Bowling in Worcestershire Club Championship League 1984 (Ordered by Average)

Runs conceded are not known for all matches
For each bowler, the average is computed taking into account only the runs and wickets in matches where his runs conceded are known
Click on column heading to see the averages sorted by that column

Webb (AB)00211-22.00 00? 0.00
Shouler (Per)00211-22.00 00? 0.00
I Woods (AM)00311-33.00 00? 0.00
C Taylor (Pick)004285-195.25 01? 0.00
J James (Hale)002755-275.40 01? 0.00
T Jones (Hale)002344-235.75 10? 0.00
M Farrin (Brom)002444-246.00 10? 0.00
PJ Humphries (Per)0079127-206.58 02? 0.00
N Mallett (Hale)005275-227.42 01? 0.00
R Gaunt (SB)00131175-387.70 31? 0.00
P Johnson (AB)005477-547.71 01? 0.00
I White (AM)0095136-277.91 02? 0.00
WJ Tromans (SB)00327418-517.97 24? 0.00
SJC Cooper (OEd)004054-138.00 10? 0.00
A Hunt (AM)004174-198.20 10? 0.00
K Sill (Bou)482185265-238.40 1116.00 2.12
A Munn (Brom)0099115-389.00 01? 0.00
R Cutler (AM)004555-459.00 01? 0.00
R Spooncer (AB)003744-379.25 10? 0.00
A Preece (Per)008497-279.33 01? 0.00
L Thompson (BG)00155166-429.68 11? 0.00
V Haden (BG)00214225-229.72 12? 0.00
P Johnston (AB)005966-599.83 01? 0.00
R Cattell (AM)00207216-399.85 03? 0.00
PH Bennett (OEd)663253276-3710.12 0333.00 3.45
A Sharpe (Brom)006265-3510.33 01? 0.00
C Williamson (Hale)960207207-4310.35 1213.71 2.68
PR Clarke (BG)00116115-1710.54 01? 0.00
S Harrison (BG)00172166-2310.75 11? 0.00
RM Ball (OEd)3617674-2810.85 1036.00 1.83
T Marshall (Bew)00220205-4611.00 22? 0.00
R Ingram (Brom)00165154-5811.00 10? 0.00
A Jones (Red)00134126-3211.16 02? 0.00
P Duggan (Brom)004644-4611.50 10? 0.00
D Jones (Bew)003533-3511.66 00? 0.00
C Bennett (Bew)003533-3511.66 00? 0.00
P Sheward (Per)00200176-3311.76 11? 0.00
D Mitchell (Bew)003633-3612.00 00? 0.00
JD Nicholls (OEd)722401336-7112.15 4218.00 4.58
I Coward (Brom)006253-3712.40 00? 0.00
JF Jeffries (Bou)663330285-1912.69 32? 3.90
TC Bird (AB)00141114-3112.81 20? 0.00
B Harrison (Red)1022194157-3212.93 1151.00 4.64
Abdul Razzaq (Pick)003932-1813.00 00? 0.00
A Parker (Pick)002722-2713.50 00? 0.00
IP Bowes (OEd)00299227-4613.59 21? 0.00
D Bennett (Bew)00153115-5213.90 01? 0.00
J Lostitch (Red)421307225-8813.95 2142.00 4.71
M Blackford (Bew)007055-7014.00 01? 0.00
D Oliver (Bew)007155-7114.20 01? 0.00
P Spicer (Hale)0010075-4014.28 01? 0.00
M Wakeman (BG)004332-2114.33 00? 0.00
P Duggan (Pick)00218156-8814.53 12? 0.00
M Cox (Brom)007553-2715.00 00? 0.00
M Southall (SB)0012185-4915.12 01? 0.00
A Roberts (Bou)782258186-3115.17 01? 4.76
M Farren (Brom)006244-3715.50 10? 0.00
M Edwards (Bew)00160105-7316.00 01? 0.00
P Cooke (Hale)009664-2516.00 10? 0.00
S Moseley (SB)008054-2216.00 10? 0.00
P Soiler (Hale)006444-6416.00 10? 0.00
Edmunds (Per)003222-3216.00 00? 0.00
RS Biddle (Red)1265579366-5616.08 2225.20 2.90
C Bennett (Bou)5438163-5416.20 0027.00 3.00
M Mohammed (Pick)00146105-7416.22 11? 0.00
M Such (Bou)1683200137-4716.66 0133.60 4.21
N Parrott (Per)00336206-4716.80 01? 0.00
P Bragg (AM)00357214-4017.00 20? 0.00
L Barron (Bew)001711-1717.00 00? 0.00
A Busey (AM)005233-5217.33 00? 0.00
G Gilliver (Red)0010565-6017.50 01? 0.00
A Murray (SB)005533-3518.33 00? 0.00
CW Bennett (Brom)003722-3718.50 00? 0.00
P Watson-Wood (Hale)001911-1919.00 00? 0.00
D Dolan (Hale)005833-4219.33 00? 0.00
DL Houghton (SB)008043-4520.00 00? 0.00
PT Hems (Bou)8444032-3720.00 0042.00 2.85
B Holbutt (AM)004022-4020.00 00? 0.00
PR Boycott (AB)0014473-6420.57 00? 0.00
P Sheldon (Pick)00208133-?20.80 00? 0.00
G Bayliss (Bew)006333-6321.00 00? 0.00
TJ Grant (OEd)784214113-4021.40 0026.00 3.07
S Begg (Pick)002311-2323.00 00? 0.00
B Patel (Pick)0017683-3025.14 00? 0.00
MK Hughes (OEd)0010243-2625.50 00? 0.00
G Eley (Red)005621-1028.00 00? 0.00
N Edwards (Bew)002911-2929.00 00? 0.00
N Lewis (Per)006022-5130.00 00? 0.00
CD Whitton (BG)003011-1630.00 00? 0.00
P Monk (AB)0016753-7133.40 00? 0.00
Burton (Per)008122-8140.50 00? 0.00
T Hall (Hale)004411-1444.00 00? 0.00
P Clarke (AB)0013021-2965.00 00? 0.00
R Spooner (AB)00011-?? 00? 0.00
J Davies (Bou)4213011-?? 00? 4.28
J Brookes (Per)0040     0.00
R Hope (Brom)00200     0.00
Bonsall (Red)301270     5.40
L Webb (Pick)00340     0.00
KG Rattue (AB)00390     0.00
MJ Payne (OEd)480800     4.62