Fielding in Rothmans Cup 1972/73 (Ordered by Catches)

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C Elliott (New)411112
MJ Bedkober (Pet)56 6
W Anderson (Pet)55 5
AB Crompton (SU)3516
I Fisher (SU)35 5
B Hyland (Mos)55 5
D Lynch (ND)2527
R Cornforth (Mos)44 4
H Martin (Bal)24 4
G Bailey (Suth)23 3
G Boxsell (Wav)23 3
DM Chardon (Pet)53 3
GR Claridge (New)43 3
D Cooper (Haw)33 3
I Hodge (HV)13 3
DW Hourn (Wav)23 3
G Inwood (Cum)23 3
R Moroney (Syd)23 3
MB Pawley (Man)33 3
R Phillips (Syd)2325
L Renshall (Cum)33 3
BL Riley (Pet)53 3
C Rowe (WS)2314
PE Allum (Man)32 2
R Bain (Suth)22 2
Barry Thompson (Gor)22 2
M Bell (Wav)32 2
G Benstead (lla)22 2
B Clarence (Haw)32 2
F Davidson (HV)12 2
R Duff (Suth)12 2
M Elliott (Man)3213
P Ferguson (WS)22 2
I Gorman (BC)1213
M Grave (WS)12 2
GT Hartshorne (Pet)42 2
KM Hill (New)42 2
N Hughes (Pet)42 2
J King (Wav)22 2
W King (Mos)52 2
TH Lee (Man)32 2
C Meredith (Rand)32 2
W Moffatt (Pet)32 2
T Moroney (Haw)32 2
W Murray (Gor)22 2
BW Neill (Cum)32 2
J Pym (Mos)52 2
A Racklyeft (Mos)42 2
LM Richardson (Wav)32 2
SJ Rixon (Wav)32 2
J Scoble (New)22 2
DJ Sincock (ND)12 2
T Spencer (Man)32 2
BJ Thebridge (BC)32 2
M Thompson (SU)32 2
PM Toohey (WS)12 2
RF Tozer (StG)2213
F Turner (Man)32 2
TJ Walters (New)42 2
W West (Mos)52 2
I Williams (lla)22 2
R Williams (Cum)32 2
M Allworth (Mos)21 1
L Andrews (BC)1112
J Archibald (Cum)31 1
B Barrett (New)41 1
R Bartlett (WS)11 1
D Baxter (Pet)11 1
AR Border (Mos)51 1
D Bourne (BC)31 1
T Boyd (Syd)21 1
Brian Thompson (Gor)21 1
T Carroll (Haw)11 1
B Chapman (StG)21 1
R Chapman (Bal)21 1
ML Clews (ND)21 1
DJ Colley (Mos)41 1
G Corben (Gor)11 1
J Cosgrove (Gor)11 1
J Crittenden (NS)21 1
J Davidson (Mos)11 1
K Davidson (Man)31 1
G Davies (Rand)11 1
IC Davis (ND)21 1
J Dunn (BC)31 1
A Falk (SU)31 1
D Fordham (Mos)11 1
I Forrester (Haw)31 1
G Garrity (WS)21 1
G Gavin (Haw)31 1
D Gibson (Wav)21 1
B Gorman (Suth)21 1
R Grange (BC)21 1
D Gray (Gor)21 1
D Hair (NS)21 1
J Hall (Bal)21 1
PE Hamer (lla)21 1
D Hill (SU)31 1
JR Hogg (New)41 1
C Hood (SU)11 1
IS Howell (Man)11 1
PV James (SU)21 1
T Jay (Rand)31 1
DAH Johnston (NS)21 1
C Josephson (Wav)31 1
P Kelleard (WS)11 1
BR Knight (Mos)51 1
W Knowles (Rand)31 1
A Lamb (BC)11 1
PS McCann (lla)21 1
RB McCosker (Syd)21 1
T McDonald (BC)31 1
J McLaughlin (New)21 1
J McQueen (Syd)11 1
A Manzie (SU)21 1
DJ Martin (lla)21 1
A Milenko (lla)21 1
J Morgan (Mos)31 1
B O'Dowd (Suth)21 1
KJ O'Keeffe (NS)11 1
R Parker (Syd)21 1
GH Pike (SU)31 1
A Poole (Gor)21 1
W Quigley (Gor)11 1
TT Radanovic (BC)31 1
J Renneberg (Bal)21 1
K Richards (WS)21 1
G Roberts (Rand)21 1
R Rogers (StG)21 1
BA Rothwell (ND)21 1
R Shepherd (Cum)31 1
K Spring (NS)21 1
P Stephenson (Man)31 1
R Storey (SU)11 1
P Taylor (Bal)11 1
F Teager (WS)11 1
KW Thompson (Bal)21 1
J Todd (Gor)11 1
G Toshack (Haw)31 1
A Turner (Rand)11 1
B Whatham (HV)11 1
RM Wilkinson (New)41 1
TB Wood (Cum)11 1
K Wyatt (Pet)21 1
E Smith (HV)1011