Batting and Fielding in Women's National Cricket League 2001/02 (Ordered by StrikeRate)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
R Lee (Qld)8314034*20.00 114.28006 
LA Coleman (NSW)81066  6.00 100.000031
KL Rolton (SAus)880509147  63.62 91.38222 
ML White (Qld)88010529  13.12 72.41004 
BJ Clark (Vic)10100433116  43.30 71.21135 
J Burnett (WA)8809023  11.25 70.86000 
JJ Dean (Vic)4411713  5.66 70.83000 
BL Calver (NSW)10317253  36.00 67.28012 
K Tyrrell (WA)7736424*16.00 66.66000 
A Gray (WA)88020460  25.50 65.59021 
MA Winch (NSW)1010324565*35.00 65.33015 
EM Sampson (SAus)8716424  10.66 65.30002 
SA Cooper (Qld)88017042  21.25 61.81000 
CG Kross (Qld)8758538*42.50 59.85003 
MAJ Goszko (NSW)1010228485  35.50 59.53010 
J Hayes (NSW)10535826*29.00 57.42002 
CR Smith (Vic)102044  2.00 57.14002 
TE Brown (Qld)66112458*24.80 55.85015 
MJ Bulow (Qld)880265106  33.12 55.78112 
M Jones (Vic)1010232177  40.12 55.24023 
SB Cunneen (NSW)108416644  41.50 54.070051
B Buckley (Qld)8525422  18.00 54.00003 
LC Sthalekar (NSW)1010134780*38.55 52.49043 
JC Price (Qld)88117366  24.71 50.000243
N Maidment (SAus)88111744  16.71 50.00002 
LM Keightley (NSW)1010033972  33.90 49.92026 
LK Ebsary (SAus)8707651  10.85 49.35013 
SR Theodore (Vic)10824919*8.16 49.00009 
H Booth (SAus)8724117*8.20 48.80003 
LC Broadfoot (Vic)1010016952  16.90 48.28015 
AJ Fahey (WA)8718525  14.16 47.75000 
B White (Vic)6311917  9.50 46.34003 
CL Fitzpatrick (Vic)109313829  23.00 46.15001 
ZJ Goss (WA)88013759  17.12 45.51010 
JM Fields (Qld)8726117  12.20 44.85001 
LM Shields (Qld)8634822  16.00 44.85001 
H Taylor (WA)88018441  23.00 44.66004 
J Langley (WA)88011929  14.87 43.75002 
EP Campbell (WA)88013851  17.25 43.67010 
KM Applebee (Vic)1010113835  15.33 42.85004 
KL Britt (SAus)88019678  24.50 42.60014 
D Holden (WA)4425833*29.00 41.13000 
J Jackowiak (SAus)651166  4.00 41.02001 
B Matheson (Qld)88015047  18.75 40.87003 
S Young (Vic)10642112*10.50 40.38002 
AJ Blackwell (NSW)8433312*33.00 40.24004 
N Morrison (WA)85284  2.66 40.00001 
A Aparo (Vic)10714925  8.16 39.830028
C Wong (WA)6411212*4.00 38.70002 
S Nitschke (SAus)88111227  16.00 34.25002 
J Oldfield (SAus)52164*6.00 33.33001 
SJ Elliott (Vic)1010011964  11.90 30.51011 
TA McGregor (NSW)103176  3.50 29.16000 
RK Chappell (WA)630179  5.66 28.81005 
Z Kissane (WA)41011  1.00 25.000021
J Lucas (SAus)43144  2.00 19.04002 
B Noack (SAus)63133  1.50 16.66003 
PA Merrilees (WA)440106  2.50 16.120031
J Kenney (SAus)660156  2.50 15.620032
A Taylor (SAus)64265*3.00 15.00000 
JL Woerner (SAus)5301110  3.66 13.09001 
C Phillips (WA)11111* 8.33000 
K Winterton (Vic)63100*0.00 0.00000 
H Thompson (Qld)21000  0.00 0.00000 
K Wells (SAus)21000  0.00 0.00001 
E Liddell (NSW)101000  0.00 0.00003 
SJ Andrews (NSW)70       0 
D Nelson (NSW)50       2 
KE Pike (Qld)80       3 
SA Millanta (NSW)20       1 
N Wood (Vic)40       1