Fielding in Royal London Girls Under-15 County Cup 2019 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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MG Ward (Nt)9448
ME Butler (Dur)5235
SA Smale (La)8437
L Thomas (Wales)8437
F Angel (Sx)7527
L Clifton (Staff)8224
E Crane (Staff)9628
N Doody (Nt)6112
M Edwards (Sm)9213
O Gough (Shrop)8011
M Hobbs (Mx)5112
E Lillico (Nthum)8213
L Manley (Hunt)1011
Y Nichols (Buck)7314
CJ Oastler (Suff)5011
H Saunders (Dor)6415
S Williams (Norf)5213
E Abbot (Sy)52 2
T Abbott (Nr)84 4
J Allcock (Ham)52 2
M Andrews (Lin)32 2
LM Armitage (Nt)82 2
I Atherton (Sx)92 2
G Attridge (Sy)52 2
E Austin (Shrop)83 3
E Austin (Staff)104 4
H Austin (Nr)82 2
M Austin (Staff)121 1
R Austin (Lin)41 1
A Avery (Mx)62 2
AC Avoth (Ham)81 1
HL Baker (Wo)32 2
A Balcombe (Sy)81 1
S Ball (Dev)82 2
A Banks (Hunt)21 1
L Barden (Wo)62 2
G Barnes (Gs)11 1
L Barrett (Hunt)12 2
D Barrow (Wilt)51 1
M Bartlett (Mx)41 1
A Batterham (Nt)71 1
E Beal (Le)51 1
S Beavis (Hunt)31 1
ON Bell (Ches)62 2
S Bennett (Le)51 1
P Bevan (Nr)64 4
E Bicknell (Wk)62 2
E Bishop (Dev)81 1
CJ Boaden (Nthum)72 2
K Boardman (La)91 1
H Booth (Hert)41 1
E Borcoski (Cam)56 6
S Borcoski (Cam)51 1
B Bottoms (Ox)41 1
M Bowsher (Berk)102 2
C Boyd (Ox)42 2
O Brinsden (Cum)31 1
M Brophy (Gs)51 1
T Broughton (Le)51 1
E Brown (Buck)62 2
M Browne (Norf)51 1
M Bureau (Suff)43 3
P Burnyeat (Berk)52 2
F Burton-Pye (Buck)22 2
AR Capsey (Sy)54 4
I Carey (Gs)65 5
I Carson (Berk)102 2
DEM Carter (Kent)92 2
AK Chahal (Ham)81 1
N Chahal (Cam)51 1
P Challis (Cam)31 1
M Champion (Sx)32 2
SF Chapman (Es)81 1
E Chapple (Hert)41 1
S Charlton (Nthum)12 2
P Chew (Wo)51 1
CA Chissell (Dor)51 1
K Chomse (Nthum)81 1
H Clarke (Ham)32 2
S Cleave (Suff)31 1
E Clegg (La)94 4
P Cole (Cam)41 1
E Collier (Dy)42 2
B Colman (Ches)73 3
A Colquhoun (Le)53 3
G Copley (Yor)42 2
EV Corney (Dev)42 2
E Cowley (Yor)31 1
E Crossland (Hunt)23 3
L Dalkin-Strube (Dy)51 1
E Davis (Wo)61 1
HR Davis (Buck)83 3
RE Davis (Dev)83 3
J Dawson (Sy)71 1
EA Day (Staff)112 2
O Diamond (Dev)65 5
L Dibden (Ham)81 1
Z Dighton (Hunt)41 1
A Dilkes (Kent)53 3
KM Docherty (Berk)93 3
K Dolman (Wilt)52 2
KE Donovan (Dev)61 1
M Dow (Sx)81 1
H Dring-Richardson (Es)21 1
ML Drinkell (Norf)43 3
O d'Souza (Mx)11 1
