Fielding in Shepherd Neame Essex Cricket League Second Division 2013 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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JT Potticary (Hut)1720525
M Page (SLH)1719221
PA Murray (Horn)1411920
M Fogg (Bel)1512719
J Sexton (Leigh)1618 18
J Walsh (Horn)1617118
P Maynard (GPR)1512517
B King (Leigh)1413316
D Hackney (SEMT)1611415
L Knight (SLH)1615 15
DI Joyce (Bel)1712113
CM Withanage (Hut)1613 13
PI Walter (Bill)1612 12
JEP Crapnell (Hut)1711 11
A Smith (Bill)1010111
P Ayres (Horn)1410 10
J Southgate (Hut)1610 10
J West (Horn)1610 10
MJ Guilbert (Bel)159 9
C Horton (Bill)69 9
ML Bones (Horn)168 8
JC Francis (GPR)12718
S Hunt (SEMT)178 8
SWL Rutland (Bill)158 8
W Spear (SEMT)168 8
G Threadgold (OSS)178 8
D Waller (Leigh)178 8
S Burch (Leigh)15617
S Hewitt (GPR)167 7
KH Hoq (SEMT)177 7
M James (Horn)147 7
S Johnson (SEMT)87 7
JL Joyce (Bel)177 7
A Lucas (OSS)127 7
JH Plom (Hut)167 7
NS Vanner (Hut)177 7
C Guy (OSS)7336
JR Mowll (Hut)156 6
Numan Khan (SEMT)156 6
MA Whitlock (Horn)146 6
R Catchpole (Leigh)85 5
D Harford (Bill)125 5
A Hunt (OSS)175 5
R Johnston (OSS)115 5
B Lee (Horn)3415
CI McKie (GPR)145 5
J Marson (Horn)145 5
S Perera (SLH)145 5
A Samid (Horn)155 5
J Sibbons (SEMT)125 5
H Slack (Leigh)75 5
BJ Thakkar (GPR)95 5
BER Wathen (SEMT)115 5
M Bunce (OSS)114 4
A Butcher (SEMT)174 4
D Carpenter (Hut)124 4
RP Collard (GPR)164 4
R Day (Bel)124 4
S Elliott (Leigh)154 4
S Elliott (Leigh)134 4
R Filmalter (GPR)164 4
D Hinnigan (Bill)114 4
J Holmwood (SEMT)84 4
J Horne (SEMT)104 4
DJ Houghton (Bill)154 4
M Leslie (SLH)164 4
I McDonald (OSS)164 4
J Pegram (GPR)114 4
JA Robbins (SEMT)174 4
CF Sains (Horn)134 4
C Sawyer (OSS)11314
Usman Jan (Horn)164 4
T Anandakrishnan (OSS)173 3
LB Bones (Horn)93 3
MC Canavon (Horn)163 3
DJ Cocklin (Hut)123 3
J Edwards (Leigh)123 3
NR Fretwell (GPR)93 3
GR Ginsburgh (Horn)113 3
SM Hynes (Bill)123 3
G Jefferies (Bel)163 3
D Kenyon (Bel)123 3
A Knight (SLH)53 3
P Martin (Bill)83 3
D Norris (Bel)123 3
D Page (SLH)173 3
RF Saunders (Horn)123 3
JJ Sorrell (Horn)153 3
P Southgate (Bill)123 3
R Wells (Bel)153 3
M Wilson (OSS)63 3
ML Austin (OSS)82 2
S Balakrishan (Horn)22 2
A Camp (Leigh)152 2
G Clark (Horn)82 2
C Collier (GPR)162 2
M Desai (GPR)42 2
BJ Dowse (OSS)72 2
S Feeley (Hut)152 2
M Gray (SLH)112 2
C Hammond (Horn)142 2
GWB Hammond (Bill)102 2
GS Hynes (Bill)152 2
J Iqbal (Bel)52 2
P Jayaprakash (Horn)102 2
M Lewis (Bel)102 2
C Maher (SEMT)42 2
T Moseley (Horn)62 2
R Page (SLH)152 2
PA Reynolds (Bill)92 2
G Sanderson (SLH)172 2
S Sewgobind (SLH)82 2
Taqi Abbas (Horn)22 2
S Wallace (Leigh)82 2
J Walter (Bill)122 2
M Wells (Horn)42 2
B Winter (Bel)172 2
R Worsfold (OSS)122 2
S Baldwin (GPR)41 1
S Bell (Leigh)81 1
J Bourke (Horn)41 1
RDA Burd (Horn)61 1
M Craddock (OSS)11 1
S Damle (GPR)71 1
RPW Daynes (SEMT)111 1
D Dreher (Bel)21 1
J Dyos (Leigh)41 1
LPJ Edwards (Horn)31 1
MR Gridley (OSS)121 1
P Groves (Leigh)81 1
S Hall (Bel)21 1
B Hodgekiss (Horn)31 1
C Lewis (Bel)81 1
C Mortlock (OSS)31 1
JH Mowll (Hut)11 1
R Mullboccus (Horn)101 1
S Muraleedharan (OSS)81 1
Naeem Anjum (Horn)31 1
J Panthagani (OSS)21 1
T Patterson (Hut)141 1
J Pettitt (Leigh)41 1
A Ridley (Horn)61 1
M Sexton (Leigh)11 1
R Stubbington (Leigh)31 1
MD Tarr (GPR)151 1
B Tarten (SLH)81 1
SJ Thurston (Hut)51 1
J West (Horn)31 1
M Wills (Horn)31 1
L Willson (Leigh)51 1