Bowling in MA Chidambaram Trophy 1998/99 (Ordered by Wickets)

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AK Suman (Rest)17677576-5710.71 10
Sarandeep Singh (Pj)14475644-5614.00 00
MB Tripathi (Rest)157106544-5316.25 00
GI Singh (Pj)10215922-5929.50 00
SK Sanwal (Pj)11436422-6432.00 00
M Dhuper (Pj)5421511-1515.00 00
SS Lahiri (Rest)1811611-1616.00 00
Yuvraj Singh (Pj)2801711-1717.00 00
BBCC Mohapatra (Rest)180110    
R Bhatia (Rest)311180    
P Behl (Pj)603350