F Duckworth (La)41 1
H Duke (Dev)72 2
G Edwards (Gs)51 1
B Ellis (Gs)53 3
J Entract (Sy)31 1
P Evans (Berk)84 4
D Fillingham (Sy)52 2
G Fishleigh (Dy)41 1
D Fitzgerald (Hert)31 1
E Ford (Norf)12 2
B Forey (Wales)71 1
M Forshaw (Dor)51 1
J Foster (Sy)21 1
M Friis (Wales)41 1
S Frost (Staff)112 2
D Fyfe (Dur)52 2
ER Geach (Corn)32 2
R Gelston (Sm)63 3
P Gibson (Nr)71 1
O Gilbertson (Nt)83 3
L Gilderson (Gs)51 1
I Giles (Kent)101 1
R Gill (Wk)61 1
M Glasby (Wk)83 3
L Glover-Stewart (Nthum)71 1
E Godber (Hert)22 2
I Goodall (Nthum)11 1
M Gray (Yor)63 3
M Greasby (Nt)84 4
M Greenwood (Lin)11 1
JL Grewcock (Nr)103 3
A Griffiths (Shrop)11 1
JP Groves (Nr)105 5
HJ Hardwick (Wo)31 1
LM Harris (Sm)102 2
V Harris (Ox)41 1
M Haslam (Es)51 1
K Hay (Yor)62 2
G Hayes (Es)52 2
C Hayton (Sm)62 2
J Hazell (Sm)104 4
R Head (Dur)41 1
LN Heap (La)86 6
G Heath (Ches)71 1
A Hetherington (Sy)41 1
A Hill (Shrop)81 1
L Hobson (Hert)22 2
S Hodgson (Nt)81 1
NF Holland (Sm)94 4
S Hooper (Corn)52 2
E Hopkins (Gs)51 1
AVN Howarth (Es)74 4
E Howcroft (Sy)31 1
M Hudson (Ches)71 1
F Hughes (Suff)21 1
L Hughes (Dur)43 3
S Hughes (Suff)41 1
S Hughes (Wk)61 1
S Humphreys (Dy)53 3
E Hutchinson (Buck)43 3
V Iglesias (Suff)42 2
B Jackson (Ham)41 1
D Jackson (Buck)72 2
IG James (Cam)43 3
Jasmine Singh (Nthum)21 1
S Jenkin (Wales)32 2
GM Johnson (La)82 2
L Johnson (Ox)32 2
A Jones (Sy)61 1
E Jones (Wales)71 1
E Joyce (Dor)31 1
M Joyce (Dor)62 2
CM Kellar (Wo)41 1
FG Kemp (Sx)83 3
L Kendall (Ham)12 2
TN Kesteven (Ches)73 3
RSI Khan (Sx)11 1
R King (Ham)85 5
S Kinnersley (Shrop)21 1
I Kirk (Nr)83 3
RA Knowling-Davies (Nt)91 1
L Knox (Gs)52 2
GO Kumar (Es)11 1
A Lamb (Sm)31 1
G Lawes (Sy)11 1
AG Lee (Berk)41 1
N Lee (Berk)74 4
P Lee (Nr)82 2
P Letchford (Sm)81 1
I Lightning (Hert)34 4
LM Lindley (Yor)61 1
I Lomas (Wk)91 1
F Lonsdale (Yor)32 2
A Lowes (Dur)51 1
M Lusk (Sm)93 3
M McCusker (Wk)61 1
C McDonald (La)81 1
RL MacDonald-Gay (Kent)82 2
EI MacGregor (Es)42 2
L McKay (Ham)84 4
H McLaughlin (Sm)92 2
EK Marlow (Yor)66 6
E Martin (Kent)11 1
M Melville (Ham)73 3
M Mendis (Sx)81 1
S Midwinter (Buck)11 1
BJ Miles (Buck)62 2
S Miles (Hert)42 2
C Miller (Wilt)32 2
FH Miller (Nr)85 5
N Miller (Nr)82 2
S Morris (Ches)31 1
A Mort (La)84 4
P Moss (Yor)41 1
