Fielding in Dean Jones Trophy 2024/25 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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SB Harper (Vic)59211
BJ Holt (WA)2415
HJ Nielsen (SAus)1314
JJ Peirson (Qld)2415
JR Philippe (NSW)3415
CT Bancroft (WA)57 7
JP Behrendorff (WA)11 1
JSC Brown (Vic)42 2
HR Burdon (Qld)43 3
AT Carey (SAus)34 4
HWR Cartwright (WA)51 1
CPL Connolly (WA)21 1
HNA Conway (SAus)11 1
OHL Davies (NSW)31 1
JR Doran (Tas)43 3
DR Drew (SAus)41 1
SM Elliott (Vic)52 2
ST Fanning (WA)11 1
CJ Green (NSW)21 1
LCJ Guthrie (Qld)23 3
PSP Handscomb (Vic)51 1
MS Harris (Vic)44 4
MWG Harvey (SAus)42 2
LC Hatcher (NSW)31 1
LD Hearne (Qld)52 2
MC Henriques (NSW)21 1
BM Hope (Tas)42 2
DP Hughes (NSW)11 1
JP Inglis (WA)23 3
B Jackson (WA)22 2
CP Jewell (Tas)43 3
ML Kelly (WA)21 1
TJ Kelly (SAus)42 2
MP Kuhnemann (Tas)42 2
JS Lehmann (SAus)22 2
ACI Lovell (Qld)11 1
BR McDermott (Qld)43 3
NA McSweeney (SAus)21 1
NJ Maddinson (NSW)31 1
JA Merlo (Vic)43 3
LRT Morris (WA)32 2
TR Murphy (Vic)51 1
FP O'Neill (Vic)41 1
MJ Owen (Tas)42 2
MT Renshaw (Qld)52 2
TF Rogers (Vic)55 5
TS Rogers (Tas)42 2
WE Salzmann (NSW)11 1
GS Sandhu (Qld)11 1
DJM Short (WA)52 2
MW Short (Vic)11 1
PM Siddle (Vic)51 1
JC Silk (Tas)42 2
MT Steketee (Qld)31 1
WJ Sutherland (Vic)31 1
MJ Swepson (Qld)52 2
HTRJY Thornton (SAus)31 1
Usman Khawaja (Qld)33 3
MS Wade (Tas)41 1
JB Weatherald (Tas)42 2
BJ Webster (Tas)31 1