw Cup 1914  Toronto v Riverdalemisc858344
8th July 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v City Hallmisc858346
11th July 1914 McGaw Cup 1914  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc785049
11th July 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v St Cyprian's Bmisc785054
11th July 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Rosedalemisc297795
18th July 1914 McGaw Cup 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v St Barnabasmisc785058
18th July 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division AToronto Cricket Club v Grace Churchmisc297793
25th July 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division AGrace Church v Rosedalemisc297785
25th July 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Toronto v Parkdalemisc858356
1st August 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division ASt Alban's Cathedral v Toronto Cricket Clubmisc297794
1st August 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Toronto Cricket Club B v Toronto Electric Light Companymisc785066
3rd August 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v St David'smisc785067
3rd August 1914 McGaw Cup 1914  Toronto Cricket Club v Rosedalemisc785068
8th August 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division ASt Alban's Cathedral v Grace Churchmisc785071
8th August 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc855147
10th August 1914 New York Veterans in Canada 1914  Toronto v New York Veteransmisc742275
15th August 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 Division ASt Alban's Cathedral v Rosedalemisc297788
22nd August 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc858379
22nd August 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v St David'smisc858384
29th August 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church B v Mimico Old Country Clubmisc858388
29th August 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  St Alban's Cathedral v Dovercourtmisc858391
12th September 1914 Other matches in Canada 1914  Grace Church v St David'smisc785081
12th September 1914 Toronto City Cricket League 1914 FinalRosedale v St Barnabasmisc764808
12th September 1914 McGaw Cup 1914  Rosedale v St Barnabasmisc764808
29th May 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church Married v Grace Church Singlemisc759680
5th June 1915 McGaw Cup 1915  Grace Church v St Alban's Cathedralmisc785094
5th June 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v Yorkshire Societymisc759689
9th June 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Appleby School v Trinity College School Second XImisc585454
12th June 1915 Toronto City Cricket League 1915  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc759690
12th June 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v St Edmund'smisc759691
19th June 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v Albion Club of Torontomisc759695
19th June 1915 McGaw Cup 1915  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc759698
1st July 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc785101
3rd July 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church v St Barnabasmisc759706
5th July 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church v Ridley Collegemisc785105
10th July 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v Mimico Old Country Clubmisc759711
15th July 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc858433
17th July 1915 McGaw Cup 1915  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc759717
17th July 1915 McGaw Cup 1915  Toronto v Riverdalemisc759721
24th July 1915 Toronto City Cricket League 1915  Grace Church v Riverdalemisc759778
24th July 1915 McGaw Cup 1915  Grace Church v Riverdalemisc759778
31st July 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v St Cyprian'smisc759726
2nd August 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v Yorkshire Societymisc759731
2nd August 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Toronto v Hamiltonmisc855161
14th August 1915 McGaw Cup 1915  Toronto v Rosedalemisc759744
21st August 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v IOF Oakvillemisc759746
21st August 1915 McGaw Cup 1915  Toronto v Grace Churchmisc759753
28th August 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc759754
28th August 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v West Torontomisc858446
4th September 1915 Other matches in Canada 1915  Grace Church B v Dovercourtmisc759760
7th June 1916 Other matches in Canada 1916  Appleby School v Trinity College Schoolmisc585458
16th September 1916 Other matches in Canada 1916  Church and Mercantile Cricket League v Toronto City Cricket Leaguemisc785165
14th June 1919 Other matches in Canada 1919  St Andrew's College v Ridley Collegemisc653430
18th June 1919 Haverford College in Canada 1919  Toronto Cricket Club v Haverford Collegemisc760124
25th June 1920 University of Pennsylvania in Canada 1920  Toronto Cricket Club v University of Pennsylvaniamisc158309
1st July 1920 Toronto and District Cricket Council Test Matches 1920  N Seagram's XI v A Wakefield's XImisc149384
2nd August 1920 Toronto and District Cricket Council Test Matches 1920  RC Murray's XI v A Wakefield's XImisc149385
11th June 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Grace Church v Oakvillemisc149412
18th June 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Grace Church v St Edmund'smisc149420
2nd July 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Grace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc149440
4th July 1921 Other matches in Canada 1921  Toronto Cricket Club v Ridley Collegemisc175085
9th July 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc149446
9th July 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Toronto Cricket Club v Northernmisc149449
16th July 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Grace Church v West Indianmisc149455
6th August 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Grace Church v Grand Trunk Railwaymisc149488
20th August 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Toronto Cricket Club v West Torontomisc149514
27th August 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921  Grace Church v West Torontomisc149517
