Fielding in West of England Premier League Somerset Division 2015 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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W Gouws (Well)1811920
B Craggs (Stap)1513619
J England (NP)1613619
L Irish (NP)1210515
R Eckley (Wem)1616420
L Weeks (But)118412
AR Clark (BL)1113316
C Disney (UC)149211
P Holyday (UC)4325
T Smith (But)4123
H Bowditch (NP)14819
J Cox (Str)11516
A Hamilton (Str)6213
J Ireland (NP)10314
D Quick (Ash)1812113
C Reed (Stap)5112
G Williams (UC)9516
D Alcock (BL)52 2
D Andrews (But)31 1
M Bail (UC)173 3
D Barnes (NP)11 1
D Beal (But)21 1
J Beal (Well)93 3
S Bilsborough (But)165 5
D Bingham (Wem)186 6
M Bird (Stap)94 4
J Bisgrove (Str)84 4
G Bishop (Stap)21 1
IE Bishop (Stap)185 5
ID Blackwell (NP)187 7
M Bligh-Shephard (Ash)22 2
L Bliss (UC)116 6
J Bond (NP)53 3
J Bradbury (Ash)189 9
S Briffett (NP)41 1
J Brockwell (Wem)176 6
A Bunce (NP)164 4
M Burns (NP)77 7
C Burrough (But)22 2
A Campbell (Well)174 4
G Chapman (UC)54 4
K Chapman (UC)61 1
M Cook (NP)95 5
G Cox (UC)124 4
J Cross (Stap)52 2
S Davey (Well)41 1
R Davies (Well)111 1
G Dawes (Ash)111 1
L De Gelas (UC)41 1
L Desave (Well)1611 11
M Dimond (BL)82 2
T Draper (NP)52 2
A Drew (But)153 3
AJ Dunning (But)31 1
D Durston (But)145 5
AJ Eckland (NP)159 9
J Edmondson (But)11 1
S Edmondson (But)11 1
W Edmondson (But)32 2
M Evely (Str)41 1
A Fooks (BL)71 1
M Fox (UC)178 8
S Frost (UC)63 3
T Gibbs (NP)107 7
P Gliddon (Wem)95 5
A Gould (But)35 5
R Gower (Wem)155 5
R Growdon (But)153 3
I Haley (BL)21 1
P Hardy (Stap)155 5
J Harris (Stap)83 3
S Hawes (NP)182 2
S Hayes (Stap)1511 11
J Hayward (BL)127 7
N Hendy (Well)135 5
I Hewson (Well)173 3
H Hicks (But)163 3
D Higgs (Str)116 6
T Higgs (Str)93 3
A Hill (Ash)177 7
C Hill (Ash)105 5
M Hill (Ash)21 1
R Hill (Str)156 6
R Hill (Ash)81 1
G Hooper (Well)31 1
P Horton (Stap)34 4
I Hucker (NP)75 5
P Ireland (NP)61 1
W Ireland (NP)178 8
L Irish (NP)154 4
O Irish (NP)133 3
A Jeanes (Stap)112 2
BM Johnson (NP)187 7
G Johnson (NP)181 1
C Jones (NP)31 1
L Knight (NP)143 3
Krish Kumar (UC)96 6
J Linter (Str)164 4
P Linter (Str)124 4
A Llewellyn (UC)81 1
t Llewellyn (UC)51 1
T Lott (Wem)106 6
J Lowe (Wem)21 1
H Malone (But)31 1
J Malone (Str)51 1
J Marrs (Wem)181 1
J Marshall-James (NP)175 5
S Matthews (UC)31 1
J Mayes (BL)21 1
D Millard (UC)157 7
M Mitchell (Str)154 4
R Moysey (Well)187 7
S Murdock (Well)61 1
K Nessling (Ash)141 1
L Nessling (Ash)151 1
T Oultram (UC)51 1
J Pantling (Stap)83 3
T Pantling (Stap)183 3
J Parker (BL)11 1
T Parnell (But)112 2
A Phillips (Wem)133 3
T Phillips (Stap)102 2
JJ Pienaar (NP)1813 13
R Pigden (Wem)32 2
B Pope (Wem)103 3
M Pope (But)138 8
W Pope (Wem)125 5
N Price (Stap)73 3
M Quick (Stap)21 1
J Riley (Stap)55 5
T Robins (Stap)43 3
B Rose (Ash)62 2
G Rowe (Ash)87 7
R Rowe (Stap)51 1
J Samuel (Well)72 2
A Sapey (BL)136 6
E Savage (Wem)11 1
H Sensecall (Ash)32 2
G Shepherd (BL)41 1
J Shepherd (BL)51 1
P Short (Well)155 5
D Sizer (Stap)126 6
I Smith (Str)73 3
A Sparks (Well)1613 13
S Starost (But)11 1
B Stone (BL)126 6
T Stone (BL)153 3
M Summerfield (Ash)142 2
R Sutton (Stap)21 1
J Symes (NP)147 7
N Taylor (BL)72 2
M Thomas (BL)113 3
D Tottle (NP)51 1
B Trotman (Str)145 5
T Trott (Well)125 5
K Trunks (Wem)165 5
B Vickery (Wem)188 8
M Vowles (Str)53 3
G Walters (BL)143 3
K Ward (UC)126 6
D Watts (Wem)31 1
S Weatherill (BL)21 1
R Weaver (BL)53 3
I Weerawarna (Ash)63 3
C Westcott (Ash)11 1
J Western (Str)111 1
M White (Ash)11 1
GRJ Whorlow (NP)189 9
T Wilkinson (But)116 6
L Williams (Ash)184 4
T Williams (NP)134 4
S Winn (UC)54 4
L Winter (NP)61 1
H Woolway (But)81 1
R Worth (But)142 2