
Bowling in Liverpool and District Cricket Competition 1925 (Ordered by Average)

Runs conceded are not known for all matches
For each bowler, the average is computed taking into account only the runs and wickets in matches where his runs conceded are known
Click on column heading to see the averages sorted by that column

JS Johnston (Liv)00333-31.00 00? 0.00
FG Polley (Nor)002196-213.50 01? 0.00
RG Stevens (SB)00852-?4.00 00? 0.00
JH Dean (SB)00922-94.50 00? 0.00
J Stephen (High)001022-105.00 00? 0.00
A Barrett (Nest)120511-55.00 0012.00 2.50
SG Urmson (Huy)002353-145.75 00? 0.00
WNM Raven (High)001232-126.00 00? 0.00
FJ Guppy (Boot)001952-46.33 00? 0.00
WG Withers (Huy)002644-266.50 10? 0.00
HS Bonnewell (Oxton)001332-136.50 00? 0.00
EG Speed (Huy)2421422-47.00 00? 2.50
JC Maclaren (Liv)004466-447.33 01? 0.00
N Hughes (BP)002362-?7.66 00? 0.00
D Blabey (Liv)002333-237.66 00? 0.00
WA Milne (Nest)002333-237.66 00? 0.00
LN Jones (BH)00307446-228.07 06? 0.00
BH Dyke (High)004153-328.20 00? 0.00
CW Tiplady (Wall)782336527-448.40 3339.00 2.15
BG Holland (High)0084136-178.40 01? 0.00
D Pinnington (Nor)001722-178.50 00? 0.00
W Geddes (Wall)002632-88.66 00? 0.00
WE Jones (BH)00187274-?8.90 40? 0.00
MR Formby (Form)901214286-408.91 0330.00 3.20
T Hall (Boot)900464636-278.92 4590.00 2.06
HG Howell-Jones (Nor)0081125-459.00 11? 0.00
WH Blackstock (Liv)004555-459.00 01? 0.00
A Lees (Sef)001842-189.00 00? 0.00
EE Lewis (Huy)00911-99.00 00? 0.00
BLR Dowse (BP)002843-289.33 00? 0.00
JG Frost (BH)00204216-459.71 21? 0.00
JM Fordyce (Boot)00294376-279.80 14? 0.00
Chad (Form)1084108123-209.81 0021.60 3.11
R Nutter (Form)29411830849-4910.12 21024.50 2.10
WAV Churton (BH)00193236-3610.15 01? 0.00
RN Bates (Oxton)005152-310.20 00? 0.00
E Clare (Sef)00370455-2710.27 41? 0.00
SSC Meikle (High)00188205-2410.44 01? 0.00
Lambe (Liv)1742539527-3910.56 3529.00 2.93
FG Thompson (Nor)00317435-?10.56 04? 0.00
JM Swift (BP)927495476-1110.76 2515.33 0.71
JW Smith (Wall)1928496538-2310.78 3416.00 1.93
GH Batcheldor (Form)2407784-4111.00 1024.00 2.75
FK Revill (Huy)002222-2211.00 00? 0.00
JN Parkes (Wall)1202222-611.00 00? 8.00
RS Critchley (Nor)00155186-4411.07 11? 0.00
A Cole (BP)17514767728-1611.11 6414.58 1.33
H Tyldesley (Oxton)4861010439710-4011.21 5924.30 1.62
JM Swift (Nest)421180275-2411.25 0221.00 2.57
D Sutton (SB)00239284-2011.38 40? 0.00
WO Davies (High)00417437-5111.58 32? 0.00
WR Williams (Liv)3025853-4511.60 0030.00 1.20
JA Logue (Form)301141156-5411.75 01? 3.80
C Sturla (Nor)00119107-7211.90 01? 0.00
B Barrell (Huy)17410876857-2612.00 2824.85 1.86
CA Manning (Nor)001221-?12.00 00? 0.00
VV Luckin (Orm)111043963868-5212.18 5831.71 2.10
LHK Gregson (Liv)007475-5512.33 01? 0.00
TF Cain (Form)1594438408-1312.51 3119.87 2.22
DM Ritchie (Liv)666303286-4612.62 1216.50 1.45
FE Pestell (Wall)721954778-5412.72 47? 2.83
JE Blundell (Orm)481140155-5612.72 0248.00 3.00
EH Johnson (Boot)840409385-8212.78 2184.00 2.21
W Nutter (Nest)1144461486-3412.80 0338.00 2.84
WL Wilson (Oxton)00584496-2812.97 15? 0.00
HW Hodgson (BP)240222206-8913.05 034.80 2.00
F Foster (Wall)541105104-2313.12 1013.50 2.55
HH Bryant (Huy)1145877737-5213.49 4557.00 2.36
AA Barrie (Nor)002786-?13.50 01? 0.00
DC Milne (Nest)00109145-3913.62 01? 0.00
AH Robertson (High)00259274-3013.63 20? 0.00
R Bampton (Orm)71417453427-4914.15 2232.45 2.71
T Stone (Huy)405772-2614.25 004.00 12.00
JP Hodgson (BP)00585507-5114.26 32? 0.00
C Danson (Oxton)1265273233-414.36 0021.00 1.80
