Fielding in Singapore Cricket Association First Division League 2016 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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N Chugh (Cey)128412
U Rakshit (SRC)8538
DK Ranaveera (Ind)8538
A Harshal (MU)4112
CR Suryawanshi (Ind)139110
V Vedagiri (MU)12819
RA Ahvsis (Than)103 3
M Amjad (Ind)11 1
Amjad Mahboob (Ind)113 3
S Appusamy (Ind)123 3
D Arulraj (Than)132 2
BN Athipattu (Than)41 1
RV Babu (MU)72 2
F Barber (Lions)52 2
MA Bhadelia (SRC)41 1
S Chandramohan (Ind)127 7
R Chandrasekar (Ind)32 2
PA Charan (Ind)31 1
P Dahiwal (Cey)139 9
M Dharmichand (Cey)61 1
M Dharshana (MU)72 2
WP Diepeveen (Lions)44 4
NW Dorney (Lions)32 2
A Dutta (Lions)1415 15
AK Fernando (MU)61 1
A Gandham (MU)31 1
D Gnanasambandan (Than)87 7
A Goenka (MU)51 1
R Guna (Than)91 1
R Hands (Lions)62 2
AK Illango (Ind)11 1
B Iyer (Lions)31 1
A Kakar (Lions)32 2
K Kant (Ind)42 2
M Kathawala (SRC)115 5
V Kathiresan (SRC)95 5
J Kilbee (Lions)53 3
A Krishna (Ind)112 2
SK Kumar (Cey)96 6
SV Kumar (MU)13 3
CR Kumarage (Ind)118 8
J Ledger (Lions)31 1
NCK Liyanage (MU)61 1
I Madakia (SRC)94 4
A Mandook (MU)44 4
A Manikandan (Than)81 1
Manpreet Singh (Cey)115 5
L Mariappan (MU)41 1
I Mohammed (Lions)112 2
I Mukherjee (MU)11 1
D Mulema (Cey)21 1
P Murray (Lions)21 1
JK Muruthi (Lions)107 7
PT Muruthi (Lions)11 1
A Mutreja (Ind)113 3
S Narayanan (Than)134 4
B Narender Reddy (Ind,Than)41 1
SS Nickson (Than)111 1
R Pandian (Cey)91 1
HD Paralkar (Cey)21 1
NMS Param (SRC)118 8
PD Param (SRC)32 2
J Patel (Cey)113 3
Pavandeep Singh (Ind)42 2
S Pervaiz (SRC)72 2
A Prabhu (Ind)23 3
J Prakash (SRC)95 5
YB Prasad (MU)42 2
APR Rai (Cey)119 9
PVSS Raja (Cey)137 7
Rajagopal (Than)31 1
R Rajasekar (MU)95 5
A Raman (SRC)71 1
R Rangarajan (Ind)117 7
D Ravishankar (MU)42 2
Riaz Altaff (Lions)92 2
KAH Robertson (Lions)31 1
C Russell (Lions)123 3
SH Sankhe (MU)33 3
G Santhosh (Than)132 2
M Sazenis (Lions)139 9
V Seshadri (MU)72 2
V Shenoy (Lions)11 1
KB Shinde (Cey)104 4
Shoaib Razzak (SRC)96 6
A Shukla (Ind)93 3
M Siddarth (MU)12 2
Sidhant Singh (SRC)23 3
L Silva (MU)68 8
R Sundaram (MU)105 5
S Sundramoorthy (MU)33 3
C Surender (Cey)43 3
K Suresh (Lions)42 2
A Suriyamoorthy (Than)61 1
V Swamy (Cey)21 1
O Thilipan (Than)62 2
R Tripathi (Cey)115 5
AS Uchil (SRC)82 2
P Vijay (Lions)143 3
S Vijayakumar (MU)102 2
A Vijayan (Lions)135 5
VK Vijayan (MU)21 1
S Vinoth (Than)21 1
Virandeep Singh (MU)42 2
R Viswanath (Than)134 4
Yusuf Aslam (SRC)82 2