Batting and Fielding in Minor Counties Championship 1985 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
NAW Ackland (Dor)2303724  12.33  000 
NJ Adams (Cam)12087  4.00  000 
Agha Zahid (Dev)611027883  25.27  022 
HL Alleyne (Buck)430109  3.33  002 
AW Allin (Dev)810511840  23.60  002 
MB Anderson (Nthum)1202216  11.00  000 
TJ Angove (Corn)5709429  13.42 33.93002 
NJ Archer (Staff)912726063*52.00  021 
KA Arnold (Ox)87110127*16.83  003 
R Arrowsmith (Nthum)52122*2.00  001 
DJ Ashley (Shrop)9718238*13.66  0094
PDM Ashton (Buck)12142*4.00  000 
JJ Ashurst (Cum)10       0 
JD Atkins (Buck)230189  6.00  001 
PD Atkins (Buck)47113354  22.16  011 
JCM Atkinson (Sm)21011  1.00  000 
SR Atkinson (Dur)611038094  34.54 50.80031 
PGM August (Bed)33199  4.50 18.360041
PAC Bail (Sm)915123857  17.00  025 
FP Bailey (Norf)21000  0.00  003 
MD Bailey (Suff)8634317  14.33  002 
SJ Bailey (Staff)3516842  17.00  000 
DHJ Baker (Cam)2404434  11.00  002 
CS Bannister (Hert)48022158  27.62  010 
PD Barker (Suff)1016125358  16.86  014 
AS Barnard (Shrop)22133  3.00  000 
JC Barrett (Wilt)120127  6.00  001 
TJ Barry (Buck)2311615*8.00  002 
RJ Bartlett (Sm)1202625  13.00  000 
SW Bartlett (Lin)12000  0.00  000 
D Beal (Sm)10       0 
P Beaney (Dur)43195  4.50 52.94002 
ML Beaumont (Ox)350239  4.60  001 
C Beckett (Lin)431137  6.50  000 
WKM Benjamin (Ches)231137  6.50  003 
JDR Benson (Cam)916226640  19.00  0011 
GR Black (Buck)815331968  26.58  025 
DC Blank (Staff)8424921*24.50  000 
SE Blott (Bed)21133* 75.00004 
RJ Bond (Suff)1101414  14.00  000 
CD Booden (Buck)56532*3.00  001 
SC Booth (Sm)64197*3.00  005 
WG Bott (Shrop)34142*1.33  000 
WN Boustead (Cum)8423013*15.00  0051
CN Boyns (Shrop)2103232  32.00  001 
RL Bradford (Norf)3406226  15.50  004 
SA Bradford (Lin)6947326*14.60  002 
BS Brar (Nthum)21100*  000 
MEW Brooker (Staff)31022  2.00 20.00000 
PC Brooker (Cam)686114*5.50  0042
AD Brown (Suff)1074349*11.33  00123
M Brown (Cam)581309  4.28  004 
RA Bunting (Norf)83222  2.00  002 
P Burn (Dur)4627320*18.25 34.43001 
S Burrow (Buck)510112331  13.66  002 
RL Burton (Lin)6615130*10.20  001 
RN Busby (Ox)8632314*7.66  004 
PR Butler (Lin)712413825*17.25  003 
AJ Buzza (Corn)9733219  8.00 25.60002 
PJ Caley (Suff)1014333467  30.36  045 
JR Carter (Norf)610222481  28.00  022 
D Cartledge (Staff)814144578  34.23  026 
JD Charles (Corn)813123167  19.25 54.35015 
GEJ Child (Berk)5212719*27.00  002 
GJ Clarke (Cum)813130691  25.50  033 
JA Claughton (Berk)3506535  13.00  001 
CJ Clements (Ox)46118689  37.20  022 
SM Clements (Suff)914130772  23.61  013 
I Cockbain (Ches)914128848  22.15  004 
DC Collard (Cam)811313444*16.75  004 
BG Collins (Hert)23155*2.50  000 
FE Collyer (Hert)59115954  19.87  012 
IE Conn (Dur)12100*0.00 0.00002 
ND Cook (Norf)5618946  17.80  001 
RVJ Coombs (Dor)6211713*17.00  003 
PA Cooper (Buck)1204126  20.50  000 
RC Cooper (Wilt)913216132  14.63  002 
