Fielding in SWALEC Premier Cricket League Division Two 2015 (Ordered by Catches)

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R Jones (Tata)1720626
RG Ready (Tondu)1717 17
T Robinson (MM)1514519
KA Howells (Swan)1612315
H Beaverstock (MM)1610 10
G Cutlan (Aber)1210313
O Davies (CW)1410 10
O Evans (CW)1210515
JD Hubschmid (Swan)1710 10
C Matthews (Tondu)1410515
J Reid (Pan)1310616
G Davies (Tondu)149110
J Derrick (Aber)139 9
S Inward (Swan)149 9
JR Bussey (Tondu)168 8
S Docherty (Pena)148311
D Hay (MM)168 8
B O'Connor (Ywe)138412
T Sidford (Pena)158 8
G Thomas (CW)148 8
L Walters (CW)138 8
C Bamford (Tata)167 7
B Daniels (Swan)137 7
JAC Davies (Pena)14718
D Filer (Pan)117 7
G Harvey (MM)137 7
GR Hayden (Swan)157 7
B Hole (Pent)177 7
A Jardine (Tata)157 7
M Jones (MM)167 7
S Matthews (Pent)177 7
M Roberts (Aber)147 7
C Sewell (Aber)157 7
L Smith (Pan)97 7
C Townsend (Tondu)177 7
A Balouch (Pan)166 6
OF Binding (CW)146 6
GH Bishop (Ywe)156 6
B Edwards (MM)76 6
R Evans (Ywe)156 6
N Ferrell (Tata)146 6
M Grossett (Pent)176 6
D Jones (Tata)176 6
J Mayers (Pan)166 6
C Roberts (Ywe)156 6
A Bukkhari (Pena)145 5
P Grosset (Pent)145 5
H John (Pent)9516
MJ Powell (Pent)95 5
C Reid (Pan)145 5
MV Weathersby (Aber)155 5
CS Whiteley (MM)135 5
T Wilcox (Pent)165 5
R Batcup (Swan)154 4
T Blake (Ywe)144 4
CR Brown (Pent)134 4
JC Glover (Pan)94 4
R Jeffries (Pan)4415
M Jones (Tata)144 4
JM Kettleborough (Ywe)84 4
J Leppard (Tondu)124 4
N Morgan (Pena)154 4
R Owen (Tata)94 4
M Richards (Tondu)24 4
DT Rowe (Swan)174 4
B Sidney-Jones (Aber)154 4
RJ Skone (Pena)164 4
G Thomas (CW)124 4
IM Bird (Pan)143 3
A Chambers (CW)93 3
L Coates (Pent)143 3
G Derrick (Aber)153 3
L Derrick (Aber)103 3
R Draper (Ywe)53 3
R Evans (Tondu)83 3
L Garthwaite (Aber)143 3
J Hardwick (Tondu)73 3
I Hughes (CW)113 3
S Jones (Tata)133 3
S Meaden (MM)43 3
C Mee (Pan)163 3
D Melindo (Tata)93 3
J Mills (Pent)103 3
R Morgan (Pena)143 3
R Palmer (Ywe)143 3
M Shepherd (Swan)83 3
M Thomas (Pena)153 3
J Thorpe-Yon (Pent)123 3
J Williamson (Tondu)143 3
D Batchelor (Swan)15213
S Clarke (Pan)42 2
RO Conner (Ywe)12 2
A Fletcher (Ywe)162 2
G Gardiner (Pent)9246
BR Harris (Pan)82 2
A Harrison (Pan)82 2
J Hitchen (Pena)132 2
A Ikram (Swan)122 2
M Jacka (MM)102 2
S James (CW)122 2
H Jones (MM)142 2
J Jones (CW)92 2
M Jones (Tata)112 2
A Luck (CW)32 2
S Matthews (Pent)172 2
C Smeaton (Tondu)112 2
J Thomas (MM)82 2
C White (Pan)162 2
AJ Beasley (Ywe)151 1
L Brown (Swan)91 1
G Davies (Pan)41 1
T Davies (Ywe)151 1
J Donovan (Tata)121 1
P Donovan (Tata)61 1
C Durke (Swan)31 1
G Dyfri (CW)51 1
J Erasmus (Pena)71 1
D Gambles (Pent)41 1
P Grabham (Tondu)161 1
R Grant (Pent)41 1
B Green (Tondu)81 1
S Hood (Pent)11 1
G Hughes (Aber)11 1
G Jablonski (Aber)31 1
SJ Jardine (Tata)61 1
A Jones (MM)141 1
S Jones (Ywe)31 1
T Lacey (Pena)11 1
A Langrish (Pena)101 1
E McDonald (Swan)71 1
U Malairaj (Aber)131 1
I Marsh (CW)111 1
D Matthews (Tondu)41 1
T Rees (Tata)31 1
L Rogers (CW)71 1
M Saker (Tata)71 1
R Salkeld (Pan)11 1
J Taylor (Pan)71 1
P Taylor (Tata)131 1
A Thomas (MM)41 1
B Thomas (Tondu)141 1
M Thomas (Pena)11 1
L Towell (Ywe)81 1
S Trumper (Pena)21 1
JL Watkins (Pent)11 1
TJ Woolls (Tondu)81 1