Fielding in North Lindsey League 1958 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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R Sanderson (Brtn)105510
AD Bailey (Brtn)155 5
B Ladlow (Brtn)95 5
R Mann (Brtn)155 5
G Welburn (Brtn)135 5
E Kitchen (Brtn)74 4
BW Simpson (Brtn)144 4
A Green (Brtn)113 3
R Calter12 2
B Chafor1112
G Denton12 2
G Fuller (Sc Co-op)22 2
D Hamer (Brtn)92 2
RR Johnson (AF)12 2
GAS Ray22 2
A Sanderson (Brtn)52 2
H Scarborough (Brtn)72 2
MF Stothard (Brtn)11112
WWR Woodrow12 2
M Aldam (Epw)11 1
A Allen (Red)21 1
G Armstrong (Brtn)121 1
C Bass (Brtn)11 1
Bowers (Elec)11 1
D Brown (Elec)11 1
R Brown (Elec)11 1
B Carter (BRSA)11 1
P Cawtherd (BRSA)11 1
HA Clarke (Brtn)71 1
R Coulbeck (Red)21 1
N Coulson11 1
B Fenton (Sc Co-op)21 1
T Genney (AF)21 1
A Hill (Red)11 1
Hunter (Sc Co-op)21 1
CW Hutchinson11 1
N Keech (Red)11 1
JC Kettingham (AF)11 1
Lingard11 1
S Lingard11 1
P Lowden (Red)11 1
J Markham11 1
J Moore11 1
HB Oliver (Epw)11 1
BW Powell (AF)11 1
NP Reed (Red)21 1
B Sellars11 1
G Simms (AF)11 1
R Stanham (Brtn)21 1
JF Warriner (Epw)11 1
R Welton (Brtn)111 1