Fielding in Rothmans Cup 1968/69 (Ordered by Catches)

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R Luckman (StG)34 4
RP Collins (Bal)43 3
RF Tozer (StG)4314
RJ Crippin (Rand)32 2
JW Grosser (Bal)42 2
DJ Sincock (Rand)22 2
JA Steele (Bal)42 2
P Carpenter (StG)21 1
AE Cripps (Rand)31 1
C Drake (Gor)31 1
K Francis (StG)41 1
J Heiler (Bal)41 1
K Herron (Bal)3112
P Johnson (Gor)31 1
P Millington (Bal)41 1
W Murray (Gor)21 1
WJ Rogers (StG)41 1
K Stimson (Bal)31 1
A Turner (Rand)31 1
L Wilson (Gor)31 1