Fielding in North Lindsey League Division One 1992 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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AD Chafor (Out)9426
IP Fletcher (Out)116 6
RA Johnson (Out)74 4
C Cain (Scun)13 3
T Chafor (Out)73 3
M Johnson (Out)53 3
S Norman (Out)73 3
P Steptoe (Out)43 3
M Wills (Out)23 3
G Bairstow (AF)12 2
P Oldfield (Nuf)22 2
A Watson (Out)42 2
B Borrill (Alk)11 1
B Chafor (Out)21 1
R Chambers (Alk)11 1
D Coote11 1
D Coulbeck (AF)11 1
S Dixon21 1
A Dukes (AF)11 1
M Ellis (Nuf)21 1
K Emerson11 1
R Green21 1
D Hall21 1
J Hall21 1
W Hill (Alk)11 1
DJ Hobson (Out)121 1
A Lidgett (Brigg)11 1
B McVey11 1
M Pearce (AF)11 1
A Poppleton (Out)101 1
A Smith21 1
A Snowden21 1
G Walker21 1
J Whiteley (Out)81 1
J Wroot (Out)81 1