5th September 1921 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1921 Elimination MatchAlbion Club of Toronto v Westmountmisc566874
24th September 1921 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1921 FinalGrace Church v Northernmisc149530
20th May 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v Birch Cliffmisc174825
24th May 1922 Other matches in Canada 1922  St Andrew's College v Grace Churchmisc687758
3rd June 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v St Barnabasmisc174844
10th June 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc174867
20th June 1922 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1922 First RoundToronto Cricket Club v Grace Churchmisc566182
24th June 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v St Chad'smisc174884
1st July 1922 Toronto Cricket Week 1922  JS Bowbanks' XI v H Roberts' XImisc566187
4th July 1922 Toronto Cricket Week 1922  Ridley College v United Collegesmisc566188
6th July 1922 Toronto Cricket Week 1922  Hamilton and District Cricket League v Western Ontario Cricket Leaguemisc566192
7th July 1922 Toronto Cricket Week 1922  All Toronto v Hamilton and District Cricket Leaguemisc566189
15th July 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc174905
22nd July 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v Grand Trunk Railwaymisc174919
22nd July 1922 Other matches in Canada 1922  Toronto v Western Ontario Cricket Leaguemisc735061
29th July 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v West Torontomisc174935
5th August 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc174941
9th August 1922 Other matches in Canada 1922  Toronto v United Servicesmisc886553
12th August 1922 Continental Life Cup 1922 Second RoundGrace Church v Albion Club of Torontomisc174955
12th August 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v Albion Club of Torontomisc174955
19th August 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  Grace Church v West Indianmisc174969
19th August 1922 Continental Life Cup 1922 Third RoundGrace Church v West Indianmisc174969
26th August 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  North Toronto v St George's Club of Torontomisc174977
26th August 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922  North Toronto v St George's Club of Torontomisc174832
2nd September 1922 Other matches in Canada 1922  Toronto v Parkdalemisc886567
4th September 1922 Other matches in Canada 1922  Toronto v Rosedalemisc886571
16th September 1922 Other matches in Canada 1922  Toronto v N Seagram's XImisc886576
23rd September 1922 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1922 FinalGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc566445
26th May 1923 Continental Life Cup 1923 First RoundGrace Church v Oakvillemisc566473
9th June 1923 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1923  Grace Church v St Edmund'smisc566571
13th June 1923 Continental Life Cup 1923 First RoundDovercourt v United Servicesmisc566478
25th June 1923 Haverford College in Canada 1923  Toronto Cricket Club v Haverford Collegemisc251436
2nd July 1923 Other matches in Canada 1923  Toronto Cricket Club v Ridley Collegemisc605878
14th July 1923 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1923  Grace Church v St George's Club of Torontomisc566615
21st July 1923 Continental Life Cup 1923 Third RoundGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc566491
28th July 1923 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1923  Grace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc566625
4th August 1923 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1923  Grace Church v St Barnabasmisc566634
18th August 1923 Continental Life Cup 1923 Semi-FinalGrace Church v Grand Trunk Railwaymisc566493
25th August 1923 Toronto and District Cricket Council League 1923  Grace Church v United Servicesmisc566660
8th September 1923 Free Foresters in North America 1923  Toronto Cricket Club v Free Forestersmisc30086
12th September 1923 Free Foresters in North America 1923  Public Schools v Free Forestersmisc30087
24th May 1924 Other matches in Canada 1924  Bell Telephone Company v St Edmund'smisc896570
31st May 1924 Continental Life Cup 1924 First RoundGrace Church v Torontomisc896578
7th June 1924 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1924 A DivisionBell Telephone Company v Mimicomisc896582
7th June 1924 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1924 Senior DivisionToronto v Oakvillemisc896593
14th June 1924 Other matches in Canada 1924  Grace Church v United Collegesmisc896600
14th June 1924 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1924 Senior DivisionToronto v Albion Club of Torontomisc896606
21st June 1924 Other matches in Canada 1924  Toronto v Parkdalemisc896620
5th July 1924 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1924 Senior DivisionGrace Church v St George's Club of Torontomisc896628
13th August 1924 Other matches in Canada 1924  Grace Church v British Association for the Advancement of Sciencemisc896695
16th August 1924 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1924 Senior DivisionGrace Church v Torontomisc896697
23rd August 1924 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1924 A DivisionBell Telephone Company v Riverdalemisc896701
13th September 1924 Other matches in Canada 1924  DL Pritchard's XI v DW Saunders' XImisc896724
23rd May 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Bell Telephone Companymisc897142
30th May 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionBell Telephone Company v Yorkshire Societymisc897154
30th May 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc897159
6th June 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Torontomisc897175
13th June 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionBell Telephone Company v Riverdalemisc897187
20th June 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc897205
23rd June 1925 Other matches in Canada 1925  Bell Telephone Company and Grace Church v Winnipeg St George'smisc897215
27th June 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionBell Telephone Company v Island Aquaticmisc897218
