Bowling in Waitaki-Tekau Trophy 1974/75 (Ordered by Economy)

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MF Sandri (NO)002333-237.66 00? 0.00
CW Buttar (CO)00822-84.00 00? 0.00
W Melvin (NO)001311-1313.00 00? 0.00
NW McKenzie (NO)001911-1919.00 00? 0.00
IT Geddes (NO)002611-2626.00 00? 0.00
J Barrie (CO)00100     0.00
G Thomas (CO)00110     0.00
AG Cartwright (NO)00120     0.00
M Grant (CO)00170     0.00
AW McHutchon (CO)00170     0.00
LE Anderson (CO)00230     0.00
DG Young (Ash)563110     1.17
RA Chatterton (Ash)160411-44.00 0016.00 1.50
BV Sampson (Ash)7222222-1911.00 0036.00 1.83
BW Andrews (SC)5621811-1818.00 0056.00 1.92
DW Livesey (Ash)11233753-177.40 0022.40 1.98
WL Eddington (SC)5612322-2311.50 0028.00 2.46
BD White (Ash)11234742-2111.75 0028.00 2.51
BC Sampson (Ash)11225053-4110.00 0022.40 2.67
CD Galwey (SC)1120680     3.64
I Chapman (SC)11237322-1836.50 0056.00 3.91
BJ Davidson (SC)9116165-1510.16 0115.16 4.02
PW Melville (SC)5604022-4020.00 0028.00 4.28
SJ Hunt (Ash)5614422-3322.00 0028.00 4.71
W Ritchie (SC)560530     5.67
JU Varcoe (SC)1602811-2828.00 0016.00 10.50