HG Smoker (NB)2239771037727-5214.40 3631.09 2.77
CA Warlow (Orm)1265144143-3214.40 0021.00 3.14
JK Edmundson (Nor)008793-2814.50 00? 0.00
W Jenkinson (Boot)1205952-1514.75 00? 7.00
DW Hetherington (Sef)00296264-2714.80 20? 0.00
WL Shaw (Huy)3008983-1914.83 00? 4.80
A Young (Liv)001521-?15.00 00? 0.00
WDF Scott (Nor)00421344-3515.03 20? 0.00
F Lott (Sef)00544406-6415.11 22? 0.00
WN Jones (NB)173173857567-2915.30 1430.91 2.97
WA Warren (SB)00433376-6315.46 03? 0.00
AW Midgley (NB)90832452294-1515.58 3031.31 2.98
AH Meadows (NB)216412683-2115.75 0027.00 3.50
ATW Edmondson (Liv)001621-?16.00 00? 0.00
R Coope (Liv)182338215-10916.09 1118.00 0.66
HP Swift (Nest)302145133-2016.11 0030.00 2.20
G Woodcock (Nor)00226244-?16.14 20? 0.00
WB Stoddart (Liv)006544-6516.25 10? 0.00
JW Bowler (Nest)724334224-3016.70 3072.00 3.58
SC Whitehead (SB)0176792-2616.75 00? 0.00
GE Reed (Sef)00544454-?17.00 30? 0.00
FA Rushton (SB)005173-5117.00 00? 0.00
R Grayson (Orm)242156115-5317.33 01? 1.50
KF Collier (Liv)481191124-4217.36 20? 4.25
JL Anderson (Sef)008752-2017.40 00? 0.00
J Boxwell (Wall)003522-3517.50 00? 0.00
JR Barnes (Orm)10225431-618.00 0034.00 3.17
GA Beausire (Nest)001821-?18.00 00? 0.00
GT Stevens (SB)001811-1818.00 00? 0.00
CGG Menham (NB)17449154-4418.20 1034.80 3.13
JWC Salter (Nor)003732-3718.50 00? 0.00
AR Crooke (NB)4803722-3718.50 0024.00 4.62
R Hall (SB)005773-?19.00 00? 0.00
JD Garner (High)00134153-4119.14 00? 0.00
J McKenna (High)00135134-?19.28 10? 0.00
A Riding (Orm)66111683-2019.33 00? 4.00
AE Stott (Liv)003942-3919.50 00? 0.00
JD Davies (NB)94622525263-1020.19 0036.38 3.32
HJ Beausire (Nest)901328264-2320.50 1090.00 3.40
H Hobley (Boot)780208233-?20.80 0078.00 2.84
RG Coulsting (Wall)002121-?21.00 00? 0.00
R Mitchell (Wall)1802231-?22.00 0018.00 7.33
RB Taylor (Orm)126411162-2022.20 0063.00 2.80
JW Corran (Sef)002521-?25.00 00? 0.00
R Stapledon (Liv)48011143-2727.75 00? 3.87
EV Howard (Oxton)6012921-?29.00 0060.00 2.90
RM Dutton (BH)0011743-4729.25 00? 0.00
W Lowthian (High)00120153-?30.00 00? 0.00
RFC Scott (Oxton)003011-3030.00 00? 0.00
RA Barrett (Nest)003121-?31.00 00? 0.00
GE Jones (Nest)006222-6231.00 00? 0.00
GD Vickers (Orm)11406522-3332.50 0057.00 3.42
ST Jagger (Liv)10236922-6934.50 0051.00 4.05
E de Figueiredo (Wall)003511-3535.00 00? 0.00
R Frost (BH)007822-7839.00 00? 0.00
JR Harvey (SB)004031-?40.00 00? 0.00
EK Marsh (BP)008111-8181.00 00? 0.00
GH Ferns (BP)00032-?? 00? 0.00
DAW Thesiger (Liv)00021-?? 00? 0.00
Duggan (Sef)00022-?? 00? 0.00
AL Witter (Nest)00022-?? 00? 0.00
JC Sharp (Huy)00021-?? 00? 0.00
C Tinker (Sef)00011-?? 00? 0.00
FC Harrison (Nor)00011-?? 00? 0.00
WF Witter (Nest)00011-?? 00? 0.00
GK Lunt (Sef)00011-?? 00? 0.00
AW Heap (Wall)00011-?? 00? 0.00
Holland (Sef)00011-?? 00? 0.00
F Miller (Sef)00011-?? 00? 0.00
J Lewis (BH)00011-?? 00? 0.00
R McEntegart (Sef)00011-?? 00? 0.00
SB McQueen (High)00011-?? 00? 0.00
R Scott (Boot)00011-?? 00? 0.00
S Faraday (Huy)00011-?? 00? 0.00
FJ Griffiths (Nest)00011-?? 00? 0.00
HJM Uren (High)002211-?? 00? 0.00
C Guild (Oxton)0000     0.00
GL Woods (Orm)6040     4.00
FC Morris (NB)6040     4.00
LJ Pearson (NB)6060     6.00
MS Woods (Orm)18170     2.33
AR Stewart-Grant (NB)24090     2.25
RW Kirkham (NB)362160     2.66
J McDowall (NB)541250     2.77
JL White (Boot)240250     6.25
EP Thompson (NB)420270     3.85
WJ Galleway (NB)300290     5.80
H Gower-Jones (NB)420380     5.42





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