4th July 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Rosedalemisc897241
15th July 1925 Other matches in Canada 1925 Toronto Cricket WeekAll Toronto v South Western Ontario Cricket Leaguemisc897263
16th July 1925 Other matches in Canada 1925 Toronto Cricket WeekAll Toronto v Canadian Collegesmisc897264
17th July 1925 Other matches in Canada 1925 Toronto Cricket WeekCanadian and West Indian Born v English Bornmisc897265
18th July 1925 Other matches in Canada 1925 Toronto Cricket WeekDW Saunders' XI v Albion Club of Torontomisc897266
8th August 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionBell Telephone Company v Oakvillemisc897277
15th August 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc897292
22nd August 1925 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1925 Rawlinson Cup DivisionBell Telephone Company v Rosedalemisc897304
5th September 1925 St George's Club of Buffalo in Canada 1925  Grace Church v St George's Club of Buffalomisc897324
1926 Detroit in Canada 1926  Grace Church v Detroitmisc817294
1926 Detroit in Canada 1926  Toronto Cricket Club v Detroitmisc817298
24th May 1926 Other matches in Canada 1926  St George's Club of Toronto v Bell Telephone Companymisc897450
26th May 1926 Other matches in Canada 1926  St Andrew's College Under-16s v Trinity College School Littlesidemisc735073
29th May 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionSt George's Club of Toronto v St Clairmisc897460
5th June 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Bell Telephone Companymisc897471
12th June 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionSt George's Club of Toronto v St Cyprian'smisc897495
26th June 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionSt George's Club of Toronto v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc897524
3rd July 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionSt George's Club of Toronto v Dovercourtmisc897550
10th July 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc897561
17th July 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionDovercourt v St Clairmisc897575a
17th July 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionSt George's Club of Toronto v Broadviewmisc897583a
7th August 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionSt George's Club of Toronto v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc897643
14th August 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v Riverdalemisc897650
21st August 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Continental Life Cup DivisionSt George's Club of Toronto v Parkdalemisc897675
28th August 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v St Barnabasmisc897682
4th September 1926 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1926 Rawlinson Cup DivisionGrace Church v West Torontomisc897696
11th September 1926 Other matches in Canada 1926  St George's Club of Toronto v St Barnabasmisc897721
18th September 1926 Other matches in Canada 1926  Grace Church v West Torontomisc897727
4th June 1927 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1927 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Bell Telephone Companymisc898785
11th June 1927 Other matches in Canada 1927  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc898801
18th June 1927 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1927 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Rosedalemisc898818
9th July 1927 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1927 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Torontomisc898859
16th July 1927 Other matches in Canada 1927  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc898874
6th August 1927 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1927 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc898923
13th August 1927 Other matches in Canada 1927  Grace Church v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc898935
27th August 1927 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1927 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Rosedalemisc898962
3rd September 1927 St George's Club of Buffalo in Canada 1927  Grace Church v St George's Club of Buffalomisc898972
2nd June 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc912076
9th June 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Rosedalemisc912093
23rd June 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Yorkshire Societymisc912128
30th June 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Bell Telephone Companymisc912141
7th July 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Dovercourtmisc912157
12th July 1928 Detroit in Canada 1928  Grace Church and Yorkshire Society v Detroitmisc912170
14th July 1928 Other matches in Canada 1928  Grace Church v Rosedalemisc912175
21st July 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v Torontomisc912187
25th July 1928 Other matches in Canada 1928  Toronto and District Cricket Council v Hamilton and District Cricket Leaguemisc912198
28th July 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v St Edmund'smisc912204
4th August 1928 Other matches in Canada 1928  Canadian National Railway v Kentish Associationmisc912218
11th August 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v St Barnabasmisc912234
18th August 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Birch Cliffmisc912250
25th August 1928 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1928 Continental Life Cup Division Section AGrace Church v West Torontomisc912265
25th May 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Canadian National Railway v Toc Hmisc913295
1st June 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v St Barnabasmisc913314
1st June 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v Broadviewmisc913319
15th June 1929 John Ross Robertson Trophy 1929 First RoundCanadian National Railway v St Clairmisc913349
15th June 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v Mimicomisc913354
29th June 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc913370
6th July 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Canadian National Railway v Kentish Associationmisc913395
6th July 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Grace Church v Toc Hmisc913398