K Corby (Nthum)5432615  26.00  00121
PG Cormack (Nthum)5403127  7.75  004 
JM Cradick (Corn)914214531  12.08 40.73005 
ST Crawley (Ches)4615935  11.80  000 
A Crossley (Ox)912214725  14.70  0087
MD Crowe (Sm)1103030  30.00  000 
J Cullip (Wilt)5736021  15.00  0042
IJ Curtis (Ox)444159*  001 
AD Cuthill (Cam)5815616  8.00  001 
IW Darling (Nthum)31099  9.00  001 
MR Davies (Shrop)3304139  13.66  001 
MR Davis (Sm)3212222  22.00  001 
JP Dawson (Shrop)6423217  16.00  005 
SA Dean (Hert)510019652  19.60  014 
SJ Dean (Staff)711023668  21.45  017 
AJ Dengler (Corn)21155* 21.73000 
P Dolphin (Buck)36115592*31.00  012 
K Donohue (Dev)31111* 100.00003 
CH Dredge (Sm)3202017  10.00  001 
R Dreyer (Nthum)2318354*41.50  010 
PA Driver (Hert)611113244  13.20  000 
AS Drummond (Dor)1203423  17.00  000 
DB Drury (Cum)6729627  19.20  003 
AJH Dunning (Sm)4529147*30.33  002 
MST Dunstan (Corn)68221872  36.33 55.05013 
CJ Edwards (Dev)916728353*31.44  022 
JH Edwards (Dev)912610536  17.50  005 
JKS Edwards (Buck)35016959  33.80  011 
SJ Edwards (Buck)45213268*44.00  020 
JB Elleray (Cum)10       0 
CC Ellison (Wilt)5636327*21.00  000 
KSD Emery (Wilt)5634016*13.33  000 
BR Evans (Nthum)10       0 
RA Evans (Ox)792195*2.71  004 
SMN Farley (Dor)12000  0.00  000 
MA Fell (Lin)611029767  27.00  023 
SAR Ferguson (Sm)610017063  17.00  024 
RW Flower (Staff)9311714*8.50  001 
NA Folland (Dev)918239595  24.68  022 
NG Folland (Dev)612122941  20.81  001 
GC Ford (Ox)47011146  15.85  000 
A Fordham (Bed)480454123  56.75 58.96123 
J Foster (Shrop)911135665  35.60  039 
AR Fothergill (Dur)1101515  15.00 48.380011
JG Franks (Lin)2407457  18.50  011 
GR Furse (Corn)8758852*44.00 40.00013 
NT Gadsby (Cam)814135783*27.46  026 
SC Gale (Shrop)911316056  20.00  011 
TL Gall (Corn)91117143*7.10 31.4100102
PL Garlick (Dor)10       0 
PJ Garner (Ox)915030659  20.40  022 
AR Garofall (Hert)69213024*18.57  002 
NR Gaywood (Dev)918237961  23.68  023 
K Gentle (Bed)9182627104*39.18 48.30143 
N Gilbert (Hert)59116561*20.62  012 
PN Gill (Staff)24010352  25.75  011 
DB Gorman (Berk)68115245*21.71  002 
MJ Goulding (Dev)10       0 
CA Graham (Dor)2414614  15.33  001 
CC Graham (Suff)11011  1.00  000 
KJ Graham (Buck)3625432  13.50  000 
PC Graham (Nthum)72044  2.00  004 
RJ Greatorex (Wilt)1201111  5.50  000 
RC Green (Suff)101038719  12.42  005 
S Greensword (Dur)915334669  28.83 61.67035 
A Greenwood (Ches)10       0 
A Griffiths (Staff)9726124  12.20  00142
PJ Hacker (Ches)20       0 
RJ Hailey (Hert)66221*0.50  004 
GD Halliday (Nthum)713323854  23.80  014 
SJ Halliday (Dor)713352696*52.60  043 
D Halliwell (Cum)7858042*26.66  003 
NG Hames (Buck)612120588  18.63  024 
AP Hancock (Corn)1201514  7.50 71.42000 
FLQ Handley (Norf)46015063  25.00  022 
RJ Harden (Sm)68419451*48.50  013 
A Hardy (Nthum)10       1 
CJ Harker (Nthum)10       0 
MD Harman (Sm)951178  4.25  008 
