Fielding in World Series Cricket Supertests 1978/79 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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APE Knott (World)312113
RW Marsh (Aus)411 11
GS Chappell (Aus)36 6
DL Murray (WI)2516
CG Greenidge (WI)35 5
KC Wessels (Aus)45 5
CH Lloyd (WI)34 4
IVA Richards (WI)34 4
RJ Bright (Aus)43 3
GJ Gilmour (Aus)43 3
AW Greig (World)13 3
Javed Miandad (World)23 3
BM Laird (Aus)43 3
Majid Khan (World)23 3
CEB Rice (World)33 3
Asif Iqbal (World)32 2
RA Austin (WI)22 2
IM Chappell (Aus)42 2
Imran Khan (World)32 2
MJ Procter (World)32 2
LG Rowe (WI)32 2
EJ Barlow (World)11 1
CEH Croft (WI)21 1
J Garner (WI)21 1
CL King (WI)21 1
GS le Roux (World)31 1
LS Pascoe (Aus)21 1
IR Redpath (Aus)21 1
BA Richards (World)21 1
DL Underwood (World)31 1
Zaheer Abbas (World)31 1