11th July 1929 Detroit in Canada 1929  Grace Church and Yorkshire Society v Detroitmisc913409
13th July 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v St Edmund'smisc913416
13th July 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v St Cyprian'smisc913425
15th July 1929 Chicago in Canada 1929  Grace Church v Chicagomisc913428
20th July 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc913436
20th July 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v Riverdalemisc913443
27th July 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc913453
3rd August 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v St Edmund'smisc913466
5th August 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v St Barnabasmisc913481
10th August 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc913486
17th August 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v St Cyprian'smisc913502
17th August 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v Bell Telephone Company Second XImisc913511
24th August 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc913518
31st August 1929 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1929 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v St Barnabasmisc913533
31st August 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v Parkdalemisc913541
2nd September 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v St Cyprian'smisc913549
7th September 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Grace Church v Mimicomisc913556
14th September 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc913563
14th September 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc913566
21st September 1929 Other matches in Canada 1929  Toc H v Grace Churchmisc913573
24th May 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Grace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc914545
31st May 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc914556
7th June 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Dovercourtmisc914572
7th June 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Rawlinson Cup Division Section BToc H v St George's Club of Oshawamisc914578
14th June 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Canadian National Railway v Mimicomisc914590
14th June 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Rawlinson Cup Division Section BToc H v St Edmund's Second XImisc914597
21st June 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Canadian National Railway v Riverdalemisc914604
21st June 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Toc H v West Torontomisc914608
28th June 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc914616
28th June 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Rawlinson Cup Division Section BToc H v Birch Cliff Second XImisc914621a
1st July 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Toc H v St Cyprian'smisc914627
5th July 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc914633
10th July 1930 Detroit in Canada 1930  Grace Church v Detroitmisc914642
12th July 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v Dovercourtmisc914646
12th July 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Rawlinson Cup Division Section BToc H v Parkdalemisc914654
19th July 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Rawlinson Cup Division Section BToc H v Canadian General Electricity Companymisc914673
26th July 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v Toronto Second XImisc914684
26th July 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Rawlinson Cup Division Section BToc H v Riverdalemisc914689
2nd August 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc914696
4th August 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Canadian National Railway v Canadian National Railwaymisc914706
9th August 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v Toronto Second XImisc914714
16th August 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Grace Church v St Edmund'smisc914728
23rd August 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BGrace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc914736
23rd August 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Rawlinson Cup Division Section BToc H v Broadviewmisc914745
30th August 1930 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1930 Continental Life Cup Division Section BCanadian National Railway v St Cyprian'smisc914750
6th September 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Grace Church v Kentish Associationmisc914761
13th September 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Canadian National Railway v Broadviewmisc914772
13th September 1930 Other matches in Canada 1930  Toc H v Grace Churchmisc914775
1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Cyprian'smisc915380
1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc915381
1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Eastmure SectionToc H v West Indianmisc915406
23rd May 1931 Other matches in Canada 1931  Grace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc915442
6th June 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionGrace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc915459
6th June 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Eastmure SectionToc H v Riverdalemisc915464
13th June 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Clairmisc915480
15th June 1931 Toronto Junior Cricket League 1931  St George's Juniors v Prince Edward Juniorsmisc915491
27th June 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Edmund'smisc915495
27th June 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Eastmure SectionToc H v Scarborough Second XImisc915504
1st July 1931 Other matches in Canada 1931  Canadian National Railway v Riverdalemisc915509
4th July 1931 Other matches in Canada 1931  Grace Church v Owen Soundmisc915519
11th July 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc915538
13th July 1931 Toronto Junior Cricket League 1931  St George's Juniors v Forest School, High Park Juniorsmisc915548
18th July 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc915552