JF Harvey (Berk)912522648*32.28  000 
PW Harvey (Suff)2211212  12.00  000 
AR Harwood (Buck)3407035  17.50  000 
PJ Hayes (Suff)1013616343*23.28  002 
RE Hayward (Buck)48016953  21.12  017 
R Herbert (Suff)1015123845*17.00  003 
JJ Hitchmough (Ches)1016139274  26.13  025 
JS Hitchmough (Ches)11066  6.00 40.00001 
PDB Hoare (Bed)4511613*4.00 31.37003 
GR Hobbins (Ox)59210541*15.00  004 
GD Hodgson (Cum)3518465  21.00  011 
ER Hodson (Norf)21055  5.00 83.33000 
DC Holliday (Cam)2406133  15.25  001 
S Hooper (Corn)1104242  42.00 25.00001 
RDP Huggins (Norf)914620945  26.12  009 
PN Hughes (Ches)21199*  0051
RG Humphrey (Buck)5716221  10.33  0056
K Humphreys (Shrop)67122484*37.33  020 
G Hurst (Dur)917429461  22.61 73.68016 
KBK Ibadulla (Ches)81056224*12.40  002 
MJ Ikin (Staff)22044  2.00  000 
PG Ingham (Nthum)59319063  31.66  011 
Iqbal Sikander (Cum)45211974  39.66  012 
DC Jackson (Dur)58011746  14.62 55.18002 
TMH James (Berk)4628821*22.00  001 
M Jean-Jacques (Buck)3314039*20.00  001 
MM Jervis (Norf)10       3 
G Johnson (Dur)62097  4.50 42.85001 
PD Johnson (Lin)35222183  73.66  024 
WR Johnson (Wilt)42188  8.00  0031
J Johnston (Dur)43255  5.00 10.86000 
AP Jones (Sm)862268*6.50  000 
JBR Jones (Shrop)34011459  28.50  010 
JH Jones (Berk)73163*3.00  000 
KV Jones (Bed)58311234*22.40 64.36003 
BC Keenleyside (Nthum)4212222*22.00  000 
A Kennedy (Dor)9162589171*42.07  1211 
TJ Kent (Dor)5808724  10.87  002 
PJ Kippax (Dur)910411636*19.33 36.82002 
CS Knapton (Lin)12177  7.00  000 
RJ Lanchbury (Wilt)811127472  27.40  023 
BR Lander (Dur)12164  6.00 21.42000 
IS Lawrence (Cam)12055  2.50  000 
A Lawry (Corn)10       0 
TA Lester (Ox)6939130  15.16  001 
PJ Lewington (Berk)93377*  002 
RV Lewis (Dor)712218953*18.90  013 
VB Lewis (Dor)915425759  23.36  013 
MG Lickley (Berk)915238178*29.30  023 
SJ Lines (Bed)815236367  27.92 43.21024 
JW Lister (Dur)510014780  14.70 44.95012 
D Lloyd (Cum)711138293  38.20  034 
GE Loveday (Berk)47015646  22.28  002 
DJ Lupton (Cum)12276*  001 
SG Lynch (Buck)61065424*13.50  004 
AW Lyon (Buck)9712710  4.50  002 
MSA McEvoy (Suff)915140870  29.14  036 
A Machin (Corn)4815517  7.85 15.19002 
GH McMeekin (Cum)1101818  18.00 60.00000 
KR Maguire (Staff)31144* 133.33000 
D Marshall (Lin)8835525*11.00  002 
PA Marshall (Staff)9174471133*36.23  117 
BL Marvin (Bed)6719027  15.00 38.79002 
DE Mattocks (Norf)630148  4.66  009 
WJ Mawhinney (Cam)1218260*82.00  010 
P Meehan (Wilt)7738032  20.00  006 
DJM Mercer (Wilt)811121777  21.70  024 
RAD Mercer (Dur)812516061  22.85 68.37011314
WG Merry (Hert)5513016*7.50  001 
RJ Merryweather (Wilt)22111*1.00  000 
GV Miller (Cam)916021452  13.37  015 
RA Milne (Cam)23021  0.66  001 
ME Milton (Buck)2402616  6.50  001 
Mohammad Afzal (Cam)2312811  14.00  001 
Mohammad Ishaq (Shrop)11033  3.00  000 
SJ Monks (Ches)2202211  11.00  002 
G Morgan (Suff)1015130497*21.71  0113 
M Morgan (Bed)713319134  19.10 41.52003 
