Fielding in KFC Cup 2007/08 (Ordered by Catches)

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S Ganga (Trin)45 5
PA Browne (Bar)34 4
CAK Walton (CCC)3415
CS Baugh (Jam)5325
N Deonarine (Guy)43 3
SE Findlay (Jam)53 3
DB Hector (Wwd)33 3
NO Miller (Jam)53 3
RS Morton (Lwd)33 3
KA Pollard (Trin)43 3
D Ramdin (Trin)4314
DJG Sammy (Wwd)33 3
LAS Sebastien (Wwd)33 3
JM Simmonds (Lwd)3325
LS Baker (Lwd)32 2
WR Blackman (Bar)32 2
DJ Bravo (Trin)42 2
R Chattergoon (CCC)32 2
DO Christian (Guy)42 2
SM Clarke (CCC)32 2
M Dillon (Trin)32 2
AB Fudadin (Guy)42 2
CH Gayle (Jam)52 2
DP Hyatt (Jam)52 2
S Shillingford (Wwd)32 2
LMP Simmons (Trin)42 2
S Badree (Trin)21 1
MJ Belcon (Trin)31 1
DM Bravo (WI)21 1
JL Carter (Bar)31 1
K Catlin (CCC)31 1
S Chattergoon (Guy)41 1
RK Currency (CCC)31 1
RI Doodnauth (Lwd)11 1
CW Emmanuel (CCC)31 1
RR Emrit (Trin)41 1
CJK Hodge (Lwd)31 1
SA Jacobs (WI)21 1
LOD James (Wwd)31 1
SM Jeffers (Lwd)31 1
K Kantasingh (CCC)31 1
RD King (Guy)31 1
JS Liburd (Lwd)31 1
SSW Liburd (Lwd)31 1
NC McGarrell (Guy)41 1
M Matthew (Wwd)21 1
MV Nagamootoo (Guy)31 1
BA Parchment (Jam)51 1
OJ Phillips (CCC)31 1
DBL Powell (Jam)51 1
R Rampaul (Trin)41 1
DM Richards (Bar)31 1
JE Taylor (Jam)51 1
DC Thomas (WI)31 1
RA Wiggins (Bar)21 1