18th July 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Eastmure SectionWest Indian v Toc Hmisc915560
25th July 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionGrace Church v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc915569
25th July 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Eastmure SectionToc H v Oshawamisc915577
28th July 1931 Mohawk Mills Association of Amsterdam in Canada 1931  Grace Church v Mohawk Mills Association of Amsterdammisc915580
15th August 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Clairmisc915598
15th August 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Eastmure SectionToc H v Parkdalemisc915602
17th August 1931 Toronto Junior Cricket League 1931 Champions MatchPrince Edward Juniors v Toronto Junior Cricket Leaguemisc915606
22nd August 1931 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1931 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc915612
29th August 1931 Other matches in Canada 1931  Toc H v Scarborough Second XImisc915627
5th September 1931 Other matches in Canada 1931  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc915631
21st May 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Grace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc916333
24th May 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Canadian National Railway v Broadviewmisc916344
24th May 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Toc H v Grace Churchmisc916349
28th May 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Grace Church v Bell Telephone Companymisc916356a
28th May 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Eastmure SectionToc H v Danforth Parkmisc916363
4th June 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Continental Life SectionCanadian National Railway v Bell Telephone Companymisc916373
10th June 1932 Toronto and District Junior Cricket League 1932 Division TwoSt George's Juniors v Forest School, High Park Juniorsmisc916387
11th June 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Canadian National Railway v Riverdalemisc916389
18th June 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Continental Life SectionCanadian National Railway v Yorkshire Societymisc916404
18th June 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Eastmure SectionToc H v Lake Shoremisc916413
25th June 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Continental Life SectionCanadian National Railway v Rosedalemisc916420
25th June 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Eastmure SectionToc H v Consumers' Gas Companymisc916428
9th July 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Godin SectionGrace Church v Toronto Second XImisc916443
15th July 1932 Toronto and District Junior Cricket League 1932 Division TwoSt George's Juniors v Kitchener Grade Juniorsmisc916456
16th July 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Godin SectionGrace Church v Scarboroughmisc916461
23rd July 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Continental Life SectionCanadian National Railway v West Torontomisc916475
23rd July 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Eastmure SectionToc H v Oshawamisc916483
27th July 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Grace Church v Christ Church Cathedralmisc817985
30th July 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Canadian National Railway v Canadian National Railwaymisc916490
30th July 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Toc H v Parkdalemisc916496
6th August 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Continental Life SectionCanadian National Railway v Torontomisc916513
6th August 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Eastmure SectionToc H v West Indianmisc916522
12th August 1932 Toronto and District Junior Cricket League 1932 Division TwoSt George's Juniors v Ramblers Juniorsmisc916526
13th August 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc916530
13th August 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Eastmure SectionToc H v Scarborough Second XImisc916536
27th August 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc916562
27th August 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Eastmure SectionToc H v St Edmund's Second XImisc916570
3rd September 1932 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1932 Godin SectionGrace Church v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc916577
10th September 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Grace Church v Toc Hmisc916590
17th September 1932 Other matches in Canada 1932  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc916599
27th May 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc917575
27th May 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Eastmure SectionToc H v Dovercourtmisc917581
3rd June 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Edmund'smisc917595
3rd June 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Eastmure SectionToc H v Consumers' Gas Companymisc917605
10th June 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionGrace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc917614
24th June 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Eastmure SectionToc H v Danforth Parkmisc917655
8th July 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Parkdalemisc917673
15th July 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc917691
17th July 1933 Toronto Junior Cricket League 1933  St George's A Juniors v Prince Edward Juniorsmisc917702
22nd July 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc917705
22nd July 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Eastmure SectionToc H v Scarborough Second XImisc917713
29th July 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionGrace Church v Scarboroughmisc917721
5th August 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Cyprian'smisc917734
5th August 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Eastmure SectionToc H v Lake Shoremisc917742
12th August 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Scarboroughmisc917755
12th August 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Eastmure SectionToc H v St Edmund's Second XImisc917766