GR Morris (Nthum)79219575*27.85  014 
PA Motum (Norf)1102020  20.00  000 
JR Moyes (Cum)8124356129  44.50  115 
Mudassar Nazar (Ches)7123488112*54.22  134 
AJ Murphy (Ches)31011  1.00  000 
KS Murray (Berk)68015944  19.87  002 
Mushtaq Mohammad (Shrop)77119280*32.00  021 
MA Nash (Shrop)43111*0.50  003 
SM Nasir Zaidi (Norf)9825511  9.16  002 
EP Neal (Hert)510122754  25.22  022 
PM New (Berk)3101515  15.00  000 
JJ Newman (Wilt)4408451  21.00  012 
MG Nicholson (Cum)10       0 
MD Nurton (Ox)917539072*32.50  012 
NT O'Brien (Ches)1015141264  29.42  023 
S Ogrizovic (Shrop)10       0 
PR Oliver (Shrop)1111616*  002 
RM Oliver (Dev)42266*  0073
MWC Olley (Hert)813419067  21.11  0171
RL Ollis (Sm)692330170*47.14  105 
PCM Osborn (Cam)58014032  17.50  003 
WM Osman (Hert)48027188  33.87  021 
AB O'Sullivan (Dor)23221*2.00  001 
DG Ottley (Hert)611017629  16.00  005 
HA Page (Staff)57312335  30.75  002 
GV Palmer (Sm)89118247  22.75  003 
DJ Parry (Ches)12032  1.50  000 
DR Parry (Cam)8143486108  44.18  126 
Parvez Mir (Norf)694332126*66.40  113 
AS Patel (Dur)9173480106  34.28 75.00125 
T Patel (Bed)241114  3.66 22.91000 
AS Pearson (Bed)815127051  19.28 42.99026 
K Pearson (Nthum)8153392115*32.66  116 
IG Peck (Bed)811219751*21.88 30.49017 
JCC Pettegree (Shrop)6619129  18.20  006 
JK Pickup (Ches)853149*7.00  0086
DR Pike (Wilt)1201514  7.50  000 
SG Plumb (Norf)912428658*35.75  038 
RH Pomphrey (Hert)12000  0.00  000 
SR Porter (Ox)81019043  10.00  003 
H Pougher (Lin)8906724  7.44  005 
TL Powell (Norf)11077  7.00  000 
GW Presland (Cam)68012645  15.75  001 
N Priestley (Lin)8154551126*50.09  13191
SJ Priscott (Suff)21000  0.00  000 
CJ Proudman (Bed)754129*12.00 24.00004 
Qasim Umar (Cum)36011657  19.33  013 
JP Quincey (Lin)7505526  11.00  001 
JD Quinlan (Wilt)21000  0.00  000 
NS Randall (Bed)6726133*12.20 37.650073
PL Ranells (Shrop)99115442  19.25  004 
JR Ratnayeke (Lin)46110137*20.20  000 
PA Redfarn (Cam)2304832  16.00  003 
BW Reidy (Cum)58021670  27.00  024 
SJ Renshaw (Bed)562178  4.25 22.97002 
CPE Rice (Norf)5828825  14.66  000 
GS Rice (Cam)11066  6.00  000 
JM Rice (Wilt)45210539  35.00  004 
KG Rice (Dev)612031382  26.08  011 
AR Richardson (Dor)5522420  8.00  0093
CD Ricks (Ox)61039937*14.14  000 
NA Riddell (Dur)917359491  42.42 62.59055 
DA Ridley (Dor)430219  7.00  004 
JS Roberts (Shrop)93222  2.00  004 
TE Roberts (Berk)6211413  14.00  002 
G Robinson (Lin)815025051  16.66  012 
PJ Robinson (Sm)4221212*  001 
RJ Robinson (Suff)12054  2.50  003 
GRJ Roope (Berk)915448376*43.90  056 
BC Rose (Sm)1114848*  000 
MA Roseberry (Dur)1203327  16.50 67.34001 
CFBP Rudd (Dev)36112540  25.00  002 
TP Russell (Buck)916029177  18.18  01131
C Rutterford (Suff)11088  8.00  000 
EK Sample (Cum)6522411*8.00  001 
IEW Sanders (Dor)81028828*11.00  004 
S Sawney (Dor)47110442  17.33  002 
MG Scothern (Cum)20       0 
AW Scott (Dur)64411072* 86.61012 
