Fielding in Gillette Cup (West Indies) 1975/76 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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RL Skeete (Bar)35 5
PJL Dujon (Jam)13 3
CL King (Bar)33 3
DL Murray (Trin)23 3
EN Trotman (Bar)33 3
CG Greenidge (Bar)32 2
DM Lewis (Jam)12 2
D Abraham (Wwd)21 1
JC Allen (Lwd)11 1
SF Allen (Jam)11 1
DS Baptiste (Trin)11 1
PCS Bartholomew (Trin)21 1
MS Camacho (Lwd)11 1
WW Daniel (Bar)31 1
MLC Foster (Jam)11 1
SA Gomes (Trin)21 1
HEI Gore (Lwd)11 1
VA Holder (Bar)31 1
DAJ Holford (Bar)31 1
BD Julien (Trin)21 1
AL Kelly (Lwd)11 1
JB Newton (Bar)31 1
D Ramkissoon (Trin)21 1
AME Roberts (Lwd)11 1
LC Sargeant (Lwd)11 1
LNG Wright (Jam)11 1