2nd September 1933 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1933 Godin SectionGrace Church v Parkdalemisc917782
9th September 1933 Other matches in Canada 1933  Grace Church v Toc Hmisc917799
16th September 1933 Other matches in Canada 1933  Canadian National Railway v Toc Hmisc917809
16th September 1933 Other matches in Canada 1933  Grace Church v Dovercourtmisc917811
19th May 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionGrace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc918627
26th May 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Eastmure SectionToc H v Scarborough Second XImisc918650
2nd June 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v West Torontomisc918662
2nd June 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Eastmure SectionToc H v Dentonia Park Second XImisc918672
16th June 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionGrace Church v Broadviewmisc918702
16th June 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Eastmure SectionToc H v Oshawamisc918712
30th June 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Cyprian'smisc918728
7th July 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionGrace Church v West Torontomisc918753
14th July 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Scarboroughmisc918773
14th July 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Eastmure SectionToc H v St Edmund's Second XImisc918783
21st July 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc918790
21st July 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Eastmure SectionToc H v Eglintonmisc918798
28th July 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Broadviewmisc918803
4th August 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Edmund'smisc918818
11th August 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc918833
11th August 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Eastmure SectionToc H v Consumers' Gas Companymisc918842
18th August 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc918850
18th August 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Eastmure SectionToc H v Lake Shoremisc918855
25th August 1934 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1934 Godin SectionGrace Church v Scarboroughmisc918863
1st September 1934 Other matches in Canada 1934  Canadian National Railway v St George's Club of Hamiltonmisc919640
8th September 1934 Other matches in Canada 1934  Toc H v Canadian National Railwaymisc918887
15th September 1934 Other matches in Canada 1934  Grace Church v Parkdalemisc918892
22nd September 1934 Other matches in Canada 1934  Canadian National Railway v Riverdalemisc918898
11th May 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Canadian National Railway v Broadviewmisc919643
24th May 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Grace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc919669
25th May 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Godin SectionGrace Church v Broadviewmisc919679
25th May 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Oakvillemisc919685
1st June 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Continental Life Section BCanadian National Railway v West Torontomisc919694
8th June 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Eglintonmisc919721
15th June 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Godin SectionGrace Church v Scarboroughmisc919728
15th June 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Bedford Parkmisc919734
22nd June 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc919743
29th June 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Continental Life Section BCanadian National Railway v Parkdalemisc919753
29th June 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Broadviewmisc919762
13th July 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Kentish Associationmisc919802
20th July 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Continental Life Section BCanadian National Railway v Yorkshire Societymisc919807
27th July 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc919825
27th July 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Oshawa Second XImisc919831
3rd August 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Toc H Football Clubmisc919847
10th August 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Barnabasmisc919862
17th August 1935 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1935 Godin SectionGrace Church v Dentonia Parkmisc919879
17th August 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v GG Whitaker Company of Peterboroughmisc919884
24th August 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Canadian National Railway v Broadviewmisc919887
24th August 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Grace Churchmisc919898
31st August 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v St Edmund'smisc919909
2nd September 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Canadian National Railway v St Thomasmisc919913
2nd September 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Toc H v Londonmisc919915
14th September 1935 Other matches in Canada 1935  Canadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc919929
23rd May 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Canadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc920324
25th May 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Canadian National Railway Juniors v Toronto Junior Cricket Leaguemisc920336
30th May 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Canadian National Railway v Toc Hmisc920346
6th June 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Continental Life Section BCanadian National Railway v West Torontomisc920369
13th June 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Cyprian'smisc920392
13th June 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toc H v Oakvillemisc920398
20th June 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Godin SectionGrace Church v Dentonia Parkmisc920404
27th June 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Continental Life Section BCanadian National Railway v Parkdalemisc920417
27th June 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toronto Junior Cricket League v St Barnabas Juniorsmisc920427