C Mulhall (Lin)11 1
GE Munro (Wales)51 1
C Neal (Ches)53 3
EM Nightingale (Yor)52 2
M Noble (Hunt)21 1
AEM Norgrove (Ox)51 1
G Norman (Staff)115 5
K Norman (Suff)21 1
O North (Wales)61 1
H Obaid (Lin)31 1
I O'Kelly (Buck)63 3
JG Olorenshaw (Es)63 3
R Othick (Ches)61 1
I Palmer (Suff)11 1
A Parmar (Hert)11 1
I Patel (Gs)41 1
U Patel (Le)21 1
CR Pavely (Wo)63 3
R Payne (Berk)102 2
DST Perrin (Staff)102 2
C Pettigrew (Wk)92 2
E Porter (Nt)85 5
A Potter (Ox)64 4
S Prabhu (Ox)21 1
R Price (Dur)41 1
A Rafiq (Mx)61 1
G Read (Dev)61 1
MR Reid (Hert)11 1
M Reynolds (Norf)51 1
I Riley (Ox)41 1
P Roberts (Wo)31 1
M Robinson (Suff)31 1
HF Robson (Nthum)83 3
E Roche (Kent)11 1
C Rowland (Wk)92 2
C Rush (Lin)41 1
A Rushby (Nt)41 1
S Sadiq (Sx)84 4
G Sansom (Ham)41 1
J Sarna (Le)31 1
LE Scott (Nthum)84 4
K Scriven (Berk)92 2
GE Scrivens (Kent)96 6
L Sercombe (Wk)61 1
N Shah (Ox)31 1
D Sharma (Sy)81 1
L Shaw (Dy)51 1
A Shearn (Wilt)11 1
O Shellard (Kent)31 1
I Shelley (Kent)73 3
LA Shenton (Staff)121 1
H Shuker (Shrop)82 2
IK Sidhu (Suff)43 3
IK Sidhu (Suff)51 1
PK Sidhu (Suff)51 1
LM Sims (Staff)81 1
SA Singer (Suff)11 1
M Singleton (Yor)31 1
O Smail (Wilt)21 1
SAE Smale (Wales)75 5
E Smith (Wilt)42 2
L Smitten (Wk)95 5
HL Snape (La)41 1
M Sondh (Mx)51 1
P Spicer (Lin)42 2
H Spoors (Dur)51 1
H Stapleton (Mx)74 4
F Stewart-Miles (Norf)54 4
V Stone (Wilt)41 1
AK Stonehouse (Kent)103 3
E Straw (Nt)51 1
A Stride (Sm)63 3
ML Sturge (Kent)103 3
NH Summers (La)41 1
E Sutton (La)92 2
F Sweet (Sx)92 2
J Swire-Thompson (Berk)83 3
A Taylor (Gs)31 1
M Taylor (Buck)71 1
MLL Taylor (Sx)93 3
MSL Taylor (Sx)81 1
C Thomas (Wales)81 1
E Thomas (Ches)51 1
O Thomas (La)71 1
EL Thompson (Norf)53 3
J Thompson (Yor)63 3
A Toqir (Berk)91 1
A Trivedi (Ox)41 1
A Tucker (Lin)11 1
M Tugby (Hert)21 1
PG Tulloch (Berk)42 2
L Turner (Berk)92 2
J Vereker (Dev)81 1
G Waight (Mx)71 1
C Wakeford (Nr)61 1
J Walsh (Dy)53 3
P Watkins (Ham)81 1
E Welch (Ox)41 1
M Welch (Es)82 2
CM Westbury (Ox)61 1
LA Weston (Le)51 1
AB Wheeler (Ches)52 2
A Whitaker (Dor)61 1
J White (Nr)103 3
H Whitfield (Wk)11 1
E Whiting (Nthum)83 3
Z Wightman (Hert)32 2
J Winter (Dy)21 1
R Woods (Ox)11 1
A Woodward (Hunt)11 1
B Wright (Es)41 1
M Wright (Kent)62 2
S Yates (Dur)52 2
E Yeats (Shrop)71 1