Fielding in North Lindsey League Division Three 2000 (Ordered by Catches)

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LM Stothard (Bro)53 3
SS Clixby (Bro)42 2
K Edwards (Bart)12 2
Kelly (LP)12 2
D Lawson (Bart)12 2
MA Wilson (Bro)32 2
P Bell (Bart)11 1
J Gelsthorpe (Bro)51 1
Holland (LP)11 1
A Hooper (Bart)21 1
GM Hunt (Bro)31 1
D Kelly (LP)11 1
D Law (LP)21 1
J Ogden (LP)11 1
DCE Robinson (Bro)21 1
Shipley (LP)21 1
MF Stothard (Bro)21 1
N Whyte (Bro)11 1