4th July 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Continental Life Cross SectionCanadian National Railway v Torontomisc920440
4th July 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toc H v Kentish Associationmisc920446
11th July 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Edmund'smisc920458
18th July 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Godin SectionGrace Church v Scarboroughmisc920471
18th July 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toc H v Shell Oil Companymisc920931
25th July 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Continental Life Cross SectionCanadian National Railway v Bell Telephone Companymisc920481
1st August 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toc H v Beaches Cricket Clubmisc920503
8th August 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Continental Life Section BCanadian National Railway v Broadviewmisc920511
8th August 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toc H v GG Whitaker Company of Peterboroughmisc920521
15th August 1936 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1936 Godin SectionGrace Church v St Clairmisc920527
15th August 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toc H v Consumers' Gas Companymisc920533
22nd August 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Grace Church v Kentish Associationmisc920541
22nd August 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Toc H v Bedford Parkmisc920936
29th August 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Canadian National Railway v Eglintonmisc920548
5th September 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Canadian National Railway v Toc Hmisc920556
12th September 1936 Other matches in Canada 1936  Grace Church v Canadian National Railwaymisc920564
22nd May 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Canadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc920642
24th May 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toronto Junior Cricket League v Kentish Association Juniorsmisc920664
24th May 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toronto Junior Cricket League v St Barnabas Juniorsmisc920661
24th May 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toronto Junior Cricket League v St Simon's Juniorsmisc920663
29th May 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Canadian National Railway v Yorkshire Societymisc920669
5th June 1937 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1937 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Parkdalemisc920687
5th June 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Fergusmisc920691
12th June 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Oakvillemisc920713
19th June 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Shell Oil Companymisc920730
26th June 1937 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1937 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Dentonia Parkmisc920735
3rd July 1937 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1937 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Grace Churchmisc920750
3rd July 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Beaches Cricket Clubmisc920758
17th July 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Shell Oil Companymisc920784
24th July 1937 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1937 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v Woodgreen Brotherhoodmisc920789
24th July 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Beaches Cricket Clubmisc920796
31st July 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Toc H Football Clubmisc920808
21st August 1937 Toronto and District Cricket Council 1937 Godin SectionCanadian National Railway v St Clairmisc920826
4th September 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Toc H v Kentish Associationmisc920843
11th September 1937 Other matches in Canada 1937  Canadian National Railway v Toc Hmisc920848
18th September 1937 Toronto Junior Cricket League 1937  Canadian National Railway Juniors v Kentish Association Juniorsmisc920852
18th June 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v Consumers' Gas Companymisc921809
25th June 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v Shell Oil Companymisc921828
2nd July 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v Oakvillemisc921846
9th July 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v Kentish Associationmisc921859
23rd July 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v Peterboroughmisc921889
30th July 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v Shell Oil Companymisc921896
6th August 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v GG Whitaker Company of Peterboroughmisc921909
13th August 1938 Star Junior Championship Trophy 1938 Western TrialToronto Western A Juniors v Toronto Western B Juniorsmisc921924
20th August 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v St Edmund'smisc921934
20th August 1938 Star Junior Championship Trophy 1938 Eastern TrialToronto Eastern A Juniors v Toronto Eastern B Juniorsmisc921935
27th August 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v St Edmund'smisc921948
27th August 1938 Star Junior Championship Trophy 1938 FinalToronto Eastern Juniors v Toronto Western Juniorsmisc921949
3rd September 1938 Rutley Cup 1938 FinalDentonia Park Grasshoppers v Wesley Acesmisc921955
3rd September 1938 Other matches in Canada 1938  Toc H v Bedford Parkmisc921960
3rd June 1939 Other matches in Canada 1939  Toc H v Fergusmisc922975
10th June 1939 Other matches in Canada 1939  Toc H v St Edmund'smisc922992
17th June 1939 Other matches in Canada 1939  Toc H v Peterboroughmisc923009
8th July 1939 Other matches in Canada 1939  Toc H v Bedford Parkmisc923045
29th July 1939 Other matches in Canada 1939  Toc H v Kentish Associationmisc923090
31st July 1940 Toronto Junior Cricket League 1940  St George's Juniors v Kiwanis Juvenilesmisc923650
17th May 1958 Pakistan in West Indies and North America 1957/58  Canadian XI v Pakistanismisc32199
19th May 1958 Pakistan in West Indies and North America 1957/58  Toronto and District Cricket Council v Pakistanismisc32201





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