Bowling in North Warwickshire Cup 1994 (Ordered by Wickets)

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I Shaw (LP)3202322-2311.50 0016.00 4.31
I Cooper (LP)5606522-2032.50 0028.00 6.96
B Guilder (Tam)3206722-6733.50 0016.00 12.56
C Shaw (LP)6408321-3141.50 0032.00 7.78
I Turner (Tam)70911-99.00 007.00 7.71
P Vernon (Hop)2402911-2929.00 0024.00 7.25
P Shaw (LP)3203411-3434.00 0032.00 6.37
JC Goodwin (LP)5607111-3871.00 0056.00 7.60
J Fearn (Hop)160190     7.12
M Jones (Hop)320290     5.43
Heathfield (Tam)160290     10.87
P Green (Tam)160320     12.00
P Rainsford (Hop)310380     7.35
JG Manuel (Tam)320450     8.43