Fielding in Kerala Cricket Association Inter-Zone Under-16 Tournament 2012/13 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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A Anand (CZo)26 6
RS Yeshwanth (NZo)25 5
S Sajeev (CZo)14 4
G Abhijith (SZo)12 2
R Mohammed (SZo)22 2
AN Shaji (CZo)2112
M Shameel (NZo)22 2
MA Adarsh (SZo)21 1
A Babu (NZo)11 1
E Chacko (NZo)11 1
A Harikrishnan (CZo)21 1
A Krishnan (NZo)21 1
MB Manish (SZo)21 1
VK Sreerag (NZo)21 1