Fielding in Paddock Shield 2015 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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C Woodhead (Hon)4347
J Clayton (SchH)4516
A Haigh (Caw)46 6
P Dawson (Bark)3415
Sajid Mohammad (BRH)4235
C Cocking (Bark)34 4
MD Sykes (Hon)44 4
J Barber (Lin)23 3
F Brook (Slai)23 3
M Green (Hon)43 3
J Greig (DD)13 3
D Storey (Skel)23 3
TR Taylor (Hon)33 3
C Thompson (Bark)23 3
J Travis (Bark)33 3
G Whittaker (Kirk)13 3
S Wiles (Caw)23 3
ZM Ayub (BRH)42 2
M Boorman (SchH)42 2
L Bradley (Slai)22 2
A Dollive (Skel)12 2
J Dyson (Hoy)12 2
J Dyson (DD)22 2
M Earnshaw (Upp)1112
I Farooq (BRH)42 2
HG Gill (Gol)22 2
D Greaves (Kirk)22 2
M Hall (Cum)12 2
D Hoyle (Hoy)12 2
A Iqbal (Gol)22 2
B Lindley (Hon)32 2
A Malik (Alm)22 2
S Mir (BRH)22 2
A Moors (EC)12 2
Nasir Ali (Lin)22 2
A Pamment (SchH)32 2
R Payne (Thon)32 2
L Renwick (Lin)22 2
P Senior (Kirk)12 2
W Swift (Ell)22 2
J Thompson (Thon)32 2
T Thornton (Ell)22 2
PM Warrender (Thon)22 2
M Zaheer (BRH)22 2
N Amin (BRH)41 1
I Amjad (HB)11 1
W Appleyard (EC)11 1
J Armitage (Upp)11 1
J Atkinson (SchH)41 1
JC Atkinson (Lep)11 1
S Atkinson (Kirk)21 1
M Battye-Wood (Skel)21 1
C Baxter (BrO)11 1
D Baxter (BrO)11 1
W Beardsell (Slai)21 1
S Beaumont (Kirk)21 1
M Beresford (Moor)11 1
O Brook (Ell)21 1
L Brothers (Alm)21 1
A Cawtheray (Hon)21 1
C Chapman (Gol)21 1
R Clarke (Mar)11 1
S Clegg (Melt)11 1
J Colman (Bark)31 1
J Cooper (SchH)21 1
N Cyrus (Gol)21 1
J Dalton (Thon)11 1
J Dearnley (Shep)11 1
R Dennis (CW)11 1
J Dollive (Skel)11 1
J Evans (Ell)11 1
T Gledhill (Kirk)21 1
B Glover (DD)21 1
A Greaves (Cum)21 1
L Harris (Thon)11 1
J Harrison (AB)21 1
N Hellawell (HB)11 1
J Hinchliffe (Skel)21 1
MP Hinchliffe (Ell)21 1
L Hirst (Den)11 1
S Hirst (Den)11 1
A Hodgson (Den)11 1
S Holmes (Melt)11 1
F Hussain (Alm)21 1
M Imran (Lin)21 1
Y Imtiaz (Skel)11 1
S Jagger (Skel)21 1
A James (Thon)31 1
S Johnson (Upp)11 1
HW Jones (Den)11 1
J Jones (Shel)11 1
R Kettlewell (Kirk)21 1
E Kinsey (CM)1011
R Kirk (Thon)21 1
C Leonard (BrO)11 1
T Lindsay (Alm)11 1
DW Lockwood (Hoy)11 1
K Lockwood (Hoy)11 1
J Lodge (Kirk)11 1
D Longworth (SchH)41 1
R Lunn (AB)11 1
J Lynn (Shep)11 1
M Mahroof (Kirk)11 1
N Marsden (Rast)11 1
RJ Marshall (Thon)1011
S Mee (BrO)11 1
J Mir (Kirk)21 1
Mohammad Khan (Kirk)21 1
R Moore (Hon)41 1
A Moorhouse (Mar)11 1
D Moorhouse (Gol)11 1
A Morris (Upp)11 1
D Moss (HB)11 1
R Moulson (Melt)11 1
Nabeel Hussain (Alm)31 1
M Nawaz (Alm)11 1
P Osborne (Caw)21 1
TE Payne (Slai)21 1
EJ Pearson (SchH)41 1
J Penty (Caw)41 1
I Pollitt (Bark)21 1
K Rank (CW)11 1
A Rehman (BRH)41 1
A Riaz (BRH)41 1
A Riaz (BRH)11 1
B Roberts (AB)21 1
A Robshaw (LH)11 1
J Robshaw (LH)11 1
D Russell (Alm)31 1
J Saville (SchH)41 1
J Senior (Alm)11 1
A Sharif (BRH)31 1
N Shaw (Slai)21 1
B Speak (Ell)2011
LJ Stanger (Alm)21 1
T Stead (Rast)11 1
O Taylor (Upp)11 1
R Thornton (Slai)11 1
C Topham (Upp)11 1
M Turner (Gol)21 1
O Turner (Alm)21 1
A Vickerman (AB)21 1
Waqaas Javed (BRH)41 1
T Webster (Thon)1011
B Westbrook (Bark)21 1
S Whittaker (EC)11 1
TD Willans (Gol)21 1
J Wilson (Thon)31 1
M Wimpenny (Skel)21 1
C Woodruff (BrO)11 1