Bowling in RW Biggar Memorial Trophy 1967/68 (Ordered by Average)

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I Hoskin (Ash)7822755-275.40 0115.60 2.07
CD Galwey (SC)7251833-186.00 0024.00 1.50
PG d'Auvergne (SC)6022433-248.00 0020.00 2.40
BD White (Ash)10243633-3612.00 0034.00 2.11
BV Sampson (Ash)8443311-3333.00 0084.00 2.35
EC Smith (Ash)10883411-3434.00 00108.00 1.88
N Bain (SC)4803511-3535.00 0048.00 4.37
PL Cosgrove (SC)7824411-4444.00 0078.00 3.38
WJ Taylor (SC)362180     3.00
KM Butler (Ash)542310     3.44