Batting and Fielding in Newman Shield 1961/62 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
AB Carey (Nel)110271271  271.00 100 
H Williams (Mot)1209963  49.50 013 
PA Newman (Nel)1103737  37.00 001 
JE Black (Nel)1103333  33.00 002 
B Kennedy (Mar)24012994  32.25 012 
BL Hampton (Mot)1206355  31.50 010 
TG Newman (Nel)1103131  31.00 000 
JR Litchfield (Mar)2418877  29.33 011 
EG Potts (Nel)1102121  21.00 004 
A Elliott (Mar)1203731  18.50 000 
SE Lane (Mar)2406842  17.00 001 
IA MacGregor (Mar)2305027  16.66 000 
BE Congdon (Mot)1203220  16.00 000 
IR Hampton (Mot)1203232  16.00 001 
DM Plumb (Mar)1203128  15.50 000 
M Heath (Mot)1202926  14.50 000 
RC Sheridan (Mar)2304021  13.33 001 
GF Hawtin (Mar)1202417  12.00 000 
J Soane (Mot)1211212  12.00 000 
DJS Crisp (Mar)2312318  11.50 001 
RJ Rogers (Mar)1101111  11.00 000 
RI Andrell (Mar)2312119  10.50 0041
DN Burrows (Mot)1202011  10.00 000 
FW Stephens (Nel)11099  9.00 001 
BE Jewell (Nel)11099  9.00 000 
J Askew (Mot)1201711  8.50 000 
AJ McGuire (Mar)241259*8.33 007 
MR Dunne (Mar)11066  6.00 000 
D Cederman (Mot)12154*5.00 000 
RCT Leeds (Nel)11055  5.00 000 
IE Wyatt (Nel)11044  4.00 002 
G Thorn (Mot)12055  2.50 000 
GW Douglas (Mot)12044  2.00 000 
ED Ercolano (Nel)11188* 002 
GE Lowans (Nel)11155* 000 
RH Mortimer (Mar)11133* 000