Batting and Fielding in Women's National Cricket League 2007/08 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
SE Aley (NSW)8626633*16.50 66.66004 
SJ Andrews (NSW)8605116  8.50 43.22000 
CA Anneveld (NSW)8411910  6.33 79.16001 
KM Applebee (Vic)88223157  38.50 61.11021 
KM Beams (Vic)6514216*10.50 46.66003 
EL Biss (WA)10       0 
AJ Blackwell (NSW)88129375*41.85 60.78040 
KA Blackwell (NSW)88316751*33.40 57.98013 
NE Bolton (WA)88013854  17.25 50.92011 
KL Britt (SAus)88315636*31.20 52.00002 
DK Brown (WA)5423220*16.00 31.06000 
RG Browne (Qld)43164  3.00 42.85002 
MJ Bulow (Qld)88014061  17.50 56.45012 
KAD Burns (WA)11000  0.00 0.00000 
RK Chappell (WA)88011736  14.62 60.00002 
JC Coleman (Qld)8816928  9.85 57.98005 
LA Coleman (NSW)8628425  21.00 56.000075
M Compston (Vic)21033  3.00 50.00000 
L Daley (Qld)7617646*15.20 55.07001 
LC Davis (SAus)8412210  7.33 53.65004 
AZ Dean (SAus)83174*3.50 36.8400108
JJ Dean (Vic)8715226  8.66 47.27003 
JE Duffin (Vic)4403520  8.75 51.47000 
LK Ebsary (WA)88023672  29.50 72.39023 
SJ Elliott (Vic)88121444*30.57 60.11003 
AJ Fahey (WA)87113962  23.16 68.47013 
RM Farrell (NSW)8201615  8.00 40.00001 
C Fiebig (SAus)52122  2.00 20.00000 
JM Fields (Qld)88121485*30.57 58.4602142
JA Franklin (Vic)63022  0.66 11.11002 
NM Goodwin (NSW)40       0 
A Gray (WA)88012240  15.25 55.45005 
JL Gunn (SAus)86114244  28.40 62.28001 
RL Haynes (Vic)88022969  28.62 51.11014 
AJ Healy (NSW)8817841*11.14 54.160041
D Holden (Qld)6514022*10.00 54.05000 
DL Hollis (Qld)6515634*14.00 50.90003 
CM Horton (WA)83064  2.00 33.33001 
JL Hunter (Vic)84283*4.00 44.44001 
HB Hyder (WA)53264  6.00 28.57001 
NK Iles (SAus)82174*7.00 38.88001 
EJ Inglis (Vic)8729346*18.60 65.030032
M Jones (Vic)88028573  35.62 58.76021 
DM Kimmince (Qld)8222319* 41.81000 
CG Kross (Qld)632127*12.00 35.29000 
LJ Kuschert (NSW)4322211  22.00 51.16001 
FJ McDonald (SAus)8506126  12.20 45.86004 
TJ McPharlin (SAus)63175*3.50 24.13001 
AR Maloney (Vic)80       4 
K Marxsen (Qld)88019186  23.87 58.23013 
PA Merrilees (WA)6523216*10.66 61.53002 
SA Millanta (NSW)10       0 
SC Morrison (SAus)50       0 
S Nitschke (SAus)88025074  31.25 74.62025 
M Pauwels (Vic)21111* 33.33001 
EA Perry (NSW)7506637  13.20 58.92001 
KE Pike (Qld)8706017  8.57 58.25002 
LJ Poulton (NSW)88010639  13.25 42.57001 
JC Price (Qld)2207851  39.00 43.33010 
RL Rimmington (Qld)42022  1.00 50.00000 
KL Rolton (SAus)881384106*54.85 76.19142 
EM Sampson (SAus)8523119*10.33 50.81002 
KLH Short (Qld)1101414  14.00 63.63000 
CR Smith (Vic)8747126*23.66 94.66000 
LN Stammers (WA)88015059  18.75 65.50012 
LC Sthalekar (NSW)88131293*44.57 81.67035 
GL Triscari (WA)10       0 
J Verrall (Qld)4312618*13.00 40.62001 
EJ Villani (Vic)4406951  17.25 72.63011 
JCL Wallace (WA)88118554  26.42 62.280144
ML White (Qld)88212839*21.33 65.30004 
AL Williams (WA)8837821*15.60 44.57004 
JC Wilson (WA)52000  0.00 0.00001 
JL Woerner (SAus)88119557*27.85 54.46012