Fielding in Red Stripe Cup 1994/95 (Ordered by Catches)

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D Williams (Trin)521122
CO Browne (Bar)519423
U Pope (Wwd)518119
RD Jacobs (Lwd)513215
PV Simmons (Trin)511 11
SGB Ford (Jam)510515
RC Haynes (Jam)59 9
DRE Joseph (Lwd)59 9
KA Wong (Guy)59 9
RA Harper (Guy)58 8
DL Haynes (Bar)47 7
MD Liburd (Lwd)57 7
WD Phillip (Lwd)57 7
DS Morgan (Jam)56 6
LC Weekes (Lwd)56 6
IR Bishop (Trin)45 5
S Dhaniram (Guy)25 5
WW Lewis (Jam)55 5
RG Samuels (Jam)55 5
KF Semple (Guy)55 5
JES Joseph (Lwd)54 4
MV Nagamootoo (Guy)54 4
WE Reid (Bar)54 4
RB Richardson (Lwd)54 4
EJ Warrican (Wwd)44 4
A Balliram (Trin)53 3
KG Darlington (Guy)43 3
ZA Haniff (Guy)33 3
LA Harrigan (Lwd)53 3
KA Mason (Trin)53 3
NO Perry (Jam)53 3
S Ragoonath (Trin)53 3
PIC Thompson (Bar)43 3
EC Antoine (Trin)12 2
M Bodoe (Trin)52 2
S Dhaniram (Guy)52 2
OD Gibson (Bar)52 2
RL Hoyte (Bar)32 2
DA Joseph (Wwd)52 2
A Lawrence (Trin)12 2
NA McKenzie (Guy)52 2
NK Manbodhe (Guy)12 2
BS Murphy (Jam)32 2
SN Proverbs (Bar)22 2
LK Puckerin (Bar)52 2
KK Sylvester (Wwd)42 2
CW Walwyn (Lwd)32 2
IBA Allen (Wwd)31 1
BS Browne (Guy)51 1
HR Bryan (Bar)31 1
AL Crafton (Wwd)11 1
CE Cuffy (Wwd)51 1
G Cupid (Wwd)21 1
CA Davis (Wwd)31 1
VC Drakes (Bar)51 1
J Eugene (Wwd)41 1
NB Francis (Trin)51 1
JB Grant (Jam)51 1
RN Lewis (Wwd)11 1
RA Marshall (Wwd)51 1
DR Maynard (Bar)31 1
JC Maynard (Lwd)21 1
MJ Morgan (Wwd)11 1
M Persad (Trin)51 1
WKL Quinn (Lwd)31 1
FL Reifer (Bar)51 1
FA Rose (Jam)51 1
RAM Smith (Trin)31 1
RW Staple (Jam)41 1
JAR Sylvester (Wwd)21 1
MD Ventura (Jam)11 1