Fielding in Victoria Cricket Association Premiership 1988/89 (Ordered by Catches)

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RI Templeton (Melb)1739241
KA Whichello (Coll)1732133
MJ O'Sullivan (Ncte)1528129
GJ Holland (Rich)1226127
JF Shannon (Ess)1526935
NR Strong (Univ)1526228
MCA York (NM)1526127
SG Hewitt (Wav)1125227
KJ Malligan (Prah)1525227
SM Jackson (HEM)1524 24
JR Jacoby (StK)1624529
JB Kline (FD)1523225
R Reber (Foot)1523124
MB Emery (Carl)1520222
PA Kingston (SM)1520 20
TJ Laughlin (Coll)1715 15
B Bond (Coll)1714 14
CE Bradley (Melb)1714 14
AL Chadwick (SM)1514 14
MG Hewitt (Wav)1613215
MGD Dimattina (Ring)612 12
DA Emerson (Coll)1712 12
WJ Scholes (FD)1512 12
JM Wiener (Ncte)1512 12
SJ Fitchett (StK)1311 11
CG Foenander (NM)1511 11
PD King (Melb)1711 11
RJ Licheni (Ess,Foot)811 11
WG Ayres (Melb)1510 10
RG Matthews (HEM)1310 10
SS Prescott (Wav)1610 10
IF Sartori (NM)1510 10
WM Tyson (FD)1010 10
RW Watts (FD)1510 10
DC Bennett (Univ)159 9
WR Bennett (Ncte)129 9
GB Gardiner (Ncte)159 9
DA Jamieson (SM)129 9
JM Markham (NM)129 9
AJ Paone (Foot)119 9
DF Whatmore (Prah)109 9
OR Wright (SM)159 9
GN Yallop (SM)129 9
NR Buszard (Coll)168 8
DA Harris (Rich)158 8
J Murphy (StK)158 8
MB Newell (Ncte)148 8
NA Pendrey (Ring)68 8
MWD Sholly (Univ)158 8
JW Simmons (Foot)158 8
LKW Stonehouse (HEM)138 8
IG Wheeler (FD)158 8
IW Callen (Ring)117 7
PJ Grant (Prah)157 7
LK Hayes-Rosario (Ring)87 7
RJ Herman (Melb)177 7
SA Hunt (Foot)157 7
GL Jordan (Coll)177 7
RN Lane (Carl)157 7
AW Lynch (StK)167 7
JK Mark (SM)137 7
M Osborne (StK)97 7
TR Plumridge (Carl)157 7
JR Salter (Ring)157 7
JA Sutherland (Univ)157 7
DK Walker (StK)167 7
WG Whiteside (StK)167 7
SJ Cashen (Carl)156 6
SC Daish (Prah)116 6
PA de Silva (Prah)96 6
BBJ Doyle (Carl)106 6
A Keays (Ncte)46 6
RE Lawrence (Carl)156 6
MJ Leehane (Ess)126 6
RCAM McCarthy (NM)136 6
AD McGinty (Ncte)116 6
GD Miles (Carl)156 6
WA Phillips (Univ)96 6
M Ray (Wav)106 6
JD Siddons (Ess)36 6
IA Wrigglesworth (Rich)126 6
WC Blair (NM)75 5
AR Chisholm (SM)145 5
CM Conroy (Carl)105 5
PJ Davies (Rich)75 5
SP Davis (Ess)155 5
GS Fox (Ring)155 5
DR Hampton (Wav)95 5
BJ McArdle (Wav)165 5
SM McCooke (Melb)85 5
JM Mitchell (Rich)85 5
TW O'Brien (Univ)155 5
PR Reiffel (Rich)115 5
DJ Ryan (Foot)155 5
PGA Sundberg (HEM)155 5
LJ Watts (FD)155 5
IM Wingreen (StK)165 5
GJ Allardice (Univ)84 4
MCJ Ball (NM)64 4
PA Brown (Wav)54 4
JM Causon (Ess)154 4
GP Dowling (Ncte)154 4
SJ Gemmill (NM)144 4
DJ Gleeson (Ncte)34 4
RA Hodges (Rich)74 4
MA Johnson (Coll)144 4
NE King (Ring)154 4
RA Kline (Ring)154 4
D McKee (Foot)154 4
RS Mahanama (FD)94 4
PG Meddings (Ring)44 4
DJ Mohr (Wav)164 4
KJ Neville (Prah)154 4
PA Quinn (Rich)154 4