G Scott (Berk)2427457*37.00  015 
RJ Scott (Dor)24010139  25.25  003 
MC Seaman (Wilt)913020738  15.92  005 
BK Shantry (Dor)62174*7.00  000 
ML Simmons (Berk)56217364  43.25  011 
JE Skinner (Wilt)811022564  20.45  023 
LP Sluman (Berk)7212323*23.00  000 
D Smart (Nthum)5628227  20.50  003 
DE Smith (Buck)713318356  18.30  012 
JA Smith (Shrop)98214154*23.50  011 
TS Smith (Hert)713321340*21.30  006 
AE Snowdon (Corn)913513538*16.87 60.53004 
AJ Squire (Suff)11000  0.00  000 
TCE Stancombe (Hert)3424421*22.00  001 
DS Steele (Bed)610324439  34.85 33.33001 
PJ Stephens (Corn)47112339  20.50 35.65001 
MG Stephenson (Cam)81258418*12.00  008 
ME Stevens (Berk)4744116  13.66  0011 
CJ Stockdale (Cum)812319954  22.11  015 
C Stone (Dor)812026659  22.16  023 
B Storey (Nthum)3211110*11.00  0071
ICD Stuart (Dor)3523811  12.66  002 
D Surridge (Hert)4432319*23.00  000 
JA Sutton (Ches)1014420546*20.50  004 
IJ Tansley (Ches)10172541118*36.06  147 
JS Tate (Norf)10       0 
ML Taylor (Dev)5612510*5.00  001 
K Teasdale (Ches)912320751  23.00  015 
C Thomas (Hert)1203019  15.00  000 
DR Thomas (Norf)9524119*13.66  007 
MD Thomas (Ox)1211211  12.00  000 
TC Thomas (Bed)1101616  16.00 15.84000 
AS Thompson (Nthum)11011  1.00  001 
JK Tierney (Dev)3413816*12.66  002 
PL Tillison (Lin)22055  2.50  001 
PA Todd (Lin)2407148  17.75  001 
DA Toseland (Corn)751167  4.00 25.00002 
CJ Trudgeon (Corn)711018455  16.72 37.32013 
MS Turner (Sm)67310437  26.00  0031
SJ Turner (Sm)77313449  33.50  0071
AR Turpin (Lin)1212111  21.00  000 
RC Turpin (Dev)5438248*82.00  0022
RG Twose (Sm)2416540  21.66  003 
RP Twose (Dev)48027291  34.00  020 
DB Vengsarkar (Staff)3306431  21.33  003 
DR Vincent (Cam)611016341  14.81  003 
JR Wake (Bed)890267  2.88 32.91002 
PG Wakefield (Ches)2221211*  002 
LA Ward (Lin)1202727  13.50  001 
GS Warner (Staff)59427282*54.40  021 
JA Waterhouse (Staff)59418750*37.40  014 
MA Watts (Wilt)99310434*17.33  006 
AJ Webster (Staff)75112644  31.50  001 
DA Wenlock (Staff)21000  0.00  001 
GG Whitbread (Cam)1212929*29.00  0011
BH White (Wilt)69024667  27.33  013 
J Whitehead (Norf)4212623*26.00  002 
JN Whitehouse (Dur)2202121  10.50 65.62000 
PK Whittaker (Norf)8523322  11.00  006 
C Wicks (Lin)2408947  22.25  005 
EG Willcock (Corn)914125266  19.38 45.32017 
KC Williams (Nthum)79220457*29.14  010 
NR Williams (Sm)1101818  18.00  000 
R Wilson (Wilt)11000  0.00  000 
DC Wing (Cam)11000  0.00  000 
AR Wingfield Digby (Dor)79111135  13.87  001 
DAJ Wise (Ox)713123148  19.25  004 
GN Wonnacott (Dev)11111*  001 
P Wood (Lin)12155*5.00  001 
DC Woods (Ox)12100*0.00  000 
MD Woods (Cum)815135164  25.07  025 
JA Woolhead (Berk)11000  0.00  000 
AP Wright (Hert)5513112  7.75  001 
HJW Wright (Suff)5617430*14.80  002 
JG Wyatt (Sm)5829032*15.00  005 
SC Yates (Ches)912227083  27.00  024 
DI Yeabsley (Dev)81111*  004 
ME Younger (Nthum)811321659*27.00  015