BP Ricci (Ring)144 4
IM Roberts (HEM)104 4
DB Robinson (StK)164 4
MK Ryan (HEM)64 4
DJ Saker (Rich)124 4
AW Scott (Prah)154 4
JG Watkin (HEM)84 4
SJ Womersley (Univ)104 4
AJ Amalfi (Coll)173 3
KJ Baddeley (Foot)63 3
DB Bell (HEM)63 3
RJ Bright (Rich)153 3
ST Brown (HEM)103 3
SA Cunningham (Melb)63 3
AC Dale (Ncte)153 3
PG Ervin (Carl)113 3
DS Foley (Wav)113 3
JM Handscomb (StK)73 3
MJ Hansen (Wav)123 3
JG Hayres (Wav)43 3
RF Hockney (Rich)3314
RM Hogg (Wav)163 3
IWR Holten (Melb)133 3
MC Hooper (Melb)163 3
RA Howland (HEM)133 3
DJ Jakobi (HEM)93 3
PA Joiner (Coll)173 3
PE McIntyre (Ess)123 3
CM McKenzie (Univ)103 3
CA McKissack (FD)153 3
SA McLaren (Ring)23 3
OS Mottau (NM)123 3
CM O'Sullivan (Carl)73 3
KEJ Perera (NM)83 3
PC Stephens (NM)143 3
CC Sutherland (Univ)113 3
DA Tate (Ess)83 3
IW Waller (FD)123 3
GM Watts (FD)73 3
PW Young (Ess)153 3
PM Anderson (Univ)112 2
MJ Ash (Melb)112 2
RA Bartlett (Wav)52 2
AG Begg (FD)62 2
PD Burns (Foot)152 2
CJ Bustard (Melb)132 2
RS Byrnes (Rich)62 2
TJ Caffery (HEM)42 2
BA Chambers (SM)22 2
MG Davenport (Ess)92 2
PW Dredge (Foot)152 2
D Evans (Rich)62 2
JM Fitzpatrick (Ess)82 2
DW Fleming (SM)122 2
MJ Freeman (Ring)152 2
SF Graf (StK)162 2
AJ Grant (Prah)152 2
RJ Hewett (Prah)62 2
PA Hibbert (Ess)142 2
DJ Hickey (Melb)162 2
GK Hobba (Ncte)152 2
DM Johnstone (StK)52 2
PM Lacy (SM)72 2
R Madhav (NM)32 2
SB Maxwell (Wav)162 2
GJ Miles (HEM)42 2
MR Mitchell (Foot)92 2
J Pucovski (Prah)132 2
MB Quinn (Rich)142 2
MKM Rankin (Ring)32 2
TC Rowe (FD)22 2
BD Russ (SM)82 2
PG Sinclair (Univ)42 2
RKW Skinner (Coll)52 2
DM Stranger (Ring)142 2
IR Taylor (Univ)32 2
PF Watkin (Wav)52 2
BN Wigney (HEM)122 2
CP Williams (Prah)102 2
NJ Williams (Carl)82 2
SG Williams (Foot)52 2
DG Wright (SM)22 2
JM Wright (NM)152 2
JR Wrigley (Ess)122 2
C Allibon (Ncte)31 1
P Bullen (Ring)11 1
NW Bush (Foot)41 1
BG Capuano (SM)41 1
TV Considine (FD)131 1
SG Cottrell (Prah)91 1
GA Cull (StK)51 1
DA Cullen (Ess)31 1
YRP de Silva (NM)31 1
AW Dodd (NM)11 1
TC Doyle (StK)101 1
ER Eddings (Ncte)151 1
MA Esposito (Wav)11 1
WJ Fowler (Foot)41 1
PA Garlick (Melb)51 1
AP Gurusinha (NM)91 1
IJ Harvey (Wav)1112
DJ Hassett (NM)31 1
IC Hennig (Melb)71 1
PA Hetherington (SM)11 1
SD Hubber (Ring)61 1
AWG Huntington (HEM)111 1
JD Ingleton (Ess)51 1
CA Ingram (Coll)141 1
PW Jackson (Rich)61 1
CS Joseph (SM)131 1
RA Kiddle (Prah)21 1
RG King (Ring)31 1
CA Knudsen (Prah)81 1
GR McCrow (Carl)31 1
RD McKinlay (FD)11 1
DL McMurray (Foot)61 1
GAG Mills (Foot)11 1
RG Mott (SM)41 1
SP O'Donnell (Ess)51 1
GI Peckham (Univ)81 1
WN Phillips (SM)91 1
AC Ross (Univ)121 1
G Sleeman (Coll)161 1
CK Smith (Ncte)91 1
GN Webb (Ess)81 1
DJ Welch (Carl)141 1
C White (HEM)41 1
DJ Wilson (Foot)51 1